Chapter 9.. You Are My Family

Choose your dress that you wear every day by the way I prefer first one since it looks like Kushina's dress... But it's up to you whatever you like♥️♥️♥️

.. Itachi's perspective :

It's been a months moon is staying with us at our home

I miss my old moon.. Now she is quite dont talk much.. I try everything to cheer her up not only me but shisui..

he takes both of us for ramen every other day

But she doesn't seems to like anything..

I know she needs time to heal but what if she take too long I can't see her like this she looks broken unlike my moon..

She went to lord hokage to ask him if she can stay with her brother but he refused... He said naruto is a kid you can't take care of him yet, you are too young to take care of a child...

And I asked him if she can stay with me lord hokage agreed...

Before coming here she went to her old house to pick up her old photographs and his dad's kunai and some other stuff that was important to her and she locked the house

She looked at kunai... In case naruto ever need one too she smiled at me..

We both are staying in one room because she gets night mare of that night, so I thought it's not a good idea to leave her alone someone has to stay so that would be me..

She will get better I know she isn't the one who will stay on the ground to crawl ... soon she will lift her wings and fly again.. With me... I will get my old moon back..


At night we played with sasuke he is 4 months old now..

And after eating, everyone went to their rooms.. So as we

Good night tachi.. And thanks for everything you have done for me, she said smiling at me

I went to her side... you know if you really are thankful why don't you be the same moon I always love and admire ..

I said smiling at her..

I will become same don't worry you won't be free from me for long.. She said tapping on my forehead with her fingers like I do to sasuke And her...

I am too bored to be free from you anymore.. it's been a month you know she looked at me her eyes expression changed realizing it's been a month since that incident ..

Don't worry moon take your time I can wait for you as long as you want... I said cupping her face into my hands ...

Tachi thank you.. You know dad once told me one who has a good friend doesn't need any mirror, I know now what he meant by that, your never saw me as some strange creature or a monster unlike others you always knew what is in my heart and what I truly am you treated me like somebody, somebody precious like dad and mom, I love you tachi I don't wanna loose you.... she said looking at me

.. Now now go to sleep you emotional mess, you are not going to loose me even when I am not with you but i will stay with you .. I said turning off the lights...

Mid night...

Mom dad please don't leave me mom dad please open your eyes I still can save you dad please don't leave me I need you...

She was having another nightmare...

I ran toward her side.. Took her in my arms and hold her tight...

Wakeup moon it's just a bad dream.. I said waking her up and creasing her cheek..

Wakeup moon everything is alright... I am here with you..

She opened her eyes holding my hand that was on her face... Tachi I had a bad dream again..

I nodded!!

I am sorry tachi I am being a burden to you now, I am sorry she said closing her eyes..

Moon you aren't any burden to me or anyone else here you better understand that you are the part of this family and you are my best friend and sasuke's big sis too... I know it's hard for you, you need time to heal.. Soul always knows how to heal itself you just have to silence your mind..

She looked at me and raised her head to kiss me on my cheek... I am lucky to have you tachi and don't dare to leave me or I will kill you myself... She said tapping on my forehead again...

I lean in to kiss her back on her forhead.. You know moon you are stupid like always I said with a small chuckle with close eyes...

Now try to sleep... I said still hugging her..

Sing me a song tachi... She said resting her head on my chest

What me? No moon I don't sing..

Why not.. Sing me a song or I won't sleep.. she said pouting

Okay okay as you wish moony..

I start singing song and petting her head..

(Song by Cody Francis)

Close your eyes

Get some rest

I'm by your side

Lay your head on my chest

I know you have had

A really bad day

But I'm right here

It's gonna be okay

The world could fall down

It's gonna be okay

The sun could go out

We're gonna be okay

If all the blue skies fade to grey

We're gonna be okay

Calm your soul

Hold my hand

Don't let go

I understand

I know it hurts

It wasn't fair

It's over now

So don't despair

The world could fall down

It's gonna be okay

The sun could go out

We're gonna be okay

If all the blue skies fade to grey

We're gonna be okay



The world could fall down

It's gonna be okay

The sun could go out

We're gonna be okay

If all the blue skies fade to grey

We're gonna be okay

The world could fall down

It's gonna be okay

The world could fall down

The sun could go out

We're gonna be okay

If all the blue skies fade to grey

We're gonna be okay

You have beautiful voice tachi.. She said looking at me.. Her words made me blush

You think so? .. Thanks moon... It's nothing compared to you..

Tachi the beauty you see in me is the reflection of your own soul you know ..

Now you can go to sleep I am good.. She said

Time skip ( 8 months)

Shisui's perspective :

Finally a day off after a long time..

But what's good in it... It's moon's birthday tomorrow I am her big brother so I have to celebrate her birthday ...

I asked itachi to come and help me.. she will be 7 this year..

Time skip

Me and itachi went to buy some ingredients for cake and brought gifts for her I brought her a full moon choker

İtachi brought her a half moon necklace

It was really hard for itachi to leave her home when she ask so many questions...

She is handful when it comes to questions...

Den's perspective :

(Shisui's house.. Night)

İtachi and shisui are first to wish me..

Falsh back..

Happy birthday den.. dad came to my room at 12am waking me up from my sleep.. Let's go your mom baked a cake for you get up you are 6 now right.. he carry me in his arms and walked toward the dining hall where mom was waiting for us... Happy birthday den, mom said kissing my forehead, happy birthday den... A voice came from behind.. It was no other than k (Kakashi).. You are late Kakashi I thought you will come a little early mom said...

S-sorry I was with guy for another friendly rivel challenge he doesn't know the meaning no.. End of flash back

.. It was my first birthday celebration.. With Mom dad and Kakashi, I don't see him much .. He don't look for me either... I see him on obito and rin's and dad's grave from a distance... But he never notice me... Sometimes I leave chocolate for him like old time

Moon come on let's cut the cake now shishui called me..

... Moon what are you doing just hurry up and cut the cake already.. itachi said...

Coming coming dont he so imapatent...

I went to cut the cake, thanks you two I said with my signature grin face..

Shisui put choker on my neck that's for my little sis always shine like full moon...

Itachi did the same

.. Thank you guys I love it I said smiling... You know you two are my suns who help me to shine and I am not gonna lose my light again..

Just stay with me okay..

They both chuckle... yeah yeah we have to do that we have no other choice anyway.. shis said... Ruffling my hear

OH come on shis It took me 15 mins to brush my hair don't ruin my pretty hair

So I am becoming me again... Because tachi and shis never gave up on me.

They were like those stubborn kids who keeps knocking the door until door open.. They knocked until I reopen my happy window again...

They both are quite a pair of philosophers they said we are patient and knows our moon needs time to become full.. Patience is not just sitting and waiting but it is looking at the night and seeing the day.. So they foresaw my happiness in my sorrow....

They say moon only stay bright if it doesn't avoid the night..

So I am learning to be like them a real Shinobi .. One who endures
