Chapter 19

To celebrate the fact that the start of spring was only a week away, the girls decided to go on a road trip to a hot springs resort up north.

In truth, they didn't care for the pre-start of spring, they just needed a reason to use the free night at the resort that Martha had gotten for doing a shoot around the area.

Taylor drove the whole way with Karlie's hand intertwined with her own, while Martha and Cara eventually fell asleep, slumping against each other.

Taylor and Karlie had been dating for a little over a month now, and things were going great. Karlie stared at Taylor, who had one hand casually on the wheel and the other in her's, she couldn't believe that she had prolonged this.


The resort's hotel was glamorous. When the girls arrived, it was still day light, so they decided to get situated in their rooms.

Martha and Cara shared a room while Karlie and Taylor occupied the other. Both rooms were connected by a door.
"Wow," Taylor breathed in awe at the view of the springs. "This is so beautiful."

Karlie shrugged her bag onto the queen-sized bed and affectionately planted a kiss on top of her head. "You're so beautiful." She mummered against blonde hair.

Taylor turned and looped her arms around the taller woman's waist. She leaned up and sweetly pecked Karlie's lips with her own.

"Martha and I are gonna go toss disc by the lake." Said Cara as she appeared in the doorway. "And you two are comming because we need teams of two."

"Frisbee!" Martha corrected from the other room.

"Disc," Cara whispered to Karlie and Taylor, wanting to have the last word.

To their surprise, no one was by the water. They had the whole area completely to themselves.

With their jeans rolled up and their feet in the sand, it felt like paradise. A cold paradise because they were in New York and it was evening, but a paradise nonetheless.

Martha drew two lines into the sand to mark the goal posts.

"It's like football," Martha explained as she jogged back to the group. "But wimpier, so perfect for you, Taylor."

The blonde just mock-scowled back at her.

"And to make things interesting," Cara pointed the frisbee at Karlie then Martha. "It'll be you two against me and Taylor."

"Oh, this is gonna be easy!" Karlie boasted as she high-fived her teammate.

"We'll crush 'em." Cara assured Taylor as they ran off to their side.

"Like grapes." Taylor pounded a fist into her palm, trying to come off as threatening, but failed miserably.


"Yeah," she looked at Cara expectantly. "Like when you make wine?"

Cara patted her shoulder. "I'll handle the trash-talking."

The game started off with Cara passing to Taylor. Running faster than anyone had expected, Taylor speed off to the other side.

"Well," Martha mumbled as Karlie chased after her. "She is Taylor Swift after all."

Karlie, ever the cheater, plucked the disc right from her hands and quickly threw it to an awaiting Martha.

"If they can play dirty," Taylor turned to Cara as the other team scored a goal. "Then so can we."

Karlie and Martha were three points ahead when Cara and Taylor started pulling out the tricks. As Karlie moved to throw to Martha, Taylor leaped onto her back to distract as Cara stole the frisbee.

"Sorry, babe," Taylor sounded unapologetic as she jumped back to the sand, walking backwards while doing a victory dance.

Karlie watched in amusement as the singer barely caught herself after losing her footing.

The game was comming to a close. Martha was trapped behind Cara, who was blocking her view of Karlie.

"Knock, knock," Cara sang, her arms sticking out to ensure that she couldn't escape.

Martha didn't think now was an appropriate time for jokes, but she halfheartedly answered anyways. "Who's th-"

"Taylor is!" Shouted the blonde as she swooped in and stole.

Karlie and Martha watched as the other team galloped off to the goal-line.

The blondes broke out into a series of awkward dance moves to gloat their victory.

"How did that happen?" Martha rubbed at the back of her neck.

Shoulders slumping, Karlie replied, "I don't even know."

After the sun had gone down, the girls went back to their rooms to get changed. The entire way up, Karlie and Martha had to listen to Cara and Taylor relive their win.

Taylor's jaw hit the floor as Karlie emerged in her swim suit. The woman was six feet of sculpted muscle.

Karlie caught Taylor in the corner of her eye and turned around with a smirk.

Funny how Taylor had finally stopped talking about the frisbee game.

"Oh?" Smirked Karlie. "So now you're speechless?"

"Karlie," Taylor gasped, completely disregarding the brunette's words. "Why aren't you a model?"

Martha stepped into the room with Cara on her tail. The former was decked out in a yellow duck robe. Karlie had begged her to keep that at home.

"Ready to go?" Martha asked.

Taylor made a show of rolling her shoulders. "Yeah, I'm really tired from all that *winning*. A hot springs sounds real nice right about now."

Lightly, Karlie shoved Taylor out the door then wrapped a lush, white robe around her body. "Can it, Swift."

Taylor arched a daring eyebrow as she leaned onto the corridor wall. "Make me."

The taller of the two lean down and firmly attached her lips to the other's, trying to repress the smile that threatened to appear.

"Hey," Cara whispered to Martha and nudged her with her elbow. "We did this."

They watched as Karlie and Taylor broke apart, exchanging adorable grins.

Martha sighed contently and wrapped her arm around Cara's shoulders, following the other girls down the hallway. "Yeah, we kinda did."

"They so owe us." She quickly added.


"It's nature's hot tub." Cara groaned delightfully as she climbed back into the spring with four bottled diet cokes-- requested by Taylor.

The girls all grabbed one and passed them around. Martha clicked hers with Cara's as they leaned deeper into the bubbled water.

Karlie felt a hand pull away from her own. She looked over at Taylor, who was turned around.

In the distance there were flashes frequently going off. Karlie was pretty sure she knew what was going on.

"Do you wanna leave?" She whispered as she dipped her head closer to Taylor, tucking a strand of damp, blonde hair behind her ear.

She nodded and detangled her hand. "Only if you don't mind." She turned her back to the flashes.

"Not at all," Karlie beamed and held up her free hand. "I'm starting to look like a prune, anyways."

They stepped out of the hot water and into the freezing air, instantly making them want to jump back in.

"Hang on," Martha said as she climbed out. "We're leaving too."

Taylor shivered and wrapped her robe tightly around her body. Karlie discreetly rubbed her hand along her back to help warm her up.

"I'm pretty beat." Cara fake a yawn as she started up the shallow steps of the hot spring. "Kicking arse really takes a lot out of you."

Martha groaned and pushed her back into the water. Karlie and Taylor laughed as their friend was submerged.

"I thought we were done with that." Martha said when Cara resurfaced, water pouring from her mouth as if she were a fountain.

"You wish!" Cara shook her head back and forward like a dog, sending water droplets all over the girls. "I'm going to hold that over you till the end of time."

"We're having a rematch later." Martha huffed and went ahead of the group, towards the elevators.

Karlie turned to Taylor and nodded her head forward, silently prompting her to go forward.

"Wait, don't leave me behind!" Cara cried as she hurried to catch up with them.
