Chapter 14

Like a dog, Cara waited near the door for Karlie's return. When the sound of a key clicking with the lock reached her ears, she leaped in front of the threshold to greet her roommate.

"Hey, how'd it-" she stopped when she noted Karlie's fallen look. "Oh shite, you look sad-- why do you look sad!?"

Karlie fell into the sofa. "I turned down Taylor." She ashamedly admitted.

Cara's jaw hit the floor. "What the hell!? You're totally into her, why on earth would you do that!?"

She roughly shook her by the shoulders. Karlie figured she deserved it. She felt like she had thrown a young kitten into a freezing bathtub-- which was worse then kicking a puppy.

"Karlie," Cara demanded. "Explain yourself-- now please."

"I would if you would stop shaking me." The dancer shoved Cara's arms off of her.

Cara huffed and watched Karlie intensely, waiting for an answer.

"Okay," she began. "Part of me really wanted to say yes to Taylor, but the other part of me was petrified by the idea of dating someone that's known worldwide. A relationship between her and I would be doomed before it could even start."

"And how do you know if you don't try?" Countered Cara.

"You don't have to break a leg to know it'll hurt." Karlie scoffed, upset that her bestfriend was against her.

"But it'd be good luck."

"That doesn't even make sense." Karlie frowned.

Actually, most thing things Cara said didn't make sense.

"And neither does anything." Cara wildly threw both hands up. "Nothing makes sense, just like you right now."

"Cara, I already feel really awful about it, stop making it worse!" Karlie tried to raise her voice, but she wasn't very skilled at being mean, so it came out as a plea.

Cara stopped with her dramatics and settled. When Karlie was sure that Cara would listen, she continued.

"I stand by my decision and my reasoning, I just wish you'd would have my back." She firmly stated.

Cara sighed and rubbed at the back of her neck. "Look, I'm sorry. I just thought you and Taylor would've been really good together, you two make each other happy."

"And that's not gonna change, don't worry." Karlie weakly smiled.

That's not what Cara was worried about. She was worried that Karlie had made a terrible decision because she was being a big scaredy-cat.

Surely she could help change her friend's mind.

But how?
