Chapter 18

"I hear a lot of people." Tayor gasped as Karlie tugged her along by the hand. "Are we at the park?"

Karlie refused to let Taylor remove her blind fold and ruin the surprise.

"Correct!" Karlie said as she rested her hands on Taylor's shoulders and halted her. "But what're we doing?"

Taylor contemplated the various activities. "A horse carriage?"

"Wrong," Karlie said as she removed the fabric that shielded Taylor's blue eyes. "But a good idea for later."

Taylor ecstatically stared at the empty paddle boat in front of her.

"You rented a boat?" She cried out exuberantly. "This is the most romantic thing ever!"


"This is the most tiring thing ever!" Karlie panted and she set down her ores. "How about we take a break and just sit on the water for a little?"

Taylor, too exhausted to speak, nodded earnestly.

"This looks a lot easier in the movies." Taylor said between deep breaths.

A powerful wind breezed through the city. Karlie's hair whipped around her face-- fortunately for her it made her look even more stunning.

"In hindsight I problay should've planned this for a warmer day." Karlie shivered and rubbed her bare arms.

"Nonsense," Taylor dismissed as she crawled over to sit next to Karlie. "It's even better because now we have an excuse to cuddle up."

Karlie gladly wrapped an arm around Taylor, who rested her head on the taller woman.

"So what do people normally converse about on first dates?" Karlie gazed down at the blonde.

"Most people would get to know the other better, but I doubt there's much I don't know about you already." She said with a competitive edge to her voice.

"Oh yeah?" Karlie dared. "How much do you know about me?"

"I know that you started dancing at the age of five, your middle name is Elizabeth, you have three sisters, and you don't have a lock on your phone." Taylor triumphantly said.

"Please," Karlie pulled Taylor closer to her. "That's easy stuff. What's my favorite bakery in all of New York?"

"That's not fair," Taylor protested. "We've never talked about that before."

"See?" Karlie grinned. "We can get to know each other better."


The two talked until it was time to get back to land. Using all their energy, they paddled back to the mini docks.

Karlie stepped off the boat first so she could help Taylor get onto the dock. But before she did that she had to tie down to the boat to it's post.

"That was really fun!" Taylor exclaimed. "Tiring, but fun!"

Karlie stood and offered her hand to the singer. Elegantly, Taylor curtsied-- and that's where she went wrong.

The boat tipped over before she could grab Karlie's outstretched hand. Karlie's mouth gaped. Heads turned to see the commotion and cameras flashed.

Taylor resurfaced and spit out the lake water. It was a shallow lake, so she was fine on the not drowning part.

"You don't think anyone saw that, do you?" Taylor asked as she looked up at her date.


She was still soaked by the time Bryce dropped Karlie off. In that short amount of time, Taylor's mishap had gone viral and her fans were wondering who the tall brunette was.

Taylor walked Karlie to the door, much to Karlie's protest.

"You're going to get sick." Karlie said as Taylor followed her up to her apartment.

"Well if I get sick," Taylor slyly pecked Karlie on the lips. "Than you do too."

"Well played, Swift." Karlie said as she pulled out her house key.

"As far as first dates go," Taylor started. "This one was actually one of the better."

"You fell into a lake." Karlie laughed.

"Yeah," She shrugged, "But you were there, and that's what made it great. Also, paddle boating is like, the cutest thing ever."

"Aw," Karlie played with Taylor's cold hands, swinging them like a small child. "Look at you getting all cute and sweet."

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" Taylor asked as she repressed a shiver.

"Absolutely," Karlie nodded.

Taylor shined her reserved-for-Karlie-smile then went on her way. Karlie watched her retreating form until it vanished down the stairway.

When Karlie entered her home she found Martha and Cara sitting on the sofa with their backs perfectly straight and their hands folded over their laps. Martha was even lightly humming, trying to come off as casual.

"Were you guys listening?" Karlie accused.

"We're just really glad that everything worked out with you guys," Martha said defensively. "We're like proud parents."

"Yeah," Cara nodded. "We're proud parents and our daughters are dating each other."

Both Karlie and Martha frowned and turned to her.

"Sounded better in my head." Cara shrugged.
