Unnatural bolts of revenge 9

Mel's P.O.V

"Are you sure you're up for this?" I asked, knowing she felt guilty about what we were about to do.

"We could just get Henry, and we'd have the power of three, our power of three." She said.

"I don't want Henry to know about any of this, but if you don't want to do this, you don't have to, I'll find another way I don't care how." I said, feeling bad about making her feel bad.

"I want to help, but channeling our parents' magic, just sounds wrong and what if they catch on to us?" She asked.

"We can't do it alone, we're not strong enough without the power of three." I said rethinking my decision.

"If only there was another way to use the power of three without Henry." Polly said then a dangerous thought occurred to me.

"I'm wearing my charm, but I can still recognise your idea face, spill." She urged.

Lately I've noticed her I wanna tell you something face and have been too selfish to acknowledge it.

"So Matt was telling me you went out with Cameron Royce, how did that go?"

"Don't change the subject, he was a shallow superficial pig, what delicious thought are you avoiding?"

"What if the power of three doesn't have to be me you and Henry?"

"You lost me." she replied.

"Do you remember hearing about how Grams, grandma and mom formed a makeshift power of three to save aunt Page and Phoebe?"

"You're not thinking about summoning our dead great grandmother and grandmother to help us power a mind reading spell to locate your half warlock boyfriend, right?" Polly asked incredulously and I couldn't help laugh.

"Of course not, but remember we aren't the only new charmed ones around." It took her a second to reply.

"Um you can't be talking about the dismantled dark ones?"

"We only need one of them." I said.

"Well one's evil and out of the question and another is the one we are trying to find, wait that leaves.." She trailed off.

"Mel, Killess hates us, you especially!"

"But she loves Moon and I'm sure she would want to know what happened to him." I replied flipping through the book.

"Ugh your room is a mess. What makes you think she doesn't already know where he is? Or moreover she could've been sworn to secrecy by him and again she HATES US!" She said after tip toeing over the hordes of books piled on the floor to stand over me.

"She doesn't know where he is either, if she did she wouldn't be here."


"Still in San Francisco, she'd be there with him, her and Ravven, their bond is just as strong as ours, it's part of what makes charmed magic so strong, I have to believe she doesn't know where he is and would be willing to help us find him, I have to."

"Okay. Let's summon the witch banshee b*tch."


"Henry just ignore them." Riley said to her lover who glared at Ben as he passed their table with Ling-Shae in hand.

"Trust me I give zero f#cks, but he's still dangerous, not only because he has the sword, but because there are a lot of powerful bad guy's who'd do anything for it. She's not safe with him." Henry replied.

"Would they come after him here? Out it the open like this?" Riley asked.

"No, that's how we remain a secret, both good and evil are careful to not expose magic to regular mortals." Henry replied.

"Is there someone who makes sure you guys stay in line?"

"Yes actually, Elders they're in charge of the political side of magic, they make the rules."

"Do they have any way of knowing that you told me?"

"They do, I'm surprised I'm not suffering the consequences."

"Maybe they haven't caught on yet. Man I still can't believe the whole Ming thing." Riley said casually sipping her fruit flavoured drink from a multi coloured straw.

"This is gonna sound petty, but maybe we should stop coming here, considering.." She trailed off.

"It's owned by the father of my most recent ex who works here part time?" He replied.

"Precisely. I would miss the food though, lot of vegan options that's rare." Riley said looking around.

"You and your grass.. I mean food."

"Hey, shut up!" She replied reaching over to slap him.

"Hey don't assault the love of your life like that." He protested getting up.

"I have to go pee." He said then headed for the men's room.

As he was exiting the bathroom Ben was entering and slammed into his shoulder as he passed.

"What the f#ck is your problem you steroid junky!" Henry exclaimed shoving him into the porcelain tiled wall harshly.

"I was hoping you'd do that you blond freak." Ben said then whipped out the sko sword from his waist.

"You don't want to use that." Henry said getting very cautious as he knew very well what could happen if he got cut by the sko sword.

"I bet you know what it is. I saw you disappear out of no where at school. What kind of freak are you Matthews-Mitchell?"

"Just put down the sword and I'll tell you everything."

"Yea right, your little friend Ming had that same look in his eyes before I made his sketchy ass disappear. Tried to use some kind of magic dust on me, but it backfired and he got whatever he was going to do to me." After he said that Henry saw an opening jumped on him and orbed out to the empty parking lot behind Ming-wow.

"What did you just do? You little freak!" Ben shouted as Henry quickly put some distance between them.

"I just stopped you from exposing magic, you'll thank me later." Henry said.

"Yea right. You have no idea how much I hate you Mitchell, all I did was like your dumb cousin and you humiliated me and ruined school for me!"

"That's not how I remember it you spineless pervert, you think I was just going to let you do that to my cousin and get away with it?" Henry roared getting too angry to remember the sko sword.

"No, you had to bully me everyday after that you piece of shit, you and your jock friends, you know how hard that was for me, but that's all going to be over and done with once I make sure you're no longer Trinity's star football player." Ben said then tried to slice Henry's knee.

Henry orbed out then back in. "Come to me I summon thee, sword of the dead king come to me." Henry recited but nothing happened.

"What are you trying to do? Are you some kind of freaky little witch boy?" Ben asked circling him.

"Shit. Tafarie!"

"Henry, what are doing? Where are your cousins?" Tafarie asked after appearing.

"Where did you come from?" Ben asked.

"Get them here, quick." Henry said.

"I can't leave you, you can't face the Sko alone." Tafarie replied.

"I also can't face it with you. Don't worry he's not gonna get the chance to use it."

"You have to be careful, Henry the sword is bringing out his rage, each time he uses it he becomes more ferocious and remorseless like a real berserker." Tafarie whispered as Ben watched them like prey, his eyes slowly becoming empty as his gritted his teeth and snarled like an untamed animal.

"Just get my cousin's Tafarie."


General P.O.V inside of Mel's room where she and Polly were trying to summon Killess only to be interrupted by Tafarie.

"Girls, Henry is in trouble, big time."

"What happened?" Both girls asked simultaneously.

"He's fighting Ben who's being controlled by the Sko sword."

"Take us to him." they said in unison.


When Mel, Polly and Henry arrived on the scene Henry was kneeling down over Riley who was bleeding.

Ben stepped a few feet away nervously holding the Skofung sword, Polly ran over to Henry and Riley.

"Oh no, we're too late." Tafarie said.

"Ben what have you done?" Polly exclaimed.

"She got in the way, I was aiming for him!" He spat looking at Henry while holding the Skofung sword shakily.

"Jus.. just get her to the hospital." Ben added full of guilt.

All the while Henry was too overcome with grief as he watched her suffer from a wound that would continue to worsen until she died, a wound that was meant for him, a wound that would never heal.

He was enraged, the sky above turned black, a thunder like no other sounded and the earth felt like it would open and spit fire, lightening started to rain down unnatural bolts of revenge.

Henry looked other worldly and his form started to emit static electricity as he walked over to Ben he levitated as lightening kept raining down unbiased bolts, unbiased to everyone except Riley.

"Henry, stop this!" Tafarie shouted, but Henry heard none of it, his eyes looked like the night sky full of lightening bolts, his hair turned luminescent platinum and was flaring up.

"Ben, we have to get him out of Henry's sight, it's the only way to bring him back." Polly said as a bolt of lightning sent Ben flying, knocking the dagger out of his hand.

Mel froze Ben before he slammed into someone's car, Tafarie orbed over to him, then orbed out.

"No!" Henry roared and did something with his hands as if he was dragging something out of thin air and pulled Tafarie right back mid orb transport.

"Oh my freaking God, that did not just happen!" Polly exclaimed.


"What just happened?"

"Did Henry just use an elder gift?" Tafarie asked shocked.

"A what?"


Ravven's P.O.V

"It's almost time." I said holding the most precious stone in my hand.

"You're truly despicable for this Ravven." Killess said while the merciful moon remained silent.

"I love it." she added.

"Your little plan still hasn't gone exactly accordingly, it still wasn't one of the charmed ones that got cut by the sword." Moon finally said.

"Doesn't matter, the girl is important to them, they'll give up the manner to save her." I replied.

"Don't be so confident." He quipped.

"Why not?"

"You still have to be really lucky to bring back the Nexus that the original charmed ones destroyed."

"No such thing as luck, just strategy. Remember my dear friend, I'm not the only one with a vendetta against my dear old dad, there just so happens to be an entire resurrected race that has it out for him."

"You're not planning on combining our magic with..." He trailed off already knowing the answer.

"You're insane, you know wizard and witch magic should never be combined, the results could be catastrophic!" He added incredulously.

"Oh don't be so serious, none of us are all witch and besides a little catastrophe can be calming." I replied.

"I'm all witch, both my parents were witches when I was born." Moom replied.

"And that's exactly why you're so soft. Look Z this is happening, my mind has been made and your debt has yet to be paid."

"I hate to agree with Jiminy cricket over here, but he is all witch and we are both still half witch." killess said.

"The history books say our magic shouldn't be combined, but the Wizards have been out of the game too long for anyone to have real proof. It's time to test the history books."


Melinda's P.O.V

The strangest thing happened amidst all the chaos, I felt him, it was like he was watching over me, but I knew that it wasn't possible, my rose would've been visible.

"Tafarie what did Henry just do?" I asked.

"And what is the Elder's gift?" Polly added.

The lightening was no longer random, the bolts were targeted at Tafarie who was protecting Ben who had passed out.

"Tafarie!" Polly yelled.

"He can't right now, we need to go to Riley." I said.

"Oh my God I almost forgot about her." Polly said then flew over to her, I ran over.

"She's losing a lot of blood, it's a small wound, but it will never stop bleeding." I said. It was a shallow slice across her shoulder.

I'd never seen Riley so vulnerable as when she laid on the pavement unconscious. Polly lifted her into her lap.

"Maybe we could come up with a spell to slow it down, maybe you could freeze the wound." Polly suggested.

"I seriously doubt my little witch powers can affect a wound created by an ancient weapon that inflects never healing wounds."

"Why does that seem like too much blood for a wound that small?" I said examining her shoulder only to discover that the wound went all the way around to her back.

My heart skipped a few beats and her life flashed before my eyes, she was just a highschool student, her life had nothing to do with magic and only became compromised because of us.

"We don't have time for this Henry!,
You're wasting time that we should be using to help her!" Polly shouted.

"That's not going to get his attention. Aunt Paige, we need you!" I shouted.

"Girls, what's happening? Henry Sam Matthews-Mitchell!" She shouted and orbed him out of the air, he immediately went back to normal and his eyes begun to water as he lifted Riley.

"Oh no, is that the?... And did she get cut by it?"

"Yes unfortunately, this one found the Skofung sword prematurely and it did this to both him and Henry's girlfriend."

"Don't you dare stand there and try to make it sound like he was innocent in this!" Henry said.

"Calm down Henry," Aunt Paige said. "We can fix this." she added.

"How?" Henry asked.

"We're the charmed ones honey. Orb her to the manner now."

Henry did as told not knowing what else to do.

"Tafarie, the philosopher's stone, where do we start?"
