Funeral interrupted: 20

Matt's P.O.V

"Do you believe in magic?" I asked trying to figure out where he was at mentally when it came to the supernatural, I expected him to laugh and say something funny, but he sat up from his relaxed supine position and looked nervous.

"What?" He asked in an indiscernible tone staring, his stare whipped off the blanket of comfort that rested on my skin like his uneasy gaze.

"What's wrong? I don't mean like bad magic or anything it wasn't even a serious question, forget it." I said nervously.

Am I gonna have to have another coming out if I get serious with this guy?

I don't think I could handle that or want to, I'm still not even really out.

"I'm sorry, my mom was obsessed with that stuff, always trying to make something happen when she should have been raising me and my little brother. It really scarred me." He replied looking off into the night.

The air felt especially gentle on top of his black chevy.

"I'm sorry I'll never bring shit like that up again, I'm really sorry."

"Whoa you just cursed, my little Matt has a potty mouth. Don't do it again or I'll spank you."

"Wow." I looked away and whispered.

"Lay down with me, show me the stars." He said.


Even when the sun isn't out I'll be under a tree looking for some shade.

Even without your embrace, even without your arms to hold or the look on your face, I reach out to hold you, to touch your grace, I grasp air and I scream until I gasp for air, somewhere between the darkness of my soul and the light of my heart I see you there.

The first poem I've ever written about Killess, her death hurt a little more knowing that she had to die before I saw fit to write about her.

"I think I should tell her."

"What? That you cursed not only yourself, but her as well?" Ravven asked.

"Yes. Also that I already made two of the amorite rings."

"What did that sea witch tell you exact?"

"She has the sight. She foresaw our split causing a frenzy within the banshee clan, our combined emotional anguish would lead to every single banshee alive coming after us, killing us both. The way to save her is to have her believe that we can't be together, so that never happens."

"Then inviting her to this probably wasn't the best idea, if you truly intend to let her go."

"There's never a right time to say goodbye."


Mel's P.O.V

We went home, I created the rings, read a little then went to bed.

When Friday came Polly came over so that we could get ready together.

"I feel a little bad skipping school. I feel like we're all catching up again, we should be trying extra hard to keep up." She said.

"I know what you mean. I feel like we're already off to college." I said.

"It's finally dawning on me what we're getting dressed for." Polly said while shimmying into her silk black dress.

"Yeah." I could only think about one thing, but the heaviness of the situation was not lost on me.

(Knock knock)

"Hey guys, are you decent?" Henry asked.

I said yes and let him in. He was looking really slick in his black suit, he was back to his shiny platinum blond hair.

"Wow, Henry you look hot!" Polly teased.

"Eww, gross." Henry replied.

"Right, I just ate." I said.

"Bite me." He quipped.

"Not even if I was a hungry mosquito and you were the last blood bag on earth blondie."

"Awww guys, I haven't heard you two bicker in forever." Polly gushed.

"Let's not forget where we're about to go. No crying, they lost their best friend. Not their biggest fan or anything, but they don't need us bringing them down." Henry said and the mood shifted.

I slid the first ring onto my index finger on my right hand and tucked the other into my small silver purse.

"Is everyone ready?" I asked.

"As I'll ever be. Anyone else weirded out by the fact that this is happening on Friday the 13th?" Henry asked.

"Trying not to be, but yeah." Polly said.

"Glad I'm not the only one. Alright how do we get there?" Henry asked.

"There's a little spell to take us at the end of the invitation. Take my hands." I said to them both.

"With our palms and hearts connected we asked to be carried away to lake way." I said and we were swept up in orbs of light to a lake in some ethereal forest.

"This place is beautiful." Polly said.

"Where is she supposed to be buried?" Henry asked.

"They're having a traditional banshee funeral, see that boat?" I said.

"Yeah." Polly and Henry replied.

"She's inside of it." I said feeling a little sick with sadness.

"Alright, where are the dark ones?" Henry asked.

"Right here." Ravven said as he and Moon appeared at the lake's edge. They were walking towards us, they both looked like celestial beings.

Moon was in a full suit of red, blood red that contrasted with his pale skin, his long hair was down cascading in coal black curls. Ravven was wearing all white.

My chest tightened as they neared us.

How do I even talk to him?

Neither of them looked like they were about to burst out crying, just pensive.

Henry and Polly started to meet them halfway, I followed hesitantly.

Polly hugged them both and they reciprocated warmly, to my surprise. Henry did the half hug tap on the back thing. I just stood there.

"You guys didn't bring Matthew?" Ravven said.

"He's really sorry he couldn't make it." I fibbed a little, Matt said he'd be too uncomfortable.

"That's alright." Moon said looking at me, I couldn't meet his eyes, I couldn't even bring up the rings.

"Wait how is this happening?" I said finally facing him, still refusing his dark eyes.

He showed me his right hand and there it was on his index finger, a ring with an amorite stone.

"But how?" Polly asked.

"True love conquers all." He replied.

"With a little help." Ravven said.

Moon held out his hand, I took it hesitantly and looked into his eyes, it felt like I was stripped bare the second I did it, I wanted to collide with him and feel his arms around me.

"I have so much to explain." He said leading me to the river, the others followed quietly.

"Why- we shouldn't talk about any of that here." I said thinking it would be best not to talk about 'us' at one of his best friend's funeral.

When we reached the river's edge I noticed five lit white candles.

"When the last candle goes out the boat will float away and disappear." Ravven said handing each of us a candle.

Moon continued to hold my hand.

"The day we met Kill we we're rescuing her from some of the underworld's worst. Meeting her that day saved us more times that we can say." Ravven said.

"Your fire helped to keep us warm, back in the days of our dark childhood. You helped us light the way, you burned our path with your incredible spirit and carved your name into our hearts." Moon said.

"These are my final words, I acc- accept your departure and keep you in our hearts." Tears cascaded down Ravven's face as he said those words.

The final tear to escape his right eye outed his candle.

Moon held his hand and looked to me.

"You guys don't have to say anything we know you didn't know her well." Moon said then looked at the lake.

The clear blue waters glistened and refracted the sun light, he focused on it and not the boat where his best friend's lifeless body laid peacefully.

"I didn't trust easy back when we met, It was just Ravv and I in a world kids didn't belong in, I didn't want to let anyone else in, but you didn't really ask." He smiled sadly and I tightened my grip on his hand, his eyes glossed over with tears.

"You made us stronger, you completed our little makeshift family. You'll never leave my heart." He barely got out the last words.

"These are my final words, we accept your departure and keep you in our hearts." He said with a little more control and blew out his candle.

They looked at our three still lit candles and we unexpectedly spoke at the same time.

"Blessed be." Henry, Polly and I said in unison and then blew out our candles.

The boat started to float away and everything felt so unreal. I was glad that we didn't see her, it would have made it too real.

"How sweet!" Someone shouted from behind us as the boat disappeared.

Wizards, about ten older looking men with wands.

"How dare you show up here!" Moon exclaimed and launched him myself into the air using his sway over the wind, everything including my hair was flying around angrily.

One of the wizards tried to zap him with whatever they fired from their wands, Ravven cancelled the blast with a fireball and I blasted the the blond wizard who dared and the others readied their ones.

"They're going to summon one of those things." Polly said.

"I hope they do." I said planning to turn the thing against them.

Moon rained down energy balls on them and they either dodged, absorbed with their wands or got blasted.

"I'm so tired of these wizards." Polly said then they started firing at us, we dodged and I froze when I could.

I started a little spell in my head when it became too much and it set their clothes on fire, they ran around like headless chickens.

The eldest looking wizard was outing the flames using his wand that looked a little more advanced than the others.

I tried to blast him, he absorbed it and zapped me, it felt like what I assume being struck by lightning would feel like, Henry came over to me with Polly and then he orbed us both out of the way before he blasted us.

We reappeared behind the man, Henry struck him from behind, Polly tried to get a hold on his mind, he was swept up by a gust of wind and thrown into the river before she could.

Ravven was setting the others a blaze with the unapologetic flames from his mouth that seemed as though they were more intense that his regular fire balls.

We had them backing up, when the eldest wizard rose from the river on the back of what looked like a huge sea creature, It shot water from its mouth with so much pressure that it destroyed an oak tree.

It knocked Moon out of the air, Henry orbed us over to him then Ravven then we reappeared deeper into the forest.

"My spell isn't working, I think the monster's strength depends on the wizard who summoned it." I said.

"We're not safe here, they're coming for us." Henry said.

"Orb us home." Polly said.

"That's where I was initially headed, but I was blocked by something." Henry replied.

"What?" I asked.

"It's that wizard he's doing this." Moon said.

"What about shimmering?" I asked, Ravven shimmered out then back in.

"Shimmering is not an option." He said. I felt someone grab me roughly from behind then I felt his wand sticking into my neck.

"Let her go!" Moon and Henry shouted.

Wind started to whirl around us with incredible ferocity.

"Cool it with the wind, warlock, or I end her life just like I did the redhead."

Ravven spat fire like a dragon on steroids and his eyes changed, they looked almost reptilian, I wondered for a moment exactly what kind of demon he was and if he'd incinerate us both just to get revenge on the wizard.

"Mel freeze him." Polly shouted.

"He's not freezing." I said.

The ground started to shake and we heard the monster howl as it neared us.

I have to get out of this hold. Maybe if I focus on his wand I could blow it up, but would that hurt my neck?

I focused on his wand and channelled all my anger and energy into making it explode, it did and it cut my neck and his hand, he pushed me away from him Polly caught me and Ravven came down on him with unrelenting flames. I was hesitant to watch him burn a guy alive, but I didn't stop him.

"Ravv, he's dead." Moon said touching his friends shoulder carefully.

"That monster is coming, what do we do?"Polly asked.

"I'm assuming vanquishing that wizard will allow us to orb out of here." I said.

"Yeah we just have to get pass the Loch Ness Monster." Henry said.

"We shouldn't be standing in one place, we need to surround it and attack from all angles." Moon said.

I never realised how much I missed his voice until that moment.

"I don't really see what we'll be able to attack it with." Henry said.

"He's right, it's immune to my flames and I doubt that it can be blown up or frozen." Ravven said.

The ground shook violently as the creature neared us.

"Have you two ever tried power convergence?" I asked Moon and Ravven, they didn't seem to get what I meant.

"Yes, Mel, fire and air combined you two could do some real damage." Polly said.

"I think I follow, but what if we took it a step further. Not just Ravv and myself, but with your power we could be explosive."

"What if that backfires, or works, but not just on the monster? " Henry asked.

"No time. It's here."


I was a heavy heart to carry
My beloved was weighed down
My arms around his neck
My fingers laced to crown

I was a heavy heart to carry
My feet dragged across the ground
And he took me to the river
Where he slowly let me drown

Heavy in Your Arms by Florence + the Machine
