Chapter 23

Tim skip 1 year...

Age 13

Itachi's perspective :


Do you know what day tomorrow is? I don't think you understand your position... Dad said

I am setting on a mission tomorrow.. I replied

What are you talking about itachi?..

I can't tell you that.. I said lowering my gaze

Itachi you also serve as the uchiha clan pipe line to the village nerve center you know that don't you?

Yes.. I am aware of it... I said

Make sure you don't forget it you will be at that meeting tomorrow

Please sir lower your voice moon also lives under this roof and sasuke is too young to understand... I said..

She is the part of this house she should understand and know everything... I don't treat her like someone else she is like my own daughter... Said father

But our clan don't trust her and don't like her, what about that?

I will talk to them...

They won't understand... Besides I don't want her to involve in our clan's problems... So it's better if she doesn't know anything...

He is right we don't know how she will react, she is a sensitive child... Mom said

Very well but I want you to come to the meeting tomorrow...

Shisui perspective :

Outside the hokage office..

The uchiha clan have plans to assamble again tonight again.. (Danzo)

Yes I am aware of it, how ever we should not interfere .. (hokage)

Aren't you going to stop them... ( danzo )

We should not middle in their rituals.. (hokage)

Rituals indeed, but this so called rituals are planning against the village
So what you going to do (danzo)

There is one who can handle it,, Shisui... (hokage)

I entered the office.....

Yes sir..

Shisui will be our spy there, he will attend the meeting, if anything happens, if fugaku will do something, shisui's order is to... Hokage

Yes sir I will use kotoamatsukami on fugaku... He will not know that his actions are being control by me.. I said

You will use your visual jutsu? ... Danzo asked

Yes sir... I will make fugaku think about coexistence with the village...

I doubt that only change fugaku will do any good... Danzo said

If the uchiha change we must change as well, he must improve our treatment of the uchiha... Said lord hokage

That is what I am hoping for.. I replied

I will assign one anbu behind the scene, I am counting on you... Hokage said

Yes sir...

I left the office...

I was near the lake I saw moon running towards me...

Big brother...

Moon what happened? and why you called me big brother today its rather odd for me to hear...

Haha I don't know I just want call you that..

Well It sounds good to my ears, what happened?

Nothing I was missing you I haven't seen you for a long time you know, and you didn't come to see me
Tachi told me you are back so I came finding you..

Moon you are still a kid you know that...

Yeah? Because you guys treat me like a kid you don't see how much I have grown...

She hugged me...

Shis I - I am feeling uneasy now is everything alright? She asked so suddenly, does she knows about the situation??

Y-yes moon why you asked?

I don't know it's some kinda bad feeling like I had that night.. she said with worried..

Shis what are you doing tonight..

I am going to the clan meeting remember?

OH yes I forgot.. Just be safe okay and remember I love you shis, if anything is wrong tell me and tachi we can solve any problem together, I care about you my sweetheart brother ... She said kissing my forehead..

Her words made my eyes wet with tears

I held her so close in a bear hug... You dumb moony don't make me cry like this, I will take care of myself don't worry your little head. She hugged me back she was crying too

Now now don't get emotional I was away just for 15 days and you are acting like I was gone forever...

Don't say that you idiot shis.. I won't let you go and leave me stupid

She kissed my eye and said good bye she was going to stay with sasuke and her shadow clone with naruto...

Time skip

What is it lord danzo you know it's almost time for clan meeting to begin.. I asked

What if your visual jutsu convince the fugaku to change but the leaf village does not change... He said

Lord hokage has given me his words that he will make it change..

Even if he says, and uchiha change but the distrust about the leaf will not go away.... He replied

I realize that.. but in time, I was completing my sentence but he cut me off in middle

People like me, people who have always suspicions will never truly change what will you do than? When the time comes will you use your kotoamatsukami on me as well? He said with his evil expression

I -... I was about to say something

Your sharingan should be in my safe keeping.. forgive me... he said trying to stole my eye.. I grabbed his hand and trapped him in my genjutsu...

It's only simple genjutsu you will snapout of it soon... I turned to walk away

Sudden I feel pain in my body almost unbelievable, he already marked me with his cursed mark... Punched me on stomach hit my face with his elbow.. And took my right eye

I was breathing heavily...

Sharingan, I will take yours to replace this eye now give me your other eye too

I used my fire style fire ball jutsu

The anbu that are surrounding me now.. Use water style raging wave... It made steam out of water.. I took my opportunity to scape...

Into the woods itachi was waiting for me with his abnu mask on... Near the bolder

I was on the tree he didn't saw me but he know I was there...


Come with me I said jumping from tree to tree..

At the cliff

Seems we can't prevent the uchiha coup d'etat and civil war among the leaf, the other villages take this opportunity to invade our village and fight us for sure true war will breakout.. When I tried to stop all this with kotoamatsukami danzo stole my right eye, that man doesn't trust me at all, he intend to protect the village his way, no matter what it takes or how it looks, before he has a chance... I took out my left eye...

Shisui... Itachi said in slow sad voice...

You are the only one I can count on my best friend, protect the village and the uchiha name, I said handing him my eye.. His crow came and took that eye

Alright I accept it, what will you do now?

If I die many things will change I left a note.. Just say sorry to Izumi and moon

No shisui wait

Don't stop me itachi, you are truly my friend...

Den's perspective :

Sasuke is already fell asleep,

I am on my bed turning and tossing In restlessness, this uneasy feeling is not going away I am trying to shake it off yet I can't stop thinking about shis and tachi... I don't wanna feel this way, this feeling is weighing me down my heart feels like sinking ..

I get up to see outside still no sign of tachi... I don't know what to do, so I sit on the roof top praying like a lost child who doesn't know where to go yet try to find a way to go home, I don't wanna loose any of my family member again... Please shis and tachi be safe I love you both... I stand up and went to see Izumi at shis home she was sleeping so I came back home again...

... Tonight is so quiet no sign of any voice like the world has already ended I am the last one alive.. a true nightmare... Only thought of it is chilling my bones... I get chills whe I think back of that night when I lost mom and dad this night is the same, same feeling, same fear, same pain, same coldness of the night, same me it's like time has stoped.. Or I am living the same moment again...
never in my wildest dream I wanted to re live that night yet I am here with the same night trying to cut all the light in my life I have no clue what to do...
so I went to sasuke's room he was sleeping peacefully I lay down on his bad hugged him that somehow all my fears go away... I keep praying for them to return safely...
