Chapter 41

Somewhere on the earth...

Any luck finding Phoenix...?? A man said with a voice like roar in the dark...

No lord ryojin... we have been looking from nation to nation, no one knows the Phoenix... May be that was just a myth after all... 5 men in standing in black cloak with green flam patterns on it

Shut up you fool... It's the ancient prophecy we already found his place of Birth we need Phoenix to resurrect him....

This world will know the true power.. A man said with evil laughing

I carry in me the blood of dragon, we just need Phoenix, if I am in this world Phoenix should be here as well...


Den's perspective :

Naruto you idiot stop fighting sasuke you know ..... You are making me so angry right now naruto....

I I am sorry moon chan... I didn't do anything it's just him he thinks he is so cool... Naruto said in fear because of my anger...

I kissed his forehead... You stupid you will be strong one day naruto even stronger Thn any previous hokage... Remember you told me you gonna surpass every hokage... Why are you being jealous to sasuke... Just train hard more hard Thn you trained yesterday... I heard you mastered clone jutsu but with a very high risk... Don't do that again naruto... Remember I just have you 2 I don't wanna loose, promise me you will take care of yourself...

I promise.. He said with a big grin

That's right you looser stop complaining about every little thing and stop being a pain .. Sasuke said

And you too bubble come here... He came I poked his forehead...

Nii chan you better not do it again.. He said with anger...

Stop being hard on yourself you are strong my little brother... I kissed his forehead too..

Stop treating me like a kid nii chan I already graduated from the academy...
And you know what that idiot naruto graduated too. But he failed in exam yet he still graduated I can't believe...

Well you gotta believe I am stronger Thn you sasuke...

Huh looser...

BTW nii chan don't girl get boyfriends in your age... Move on and find a boyfriend for yourself... You don't have to see his picture everyday, find a boyfriend so you don't need pictures.. Sasuke said

You know what sasuke ... I am Gonna make your new sensei my boyfriend, is he handsome? ... I said as a joke...

Be ready i gonna meet him tomorrow.. Naruto said

You two are in a team?

We don't know yet... Sasuke said

No way a ninja like me can never be with a looser like him... Naruto said pouting..

Huh a looser like you can't be with me anyway... Sasuke said with his cool boy expression...

Now now you two that's enough.... Just pray you both will not be sent back to academy...

Not gonna happen...

Time skip...

It's evening I went to enjoy a long walk...

Den mind if I join you... Kakashi said from above the roof.. Leaning his back on the roof reading his pervy book.. Never gonna change... Hopeless romantic Kakashi

Yes k, better 2 Thn 1

He jumped down..

We start walking his hand in his pocket other hand holding book... Man he don't know how to walk with a girl... He is a bigger idiot Thn my naruto

Hi you two... A voice came from a distance..

I sensed a familiar chakara...

You pervy.. I run in my full speed and punched him on his stomach...


He went flying in the air.....

Ahaha ... Kakashi said sweat dropping and scratching his head..

You have become a monster kiddo...

Is that how you greet  your sweet God father... He asked

Shut up you pervy... Do you know what happened in the past years and you are showing your face to me now... You useless old pervert...

Ah D-den calm down... Kakashi said sweat dropping...

Okay okay now let's get something to eat I am hungry and her punch made me hungrier...

So you want another punch old man...

No I mean i need food....

Time skip

He ordered food and drinks..

After eating he offered a special drink to me ..

What's so special about it...

OH it's a new drink kiddo I saved it for you because I was going to see you after a long time...

You know what old man you haven't met naruto yet have you?

He start looking some excuses for that...

I am telling you he is old enough to learn, I want you to train him.. Do you hear me

Sure sure den no need to ask me I am gonna train him I promise.. Just drink your drink already...

I drink that... What's so special about it... It taste awful... I said making weird faces...

Kakashi's perspective :

I was talking to jiraiya...

After 15 minutes I noticed den staring at me constantly...

Is something wrong den? I asked

Show me.. She said

Show you what?

Show me what's behind the mask...

Her eyes looks heavy....

What kind of drink you gave her master jiraiya... I asked with worried expression

OH it was nothing just sleeping pills with saake..
Sweet revenge for punching me...

She was trying to grab my mask I was struggling to stop her...

She is so young to get drunk..
Master jiraiya it is like you are taking revenge on me... She is gonna kill you in the morning

OH no Kakashi..
She will do something embarrassing and feel guilty tomorrow...

I am looking forward to see the look on her face tomorrow.... Just don't stop her if she... You know what I mean.. I know she loves you  so don't feel upset about if anything happens, she is in love with you.... And by your behavior you too love her so I am not worried or anything about it now, and not worried what she will do to me... He said with his normal cheerful attitude

... Just meet me in the morning I want to talk to you... He said in serious tone...

Get her home Kakashi...

Yes... I tried to pick her but no she is not gonna listen...

Den I will show you but let's just go...


I promise...

She let me pick her up...

I went to my apartment since I am going to be the jonin leader to her brothers so I should not go there with her like this...


Den you are drunk.. Just get some rest I put her on my bed and stood up for leaving but she held my hand...

K don't go you promised me you will show me what's behind the mask...

Den you will probably forget tomorrow so why don't you see me in the morning... I tried to argue with her

Nah I wanna see you now now now...

Okay so now she is behaving like a little kid...

Okay okay... I said
She sit, back facing the bed...

Show me show me.. She said excitedly

I was blushing... I start to take down my mask slowly...

She was so quiet all of sudden...

Den what's wrong...

K you..

What? She is making me nervous.. I think She don't like my face...

K you are so perfect, absolutely hot... She said cupping my face,  my cheeks are red now ...

Her eyes was shining like stars looking at me like I am something really mesmerizing...

She kissed my cheek..

It feels more better like this k you are gorgeous ..

. I was not expecting that reaction I thought she didn't like me.. But her comments are making me blush so bad my face is burning...

K are you sick.... She asked with heavy eyes..

N-no den I am fine... You better sleep now...

I was about to trun when she held my arm..

Taking down my mask again...

No you can't go... She said with serious tone...

You meant every word of what you said didn't you Kakashi... Tell me you haven't change your mind...

Den I meant everything I said.. I love you.. I said smiling at her.. Now go to sleep..

She came close to my face... I love you too k... I love you since the day I met you...

She actually loves me... I owe master jiraiya a big time...

Den please sleep I don't want you to regret anything specially being with me...

I won't regret anything specially being with you...

She kissed me.. I couldn't control my urge to kiss her back...

I pushed her down on the bed while kissing her... My hands wondering around her body to find a perfect place to rest while her hands moved from my neck to my hair...

She broke the kiss looking at me, k I want you ..

I kissed her again... Not getting enough of her taste... I started to plant soft kisses on her neck ... I took off her shirt..

( i don't like writing these type of scenes)

Time skip...

It's so amazing feeling.. She is here with me laying next to me I can freely kiss her hold her touch her.... I held her and kissed her shoulder and fell asleep with her...

Den's perspective :

I woke up my head is so heavy and my whole body hurts ...

I froze when I realized I was in someone's arm.  And he is holding me tightly and his steady breath on my back... It's k.. I slept with him..

What have I done... I was naked ... What the hell did you do this time den.. You stupid old man I am gonna kill you...

I wanted to run away somewhere where I don't see k for a few days... I tried to move his hand from me but he wokeup...

Den you are awake...

He said pulling me closer to his chest..... There was nothing between us but the skin

K I am sorry I was drunk...

He set back looking at me curiously with a fear in his eyes...

are you regretting every thing that happened between us last night den... He asked with sadness..

Huh? No k.. It not like that I can't regret anything with you mm it's just... I.. My hands start shaking in fear...

Den what is it??? he said placing his hand on my cheek..

I can't tell you k I am sorry... I tried to stand up when I felt his arms around my stomach...

Please den don't do this to me... His head resting on my back..

K.. I - I love you... I said just to ease the tension between us...

Thn why are you leaving like this.... he said in whisper his warm breath against my back.. Made me shiver..

K I will be back.. I said

Den look at me...

He trun me to look him..

I can't look him in the eyes...

Den please tell me what is it... Is something wrong, don't you like me, tell me we can fix anything together... He said with his soothing voice...

K it's nothing... You.. You are perfect

If it's nothing and you regret nothing Thn stay for breakfast... I have a meeting with my students I will leave too

I nodded my head...

He took down his mask... I was lost looking at his perfectly dreamy face he is so gorgeous... Absolutely flawless with a beautiful beauty mark near his lower lip on the left side...

He came closer to me and kissed me...

He is an amazing kisser I can never get tired of him kissing me...... I pull him closer I knew I can't do anything but to enjoy this moment not aware of what he will choose after seeing me becoming something ugly.... But tachi said if he really loves me he will love everything about me... But for now I am gonna keep my mouth shut.. And let him be the way he is now.. A perfect lover... But I will not do it again that is for sure...

K you will be late... Now let's get ready I have something to do too..

I said running my fingers through his hair.. he was laying on me resting his head in my chest...

Yeah... He didn't move

K who is in your team....

It doesn't matter who is in my team... if they are not gonna behave like a team I won't pass them...

So it will be you 27th team you will fail... Have you ever consider being soft to kids like you are with me....

Kids are not you den.. And they have to learn now or they gonna end up without friends in future, being all alone, if they don't learn the importance of team work...... He said still not moving...

What about your kids k... I was regreting after saying this... I was all red he must be thinking I am a creep...

He lifted his head to look at me...
What did you just say den, say it again...

I- no nothing k it was nothing....

Please den...

It was a joke...

Why joke don't you think I can be a good husband ? He was blushing too.

Yes you will... I said closing my eyes due to my embarrassment he kissed my forehead...

I will be good to the children too den... he said in slow husky voice against my forehead...

I kissed tip on his nose... He is soo lovely man..

I am hungry now...I said pushing him a little

I am so sorry I will make you break fast in no time you just get ready in the mean time...

Okay... I kissed him on his sharingan eye...

He took a towel to cover him...

Man he Is so perfect more Thn I imagined him to be... I was just eyeballing my own man now.. My man? Really den.. He didn't say he is gonna be your husband he just asked if he will be a good husband... Off course he will.... But what will happen when he knows... Until Thn I am gonna keep my distance just a little so I won't hurt him and I don't get hurt too
