Chapter 12

Martha tiredly grumbled and trekked over a snow bank that had yet to melt away. She had just jumped into bed when Taylor had called her over for an emergency meeting.

She hoped it was a real emergency this time.

Too many times had Martha raced over to the penthouse only to find that Meredith and Olivia were doing something that astounded their owner.

"So what's this emergency?" Maratha asked as she let herself in with the key Taylor had given her.

The singer was on the floor with her chin resting on her knees and a crestfallen look on her face. "I need advice and the cats aren't great for it."

Martha kneeled down in front of her friend and patted her shoulder, all signs of her tiredness quickly vanished.

"Is this about sunshine girl?" She knowingly smirked.

"Maybe..." Taylor tried to act indifferent, but failed.

The other blonde stared at her.

"Okay, yes. It's karlie." Taylor spilled. "I think I kinda, maybe, might, possibly-"

"-Taylor." Martha interrupted her rambling.

"Should I ask her out tomorrow?" She asked quietly.

Martha pursed her lips. "Well if you do I'd lose the bet Cara and I made..."

Taylor scrunched her eyebrows. "What'd you guys bet on?"

"That you'd ask her after you've slept with her at least once." Martha answered easily. "Why do you wanna do it tomorrow?"

Regretting asking and choosing to ignore that first part, she said, "When we were snowed in something happened-- twice!"

"What happened?" Martha cried. "Oh my god, did I win the bet after all?"

"What? No!" Taylor exclaimed. "No, we just... Were really close-- face-wise."

"So you kissed..?" Martha pried.

"Not exactly, but almost--" Taylor made a bunch of strangled sounds and moved her hands around. "We're getting off track."

She took a composing breath and continued. "Anyways... I have an interview next week, but Tree says I can move it to this week if I want. If Karlie says no, I'll just move it up and avoid her for a few days until the awkwardness cools down."

Martha was unsure. "That sounds like running away."

"Not running away, just avoiding her until the awkwardness cools down." Taylor reiterated.

Martha mussed over it for awhile, resting her chin on her fist. After thinking over it a total of three times, she came to her answer.

"I think you should." She nodded. Karlie was totally smitten with Taylor, this couldn't possibly go wrong.

Taylor grinned and clasped her hands together. "I'm glad you said that, because honestly, I would've gone through with it either way."

"But you know that this might put a strain on your friendship," Martha warned. "And you have to be okay with whatever happens."

Taylor nodded. "I am."
