Chapter 9

"-And I feel like she's been singling me out lately, you know?"

Karlie was slumped on their couch, ignoring the film that she and Cara were watching. They were supposed to spend their Friday night with Martha and Taylor, but the girls were away for their jobs.

Cara snapped her attention from the screen to Karlie and guiltily realized that she hadn't been listening to Karlie's rant.

"Were you even listening?" Karlie sighed, tiredly.

"You were talking about your instructor..." Cara tried. Seeing that Karlie hadn't corrected her yet, she continued.

"Cassandra? And she separated you from... Brodie?"

The brunette huffed then leaned into the couch, submerging herself in throw-pillows. "That's from Glee."

"Right," Cara nodded even though Karlie couldn't see it. "Course, knew that."

"Um-hum," Karlie hummed sarcastically. "Let's just talk about something else."

The blonde used this opportunity to inquiry about something she had been thinking about for awhile.

"Alright, let's talk about Taylor."

"What about her?" Karlie warily looked up at her.

Cara shrugged. "I don't know, you tell me."

The brunette fully sat up, hugging her knees. "We hang out."

"And..." Cara nodded for her to continue. "That's it?"

"What are you talking about?" She turned to look away from Cara's prying stare.

"Well I just- she's always looking at you with those big, green, flirty eyes-"

"Her eyes are blue." Karlie corrected, turning back to look at her again.

Cara pointedly smirked at her. "See?"

She ran her hands across her face. "What are you trying to say?"

"Are you two dating?" She arched one of her thick eyebrows.

"No." Karlie frowned.

"Do you want to date her?" The eyebrow raised higher.

"No-- yes," Karlie sighed. "I don't know. She's a celebrity, and I feel-"

"Hold up," Cara cut her off. "Weren't you the one who came back from that first date-"

"-Wasn't a date."

Cara ignored her. "Going on about how down to earth she is?"

"Yes, but that's not it."

Cara sat silently, waiting for her friend to elaborate.

"Okay... Say by some miracle she's interested in me," Karlie started. "And say I'm hypothetically interested in her."

Cara looked like she wanted to interrupt, but she kept quite.

"And we start dating, it's all good and everything. But then every time we go out there'd be cameras, and the whole world would know about our private life."

Karlie played with her fingers to avoid making eye contact with Cara.

"Like, a few days ago we were having coffee, and when I left three guys were taking pictures of us."

"And back to my hypothetical world, she'd be on the other side of the world while I'm trying to finish up school."

Cara guessed she had a point. But she didn't think like Karlie, she just lived in the moment. She didn't plan for the bad stuff, she enjoyed all the good things before it.

"So what would you do if Taylor asked you out?"

"I don't know." Karlie said softly, just above a whisper.
