Chapter 15

It had taken a week for Taylor to return. Karlie would be lying if she said she didn't cast longing looks at the Polaroid of Taylor she kept on her desk.

They tried their hardest to act like nothing had happen, and for the most part, they were doing a fine job of dancing around it.

"How was Italy?" Karlie tried to sound as casual as possible.

"Pretty good." Taylor smiled. "A lot warmer than here."

Neither of them knew how to continue the conversation, so they took long drags from their drinks.

With impeccable timing, the door swung open and two more blondes strutted in.

"We figured we'd find you guys here." Martha said as she and Cara hovered near their table.

"Mind if we join you?" Cara asked.

"Not at all." Taylor pulled the seat next to her out.

Karlie casted a skeptical glance at Cara.

"Don't mind me," Cara whispered as she took a seat. "Just saving your bacon, no biggie."

"So Karlie," Martha said. "Cara tells me your dance instructor is an ass."

Both Taylor and Karlie were uncertain of why their friends were here. They looked at each other in their confusion.

"Yeah, she really takes the passion out of everything." Karlie slowly answered.

"Oh," Cara piped up. "Speaking of, you should probably get back to class now."

"But I've still got fifteen minutes." She checked the time on her phone.

"Yeah, but with traffic and stuff, you never know!" Cara ushered Karlie out of her seat and to the door.

"But I walk." Karlie protested.

When she was ignored, Karlie said, "At least let me get my water."

Cara grabbed a bottle of water and smacked a five dollar bill onto the counter, the worker didn't seem to care because that was more than it's worth.

"Now, on your way." She handed over the bottle and nudged her friend outside.

Karlie stood there for a moment, looking at her friends with a 'what the hell expression' before Cara shooed her away with hand motions.

The brunette sulked off, not a clue as to what had just happened.

"Taylor," Martha said. "Why don't you go check on the cats?"

"But I just left the house." The singer argued.

"Just go check on them." She patted her back a little too aggressively.

"Okay..?" Taylor unsurely got up.

At the door she stopped to inquiry about their odd behavior. "Why're you guys acting so weird?"

"Full moon, stuff like that," Cara quickly answered as she lightly pushed her out the door. "See ya later, buddy!"

As the door shut on her, Taylor's face twisted in confusion. Baffled, she stepped into her awaiting car.

Cara sighed in relief as the driver took her away.

"Commencing operation Kaylor!" Martha enthusiastically held up her hand.

Cara slapped her hand against Martha's and grinned. "Phase one," she searched for a certain barista, and where her eyes locked on target, Cara whispered, "Josh."

She briskly made her way to the man. "Josh, may I have a word?"

His back turned to them, he jumped.

"Yeah, I guess." He replied as he turned around to face the strangers.

Cara laid it down, "Here's the thing: you fancy our friend, Karlie."

Josh held up his hands and tried to act like he didn't. "I don't-"

"Either way," Martha cut him off. "Would you be up for spending part of valentines day with her?"

Josh's interest had been peaked, he nodded for them to continue.

"Of course," Cara mischievously grinned. "There's a catch."

"And do you happen to have a stereo-system we could borrow?" Added Martha.
