Wizards (they're everywhere!):2

Melinda's P.O.V

"Melinda hurry up, you're going to be late for your first day!" Dad shouted from outside my door.

I was reading an email Moon sent while dragging a comb through my tangled mess of long hair.

"Shit." I said when the stupid comb handle broke.

"Okay, growing my hair seemed great at first, but this is too much!"

"Oh no its after seven! And I still haven't showered and I don't know what I'm going to wear."

Maybe I should just skip today....

Why did I stay up video chatting with Moon? ugh! He was telling me to go to bed and get some rest, I should of listened, but how does a girl resist her angelic boyfriend who can sing to her in three different languages!

"Melinda!" Mom shouted.

"I'm just fixing my hair mom!" I shouted back while laying face down on my bed.

"Well it's a good thing I told Polly to go ahead of me." I said after getting up to look in the mirror, I was a total mess.

Maybe I could just cast a little biddy spell to fix my hair..... no personal gain...

Ugh I've violated that too many times I could end up making myself bald.

"Melinda if I come into that room and you are not dressed for school!" Mom shouted.

"Screw it. Magic forces, rig me up a guise, an enchanted wig to conceal my wretched locks, something with a short lenght appeal and fresh feel."

"Oh shit no, not that short and definitely not blond!" I exclaimed looking at the platinum blond pixie cut that replaced my long brown hair.

Tell me this is not happening, ugh.

Oh Moon! Why me?

"That is it young lady!"

"No wait mom, I'm changing I'm just having a little trouble finding something to wear, I'll be out in a minute!" I shouted then flew into the bathroom and had the world's quickest shower, ran out and started digging through my closet.

Of course, the long sleeved top Moon sent me!

It was costumed made, he designed the moon and flower on the front, it had 'Moonflower' written in Korean below the design, it was perfect.

Alright this with anything that's not also black, I thought then found a pair of white ripped jean shorts (not too short) and my red converse.

"Zero given." I said looking at myself in the mirror, then I applied red lipstick put on my M&M silver necklace then I was out the door leaving my room a catastrophic mess, I expected red caution tapes to be over the door when I came back.

"Melinda Prudence Halliwell what did you do to your hair!" Mom exclaimed after gasping.

Shit I actually forgot that she'd end up seeing it.

"H-honey, I thought you were growing it out? What happened?" Dad asked confused.

"It's just a wig you guys I didn't do my hair last night and because I woke late I didn't have time to do it."

"It looks very real for a wig and what makes you think you can wear a wig to school?" Mom said.

"Wait a minute..... did you use magic to change your hair?" She exclaimed



Alright Mel you're 16 you can't backed down from your mom.

"Yes ma'am, but you can't get mad because there's no time to scold me I'm already super late." I replied, my mom looked like she was about to explode.

"She's right." Dad said.

"Is it that bad?" I asked.

"No." Dad said.

"It's too flashy!" Mom said.

"Mom you think everything is too flashy." I replied then Tafarie his sparkly entrance mocked my tardiness.

"Oh lord, I'm never going to make it to school."

"You may not want to after hearing what I have to say." Tafarie said and we all tensed.

"What is it? What's wrong now?" Mom asked.

"Whoa, cool hair."


"Nothing is really wrong in a bad way, but we just learned that most of, if not all of the teen wizards that came back enrolled into your high school."

"What?" Mom and dad asked in unison.

"Wait some of the returned are teens?" I asked.

"Yes, why?" Tafarie asked.

"What do you mean why? What happened to them?"

"Oh you don't know, Mel the wizard race was completely wiped out by a former source, so Adults, teens, kids..."

"And babies?" I dared to ask.

"Yeah... it's why a lot of us think that this isn't just random, but kind of like their second chance, it's why we're inclined to believe that they are being genuine when they say they have returned in peace, but..."

"Wizards are still and will always be tricksters." Dad said.

"We learned that the hard way." he added while hugging mom from behind.

"Did we ever, that was also when your aunt crossed over to the other side to be with her then husband, the source of all evil." Mom said, surprising me.

"Wait what?" I asked.

"Yes that bad guy we told you she was involved with, he eventually became the source." Mom said.

"Again, what?"

"Go to school."

"You guys have to tell me everything when I get back from school, the whole story this time, Tafarie was there anything else?"

"Yeah they aren't very happy about your disregard for the personal gain rule."

"Oh bummer, well I'm off to school." I said and sprinted out the door and into my car.

General P.O.V

***In the cafeteria****

Polly, Matt, Mel and her friend Indigo Cho were sitting together under the watchful eye of their fellow school mates.

"So once again this is the most talked about table since that table." Indigo said.

"Mel you're such a little witch, you didn't even let me know about your major hair change! You as a pixie cut blonde demolishes my puffy mixed girl magic curls." Indigo continued.

Her use of the word witch made the two witches in her presence inwardly smile.

What if it were that easy? What if they could be sure that they'd be seen as teen girls who happen to be witches and not witches who happen to look like teenagers.

"You're not the only one who's surprised." Polly added.

"Guys it's a wig, my hair was not cooperating." Mel said.

"What? No way, but it looks so real." Indigo exclaimed

"My hairdresser has magic fingers." Mel replied winking at Polly.

"You didn't!" Polly said.

"I like it, it brings out your eyes." Matt said.


"Hot guy alert, three of the many new students, Marlon, Marc and Martin, they're brothers according to the latest tea, they moved from Seattle." Indigo whispered to Mel as the guys were about to pass their table.

The shortest one with dark curls neatly dressed and like his brothers was staring at their table.

"Well all the rumours are true then, Trinity High is the home of the angels" The tallest brother with the square jaw line, dimpled chin and neatly cut straight ash blond hair said, he was looking at Mel and the second tallest, sandy blond hair one with cherry red lips and sharp jawline was looking at Polly who he already met earlier.

"Hello ladies and guy." Middle height said.

"I'm Martin, these are my younger brothers, Marlon and Marc." The tallest one Martin said.


"Polly." acting as if she hadn't already met Marlon.

"Mel." Melinda said not looking up from her phone.

"And this is Matt." Polly said introducing Matt who was quiet.

"Nice to meet you guys, we should all get together sometime, if you don't mind showing the newbies around." Martin said.

"Not at all, we'd love to." Indigo said eagerly then the three brothers smiled and walked off.

"Oh my God! They are so cute, like Zayne and a gorgeous blonde had kids." Indigo exclaimed, Mel still refused to look up from her phone.

"We're not close enough for you to be offering us up to play tour guides, I refuse to be bound by your words." Polly said not overly seriously more lazily playful.

"Agreed." Matt added.

"Oh somebody mad, you must have seen the list then..." Indigo said to Matt, who did not have a friendly look on his face.

"What does she mean?" Polly asked Matt.

"I was voted biggest nerd, even though I wasn't around For most of the 10th grade because I was at home." Matt said.

"Oh right I heard about that, I heard you were sick, what did you have?" Indigo asked.

"Don't worry about it purple, worry about your up coming two girl tour guide." Polly said getting up to leave with Matt.

"Sheeese what's up with her attitude?" Indigo asked as Polly and Matt left.

"Hey artificial blondie, it would be nice if you could pay your good ole friend purple, some attention."

"Oh sorry."

"Were you texting that Moon guy?"


"Anyway, about your cousin..."

"Eh I don't know we switched bodies or something, cause lately she's classic Mel sarcastic without the dark archives."


"Nothing, she kinda met somebody in the Caribbean and you know she's here he's there, so they-"

"Decided to not waste each other's time because they're hundreds of miles apart?" Indigo trailed off.

"Yeah.... wait are you insinuating that Moon and I are wasting our time because he's in Korea?" Mel asked raising an indignant eyebrow.

"Well, I mean we are teenagers and he's what, almost 20..."

"He's 17 Indie and I don't know what you're insinuating, but don't try to analyse my relationship." Mel replied indignantly.

"Sheesh sorry, why is everyone catching an attitude today?"

"It is the first day of the 11th grade." Mel said getting back to her phone.

"Oh my Gandhi is that Henry with Brown hair? And what is he wearing?" Indigo exclaimed looking at Henry who had just entered the cafeteria claiming all eyes, Mel didn't look up from her phone.

The platinum blonde playboy of Trinity was actually sporting ash blond hair which was his natural hair color. it didn't set his blue eyes ablaze like the previous hair color, but it was a fresh contrast.

"Let me guess, a huge black sweater, sweat pants and oldman man church shoes?" Mel said still not looking up from her phone.


"Henry has a weird way of crying out for help, he doesn't do his hair and only wears clothes he thinks are comfortable." Mel said joining the other rubberneckers.

"Oh that's kinda sad, what's wrong with him?" Indigo asked.

"Love stuff."

"Wow he's gotten so big over the summer and ugh his eyes I think they got prettier." Indigo said dreamily.

"One more comment like that and me and this tuna sandwich are leaving this table." Mel said.



Polly's P.O.V

Inside of the school's library during lunch.

"I am so glad we came up here and that the place is empty, I really couldn't stand another second of the staring." Matt said.

"I feel yah." I added flipping through the dark romance novel I had become obsessed with, A Valiant Villain named Adonis.

"Those guys, the three brothers, they remind me of some people I can't put my finger on-"

"The Stillman brothers." Polly cut him off.

"Yes! How did you know?"

"I saw the resemblance and I forgot to wear my charm necklace." I said.

"You witch, so you've been listening in on me!"

"I mean I was trying not to, but you kept squealing about Cameron's butt and biceps, not to mention where your mind went with that Marc guy." Polly replied slapping Matt who was frozen in terror.

"Don't worry I can block you out if I focus, but sometimes it's images and they're a little harder to block out."

"Ugh please tell me you did no-"

"Uh huh."


"Yep." I replied and He buried his face in his palms. I started to laugh then froze when the voices of two other people entered my mind.

"We're not suppose to use our wands here, but no one's around Lokie stop over thinking."

I started to look around, Matt noticed my unease and sat up right.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm not just picking up your thoughts, two other guys are in here." I said standing.

"So... it just means the place isn't empty like we thought, sit down you're making me nervous." Matt replied scratching his palm.

"They're wizards." I said still standing.

"What? How do you know?" Matt asked while standing.

"Sssh." I replied putting my finger over my lips.

I slowly made my way to the back of the library with Matt in toe.

"Lokie, this is a bad idea." Another guy said.

"Oh there they are, they're two shelves over." Matt said peeping and I joined and saw two guys our age, black, both darker than Matt with very old fashion hair cuts.

"They have wands, yo this is just like Harry Potter." Matt said.

"Kenntnis schicken!" The taller guy shouted pointing his wand at some books then they lit up and emitted light that he sucked up with his wand.

"Whoa!" Matt said then accidentally shoved a math ( of course 😩) text book that fell to the floor with a loud thud.

"Who's there?" The one named Lokie asked, he had cornrows that reached his shoulders, golden brown eyes and strong facial features.

"Someone's watching us." The other shorter slender dark eyed one said.

"Nice going, Matt." I sighed.

I was about to suggest we try to slip out went they came over to us.

"I knew we shouldn't have been using magic in here." the short one said as they both raised their wands in our direction, Matt and I both got up from our squatting positions.

I focused my mind and entered theirs then made them drop their wands.

"How?-" Loki started to ask, but I stopped him.

"I'm a witch and I'm hoping that you were about to try and take my memories and not use your powers to harm us cause that would seriously violate the terms of your 'return' you shouldn't be using those things during school by the way." I said and they both appeared confused for a brief moment.

"You must be one of the charmed kids." The shorter guy said.

"Teens." I said.

"And who is he?" Lokie asked.

"Matt, not a witch, but I'm in the know you know."

"I'm Lokie this here is my brother Dorian."

