What has l💘ve got to say?: 17

Mel's P.O.V

Polly decided to stay the night, we had only three hours before we had to go to sleep, but neither of us wanted to even think about trying to dream, tomorrow, and not tomorrow as in the next day, tomorrow as in the rest of our lives kept plaguing our minds.

"How are we going to handle being the charmed ones in college and adulthood? How would it affect our dreams?"

"Would we be able to have normal careers? Sure our parents do, but do they really?" I was on a rant.

"Okay, someone's had too much cookies and cream and also let's not worry about the tomorrow that may never be. Right now, I think you should start thinking about.... dating." She fearfully let the last words leave her lips.

"Dating?" I echoed.

"Not to find love or even companionship, but to get your mind off things, to remind yourself that you're only 16 once." She replied.

"Um I don't think I could do that-"

"Before you start to overthink, you should know Darren and the eldest of the hot blond brothers are friends and he says he constantly asks him about you."

"I don't think I could do that to Moon, is what I was going to say, he didn't choose to give us up, he was force to."

"I mean he did move away..." She replied.

"You know it wasn't like that."

"Honey of course I do, he's your first love and that's beautiful and sweet and all, but how long is that supposed to last? If you can say that, that is what you want, one love now and forever, I'll be here fighting with you to get it back, always."

"If it wasn't Moon, it'd be me myself and you three." I said honestly.


"You, Henry and Matt. I don't wanna consider dating someone who doesn't understand our world, someone I'd have to hide half of who I am from, someone who I'll have to be worried about dropping the big bad secret on some day."


"I'm sorry I didn't mean to suggest-" I started and she stopped me.

"I know you didn't and trust me I've thought about that, a lot." She replied.


"Oh yeah, all the time, I was even afraid that Tafarie or Henry might orb in when I have him over." She replied.

"So what's it like having a boy over?" I asked.

It sounded so weird to asked, but how would I know?

"It's great if you ignore the fact that my door has to stay wide open and dad strolls by every two minutes."

"I figured, uncle Coop has always been a little overprotective when It comes to boys which is pretty ironic."

"Yeah, he has no problem making love connections over the world, but not when it's one of his precious girls."

Love connections all over the world, cupids can do that....

Cupids can do that!

"Hey do you think the power of a cupid and true love could over power or completely nullify whatever curse Moon has?" I asked and an envelope fell into Polly's lap out of no where.

"Where did that come from?" I asked looking up a I the sender's hand would be there.

"I was gonna ask you, it's the addressed to the charmed kids and Matt." She said.

"What does it say?" I asked eagerly as her face fell.

"It's a funeral invitation , from Ravven." She replied an I didn't know how to respond.

"I thought they would have had her funeral already, it's been well over three weeks." I finally said.

The TV playing in the background became inaudible even though it was playing very loudly, It was an episode of friends our favourite old show growing up, I was obsessed with Ross and Rachel.

Ross represented the complete man, safe, as in he would make you feel safe, funny, he'd never allow you to be sad for too long, thoughtful, he'd never leave you out in the cold after a lost that affected you almost as much as it did him, he'd want you there to comfort him and make him feel okay and not guilty... like I know he does.

"They've been trying to resurrect her, heard It in both of their heads." She explained.

"I keep thinking about how heart broken Moon must be, Killess was not just one of his best friends, she was in love with him, and if he felt guilty for choosing me back then, I can't imagine how he feels now." I said.

I could barely get the words out, what could we have done? Would they ever forgive us if they find out the elders knew that she was gonna die and did nothing?

"Do you think they'd blame us for what the elders did?" Polly asked.

"I hope not."

"Do you think we should go?" She asked.

"I don't know." I replied truthfully, of course I would think about it, but I really had no idea how to react to their unexpected invitation.

"When is it?" I asked.

"The 13th, whoa Friday is the 13th. Bad omen?" She asked.

"I guess we'll see." I replied.

"How is it going to work if you two can't look at each other?"

"I'm actually wondering if he'll even be visible there or leave before I get there."


Henry's P.O.V

Inside of the school's cafeteria.

I could tell they expected me to be against it, even hoped I would be so they wouldn't have to relive what happened.

"If we go to this, it's gonna be like she just died all over again, only more real, more final." I said after a short pause.

"Yeah. I feel stupid, always thought she'd come back somehow." Polly said.

"That's not stupid." Mel said.

"Hey, have you guys noticed the absence of a certain group of beings?" I asked.

"I thought I was imagining it. It makes sense though, they were only trying to keep up appearances." Mel said refering to the wizards that were conspicuously absent.

"We have to be careful, especially when the others get here." I said.

"What do you mean?" Mel asked.

"The wizards have to be watching us, when the others get here they'll know and they'll figure out what for." I said.

"Assuming they care what we do, they have the book, the nexus and an army." Mel said.

"All true." Polly added.

"How the hell am I a time witch, but some how can't go back and change anything?" Mel asked herself.

"How can I have an elder gift and not be able to do anything to affect the present?" I asked.

"Guess this is the part where I say something like how can I control what people do with their bodies, but not be able to save anybody?" Polly joked.

"I wonder what the other elder gifts are." Mel asked.

"We'll probably never know unless one of us develops another one." I said.

"I don't think I can go guys, her parents are going to be there." Polly said burying her face in her hands.

"Her resurrected parents." I added.

"Her resurrected parents that our parents killed." Mel added.

"Shockingly this isn't making me feel any better!" Polly exclaimed.

"A little louder Pols I don't think India heard." I said.

"We shouldn't go, I mean why should we?" Mel asked.

"I honestly thought you'd wanna go more than anyone." I said.

"What are you insinuating?" Mel asked, eyebrows narrowed.

"Come on Mel, I know we don't really talk about him, but we all know you wanna see him and he has to be going." I said cautiously.

"Doesn't matter if I want to see him, we all heard what Ravven said that night. We can't even look at each other."

"Not if love's got something to say about it. Polly told me about your little idea and I talked to uncle Coop and there's something that can protect you both from the curse." I said retrieving the ring from my pocket.

"Is that a Cupid's ring?" Mel asked.

"My dad gave you that?" Polly asked.

"Yeah, it's not his though."

"That can break Moon's curse?" Mel asked.

"That would require us knowing what his curse is. No, according to uncle Coop the ring alone won't be enough especially because neither you nor Moon is a Cupid, but if we amplify it with the power of three no curse can come between your love." I was a little anxious to hear her response, she looked like she was about to cry, which was little hard to handle.

"Henry, is this for real?" Mel asked.

"Yes, but there's one thing, two things actually." I replied.

"What are they?" Polly asked for her.

"We need one more ring, for this to work both of you have to be wearing a Cupid's ring, Uncle Coop could only get us one and he has to have it back, so you guys will only have that day."

"Okay how do we find another love ring?" She asked.

"I don't know, but the stones, Amorite aren't hard to find and it's what's really important."

"So we get the other stone and fashion a ring from scratch..." Polly said dubiously.

"We're gonna use magic, obviously." I quipped.

"Where do we get the stone?" Mel asked.

"Egypt, an ancient temple that only supernatural beings can see, it's supposed to be guarded by a hydra." I said.

"We can orb there after school, tell our parents we're studying at a mutual friend's house and be back before they have time to get suspicious." Mel said all too eagerly.

"Great plan, except did you miss the part about the three headed monster that grows two extra heads if one is cut off?" I said surprised at how underwhelmed she seemed by the mention of a hydra.

"I mean we've faced worst, you're not scared are you Junior?" Polly teased.

"Oh so we're bringing back Junior? Real mature Paula, I'll remember that the next time I run into my good pal Darren, maybe bring up some other oldie nick names."

"You wouldn't dare and you two aren't even friends."

"If you guys are down I am, we should see what the book says about Hydras before-oh holy shit we don't have the book, anyone else finding that hard to believe?" I said.

"We can get some info from Tafarie." Mel suggested.


Mel's P.O.V

"You guys can't be serious, the temple of Cepheus ii isn't just too dangerous, it's known for taking prisoners." Tafarie said right after we told him our plan.

"We know that there's a hydra Tafarie, I think we can handle an over grown snake and a few lame booby traps." Henry shrugged.

"Booby traps, this isn't a bad episode of Mummies alive, Henry!" Tafarie exclaimed.

"Oh no way, I used to love that show, can't believe you know it." Henry replied.

"Focus blondie. Look Taf, we're doing this. What do we need to know that we don't already?" I asked.

"The temple isn't just guarded by a hydra, it's filled with hundreds of statuses that can and will come alive and try to kill you if you touch the wrong thing and the spirit of Prince Cepheus ii is very much alive there and he's known to fall for the people that trespass in his temple, something about the way he died."

"So a few lame statues that Mel can definitely freeze, wouldn't him falling for one of my lame cousins be a plus?"

"Cepheus didn't like girls, it's why he was killed and why he cursed the temple, if he falls for you, you won't be able to leave."

"This is starting to not look like such a good idea." Henry said.

"Woooow... Henry." Polly exclaimed noticing how quickly he changed his mind when it was him in danger of becoming the object of affection for the dead prince.

"Why wouldn't Coop mention any of this?" Tafarie asked.

"Oh he didn't tell me where to find the stones, of course he'd never let us go. I did some research after he gave me this." Henry said holding up the ring.

"Henry, I can't believe you did all of this for me, I mean I really can't." I said.

"Looks like it's gonna be all for nothing." he replied.

"So we just give up?" Polly asked.

"Look I may be purposefully exaggerating just to keep you three safe, in all honesty Cepheus fell in love with last being he trapped in the temple, so as long as you avoid his quarters you should be able to get in and get out unscathed." Tafarie said.

"That's awesome, I mean not about whoever he trapped." I replied.

"It's awful." Polly said.

"It is Pols, but we can't let anything get in our way." I said.

"I'm being called away, it's urgent. Please wait for me." Tafarie said then orbed out.

"Oh we are so going without him." Henry said then his phone rang.

"Hi mom. I don't know if I can I'm studying at a friend's today, mom! Okay."

"What was that about?" Polly asked.

"Mom needs me to get some stuff for her." Henry said.

"Matt's texting, I forgot I promised I'd help him study." Polly said sounding guilty which made me feel guilty.

"Guys what are we thinking? We don't have to do this now the funeral is Friday. Our cover is way too rushed anyway."

"You're right." Polly agreed.

"Don't worry Mel, we're definitely getting that second ring." Henry said.

We went separate ways and before I knew it, I was in bed cuddling next to a cold unloving chemistry book.

It was a little chilly, I clung to the small blanket that covered my legs as I pulled it up a little.

(Knock knock)

"Who is it?"

"It's Tafarie, are you decent?"

"As I'll ever be." I said and for some reason I wondered how I looked.

"What's up?" I asked closing my book and sitting up after he entered.

"One sec." He said as if he was waiting for something to happen, I realized what when Henry orbed in with Polly.

"Okay fully alert are we being attacked? Who died?" I exclaimed getting off my bed.

"No one died, calm SpongeBob shorts." Henry said.

"And we have no idea what this is about either, he just told us to get here." Polly said.

"Right. You three have an innocent, your official first." Tafarie said, I froze, was I anxious or excited, I wasn't sure.



Sorry for the late update, work and other distractions.

So this is not the heavy chapter I promised, you know how it goes when you plot and name a chapter then just end up making stuff up as you go and changing the title.

Rujay ÷
