Did you hear the rain?: 13

General P.O.V

"Wait there's one major problem, how are we gonna use our magic without getting detected?" Marlon asked and no one had a response, until Marc begun to part his lips only to be shut down by Martin.

"Don't even think about it, we are not going STILLman just to do some sleuthing. We shouldn't be getting involved with Ravven anyway, he's bad news, especially without his crew to keep him grounded, that guy's like a time bomb." Martin said in a final, end of conversation tone.

"What are you talking about?" Marlon asked.

"I didn't know they split." Marlon continued.

"Right after getting their parents back, it's kinda sad, those three were thick as thieves." Martin said as his thoughts visited a memory long buried by the sands of time.

"You were just as close to them, don't you wanna find out what they're up to?" Marc asked.

"I was never close to them, both Marlon and I were a part of their rebellion, their plot to get evil youth on top and in power in the underworld, but that's a dead dream that they abandoned, let this go Marcolie." Martin said assertively then turned and walked off.

"Whoa, he used your full name. You know he doesn't like when you bring up his friendship with them. You gonna let this go?" Marlon asked.

"No." Was Marc's simple reply, then he turned to leave as well.


Polly's P.O.V

I never realised how alone we were, with all the supernatural beings we've seen and heard about, it never really sunk in that we were the few, that so many of the people around us were just regular humans, not that that made them any less or more than us, just a little luckier.

With Matt around to make me feel connected to the rest of the world, I never felt like I was on the outside because he was always there for balance, he was a mortal who knew.

Because we're related and around each other all the time, Mel, Henry and I had times when we could barely stand each other, we still do. Matt was balance.

"Hey what are you thinking about?" Darren asked.

I almost thought he could provide at least half the comfort Matt did, but he didn't know our secret, I felt inhuman around him sometimes, always making sure to have my charm on so I didn't get into his mind and constantly worrying about Tafarie orbing in.

"I'm just thinking, about Matt."

"Hey he'll be okay, I know it." He replied, I nodded half listening.

Tafarie, he's been M.I.A since that night, I was still having nightmares, sometimes I hated him for even having so much as a feeling that Killess would die and not tell us, other times I tried to understand, those were the times when I missed him most.

"I'm sorry if I seem distant it's not fair to you, Darren Green, Trinity high's sweetheart " I said playfully, trying to cheer both of us up.

"Stop, you follow that dumb list?" He asked and I was immediately brought back to my nerdy years, Matt and I lived for that list all the while claiming that it was just for laughs.

"Not to be all nobler than thou, I read it too." He said noticing my expression. He sat a little closer to me.

I still could not believe I had a boy in my room, sure the door had to be left wide open and dad 'casually' strolled by every two seconds, but I still had a breathing, muscular, tennis playing, cherry lipped, strawberry blond dreamy boy.

"I think it's everyone's guilty pleasure." I joked as we continued to inch closer to each other.

My stupid phone rang before my heart finally gave up from beating as fast as it was. At that moment I so wished that I had Matt to squeal to about everything that's happened with Darren.


"Pols, you gotta get over to aunt Piper's, It's Matt." Henry exclaimed with emphasis, that shook the already shaky construct within my chest.

"I-" Henry hung up before I could reply.

"Paula, what is it?"

"I have to go, Darren I'm so sorry it's a family emergency." I said standing.

"It's totally fine, I'll catch you later, tomorrow at lunch chestnut angel." He said kissing my cheek affectionately, then he left.

"Damn." Is all I said rubbing the spot he kissed.

I ran to mom and dad and we transported ourselves to the manner.


Marc's P.O.V

I never thought my ability to see into other worlds was a real asset, until my 13th birthday when my mother gave me Orion's crystal ball, it had limited abilities and could only work in the hands of an oracle or very powerful demon, but she had a feeling that I could combine it with my magic sight and be able to see whatever I chose, she was right.

"Guess, Blake Stillman is going to the Charmed manner."

I have no idea why we decided to use our moms' maiden name as our moniker and fake last names, you'd think it'd be so obvious, but the general public had no knowledge of the Stillman sisters and the Charmed ones would not pay attention to it, we were a famous boy band that appeared out of no where, nothing more nothing less.

It was Marlon's idea for us to be brothers instead of three cousins, to stray as far away from our actual group dynamic as possible, the platinum hair was my idea and of course we were glamoured to be insanely gorgeous when masquerading as STILLman.

It always felt weird to look at myself in the mirror and see Blake Stillman, instead of Marcolie Darkhart, he was better looking, taller and bold, but the latter is something he and I had in common.

Of course I don't intend to show up at the charmed ones' door as Blake to spy on them, I couldn't risk them revealing the STILLman brothers to be warlock cousins.

"You know cuz, you have some real water melons in those khakis." Marlon said after appearing behind me.

"You can't stop me." Was my simple reply, I was more than prepared to fight him or even Martin if it came to that.

"On the contrary, though I could always hop in and do whatever I please, I come baring advice." He replied smirking, he was alluding to his ability to body jump which was nastier than it sounded.

"I'm listening."

"What if you, Blake Stillman broke down in front of casa Halliwel and needed a phone call?" He said slyly.

"You're nuts, they could expose us, we'd never be able to survive without the STILLman facade." I replied.

"Too true. But you're forgetting one thing."

"Oh yeah?"

"The secret must be kept, even if by some miracle they discovered you're magical they would have to keep it a secret, the STILLman brothers have gotten too big, they couldn't just erase us, not with all the memory dust in elder land and they still would not connect the dots to our mothers." He said all too confident, but making a good point.

"How could they not? The band's name is STILLman for crying out loud."

"They def don't remember our moms' maiden name, you heard how they only had a little paragraph in their book of Shadows, a book full of other evil they've faced, it may ring a distant bell if anything." Marlon replied all too invested.

"I hate when you start to sound smart." I replied fiddling with my bow tie.

"That will happen when you've read as much as yah boi." Hey exclaimed grabbing my shoulders and pressing his face against mine annoyingly.

"Ugh get off you know I hate when you do that!" I protested.


"So what do you get out of this?" I asked facing him after shoving him off.

"I don't like the way we left things. I may not have been as close to them as Martin was, but I was really into the cause, and they intrigue me those three." He answered looking off into god knows where.

"Who, the Charmed kids?"

"The teen triad. Demons and all creatures of the dark would shake when they were mentioned, they were running shit, and I still don't get why they didn't come back after freeing themselves, why did they choose normal?" He asked himself genuinely intrigued.

He only made that face when he was presented with a challenge, and like a kid obsessed with puzzles, he was obsessed with people, why they did the things they did, that's why he read so much, but at the same time try to play of the average f boy, to observe and study, to what end? I never could never figure out, but he had me figured, Martin too, it was unnerving, I was the one with supernatural sight, but he knew me inside and out.

I suppose that's why it was so easy for him to persuade me.

"You're wrong there cousin, they all didn't choose normal." I replied feeling like I actually corrected him for a second.

"You wouldn't say that if you knew why Ravven wants to over throw his father, I'll be able to say a lot more when you find out what he wants with your Matthew." He replied.

"Why do I feel like I'm just going to confirm your suspicions?"

"Because you were always a little too good at feelings. Remember you're Blake Stillman, you're invincible." He said patting my shoulders.

"Says the great River Stillman." I replied.

"You might wanna get out of here before the great and pissed off Cyrus Stillman pops in." He warned, but I knew Martin almost as much as he did, he'd avoid you like a plague if you pissed him off, he'd never come into my room.


Henry's P.O.V

"Matt's convulsing." I said to Polly as soon as she came over.

Mel had called me and that's how I knew what was up, the adults kept us out of everything when it came to Matt, we were magically blocked off from the room they kept him in.

They said they didn't want us to have to carry that around with us, but what else could we do.

Matt wasn't just some random innocent, he was like our fragile little cousin, we all wanted to protect him and failed miserably.

"Don't tell me they're still not letting us see him!" Polly exclaimed.

"They're not." Mell said joining us at the bottom of the staircase, her eyes were red and swollen, I didn't need to ask why. How could three people cause so much damage, I say three only because we all felt Killess's death, we may not have liked her very much, but she was a red blooded teenager in our minds like any other just different just like we were.

"I heard them talking, they have no idea what's wrong or if he'll survive." Mel said looking away.

"Why? Why would Ravven do this?" Mel exclaimed and Polly had this strange look on her face, like she knew something.

I dismissed it knowing that she wouldn't keep anything too important a secret from us.


Marc's P.O.V

There I was, about to knock on the Halliwel manner's front door as freaking Blake Stillman!

My phone rang before I actually knocked and I almost ignored it but thought it might be important.


"It's off." Marlon's voice came through clear and ominous. Something was wrong, I turned back to leave.

"Hey!" Someone called from behind me, I shuddered and thought about bolting, but it was too late.

What do I do?, Shit what do I do?.

I decided to stay calm and slowly turned to face the person opening the front door, it seems that it was someone else who called from the window, as it was a guy and of course it was Polly who opened the door, she screamed so hard when I turned around I almost passed out, Henry and Melinda ran to the door after her and they were equally as surprised though neither of them screamed.

"Whoa." Is all the reaction they gave staring at me as if I had pink skin, I might as well have. I needed to think fast before the questions started to roll in quick succession.

"Hi." I said weakly.

"You're.... You're." Polly stuttered.

"Blake Stillman, hey." I said turning on the boy band hottie charm. I rolled my eyes inwardly.

"My car broke down a few blocks away and my phone battery died." Shit that sounded like a cheesy made up lie.

"No way!" Mel exclaimed.

I felt a slither of a smile surfacing, from the looks of them they were dealing with something heavy, most likely what happened to Matt, It felt a little bit nice to be able to give them that moment.

Everyone secretly wishes for a famous person to stop by their house randomly, everyone likes to feel special.

I noticed that Henry's standing position changed without me seeing him move and they all had different facial expressions. Melinda froze me and I had no idea for how long.

"This is insane!" Henry said.

"This stuff just does not happen." Mel said.

Polly spontaneously hugged me then apologized, I told her that it was okay and she hug me again, for longer.

"Polly." Mel called, I knew she wanted to as well, but had more self control I suspected.

Their trio sort of reminded me of mine and that made me painfully aware of where I was and what I was doing.

Martin was going to crucify me.

After a few more hugs from Polly an autograph and a promise to give them a heads up before the STILLman brothers come off hiatus I took my fake call thanked them then rushed home.

When I got home there was a grimmlock talking to Martin, Marlon said that he was a part of Zed's rebellion.

Martin was surprisingly chill so I assumed he was unaware of my recent activities.

Marlon explained that he wanted to call it off because he thought it would be safer to question the grimmlock who had some information on Matt and Ravven.

I looked into the dream world that night and sought him out, his dreams were nothing short of revealing.
