A New Chapter: 1

Melinda's P.O.V

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Your current lack of a phone!

Hey, I hope you're still okay. I know you're busy adjusting to the move and juggling work and family stuff, so I'll make this short; get a phone or I'll use magic to send one to you!

I miss you, I'm holding on, but only because I know that the move is something you really wanted. Things are still crazy here, we legit just got back from the DC dimension (a week ago) and tomorrow is already our first day of the 10th grade! We spent our entire summer in two alternate dimensions battling super powered bad guys... I want to punch someone, but not as much as I want to hug you.


Yours truly, Melinda.

I sent him that email about 30 minutes ago

I knew he was busy, he and his family were trying to build a life on the illicit money he and his father accumulated over their bad years, but they were trying to straighten out their lives and affairs, he was working to save up for school- is what he said, but I had hopes that he was waiting on me to leave high school so we could attend the same college- even though he had enough money between him and his parents to start, maybe he didn't want to strain them financially.

I was glad for the adventures we had in the DC dimension, it really distracted me from thinking about Moon and we made some really good friends and got Hypoleta's belt which we were planning to use against Vladimir and Ravven, if need be.

According to his mother, who was thankfully a good witch, he was out of control and willing to do anything to vanquish his father, which was actually a good thing because they were causing such a commotion that the underworld was in disarray and way too busy to bother us or innocents, but we were all still worried because the power struggle wouldn't last forever, one of them would gain control of the underworld and defeating us would be the first thing on their to-do list.

And then there was the threat Ravven posed towards Matt who he had promised to come back for, because his experiments were quote on quote incomplete, as if Matt was his play thing and to make matters worse, he also said that Matt would die if he did not get to complete his experiments so we were all watching and worrying.

(Phone buzzes)

It was a reply from Moon.

Noches Satellite
To me
Subject My lack of a phone

Dear Melinda, I miss your laugh, I miss your smile and I dream about you all the time with my eyes open, (So I'm no good at this new job, because I am not focusing).

My family and I are okay, both of my parents are working at the same restaurant I am working, things have never been this good between them, it gets weird for them after being gone for so long then coming back, but they are adjusting. Today I met the older brother I didn't know I had, half brother, my father had him two years before me and lost him in a custody battle with his mother (long story) he's trying to reconnect with my father and myself.

As for my lack of a smart phone I will get one as soon as possible and message you.

Good luck on your first day tomorrow, study hard baby and also another thing I'd like to ask of you, Killess's parents want her to finish high school and have registered her into your school, I'm hoping you will help her feel welcome, she is a lot of bark and a little bite too, but she doesn't like to be alone and she now has lost both myself and Ravv, so I know she isn't all that well emotionally, all that said I hope you consider befriending her for me.

To the subject of your previous adventure and the newly resurrected wizards in your city. Hypoleta's belt is very dangerous, do not put it on no matter how desperate times are, it does not come off and will destroy the wearer only the one who is meant to wear it can withstand its influence and power. Be careful of the wizards, they are masters of illusion and deception, the majority of them are rendered powerless without their wands, the older more seasoned ones are still very dangerous with or without their wands, I know from what you tell me that they claim to have returned in peace, but be careful.

I miss you, I love you.


I heard his gentle voice pronounce every single word and I missed him a little bit more if it were at all possible.


Henry's P.O.V

The first day of school, always feels like stepping out of the bathroom after a really cold shower.

"Hey Matthews-Mitchell!"

"Hey Ming!"

"Yo bro, did you check out the list yet?" He asked already slapping the piece of paper on my chest.

"There still doing that? What kid has the time to make hundreds of copies every new semester- whoa no they didn't!"

The list (last semester)

Most popular guy: Cameron Royce

"Pssh." We snorted.

Most popular girl: Hailey Rodríguez

"She a hoe." Mingus said.

The school's sweet heart:

Male: Darren Green


Female: Molly Cho

"She's a aight."

Hottest cheerleader: Patricia Matthews-Mitchell

"Gross, did they have to choose my sister?"

Hottest jock: Henry Matthews-Mitchell

"They know what they're doing." I commented and Ming coughed and said something under his breath

Best dressed

Male: Cameron Royce


"Nah, but Royce does got swag." Ming said.

Female: Leyla Kelly

"Accurate, she's fire, isn't she in your homeroom? You need to help a brother out."

"She likes girls." I said.

"So!" He exclaimed.

Least favourite teacher: Mr Grandison

"They should fire that guy already."

"Didn't we T.P his house last Halloween?" I said.

"Yeah man that was sick!" Ming replied.

Biggest savage: Ling'Shae Ming-Wow

(Cough from Mingus)

Biggest undercover savage: Melinda Halliwell

"Haha yow Mel is gonna hate this!" I said then took a picture and sent it to her because I knew she usually avoided the list like the black death or ebola or some shit.

Biggest player: Henry Matthews-Mitchell

"Disinformation." I said and Ming coughed and I elbowed him.

Cutest brommance: Henry Matthews-Mitchell and Mingus Prendergast


Official thot: Mary Bailey

"Bro I'm dead, hash tag ashes to ashes!" Mingus exclaimed.

"Hash tag, gone right on time."

Geek of the year: Lennard Carter

Nerd of the year: Matthew Morris.

"They shouldn't have done this, everyone knows Matt was sick last year, what the f#ck is wrong with them?" I said.

"Don't worry about it bro, no one takes this too seriously for more that a week or so."

Nottie of the year: Angelica Pryce

"Thot." Ming said.

"Isn't she your ex?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Didn't she dump your bum ass?"

"Man f#ck you and that list, I wasn't even that into her hoe ass."

"That must be why you casually drove past her street all last summer, accidentally slowing when you passed her house."

"Her house is close to mine!"

"And how would you know? You were mia for most of the summer!"

Smarty of the semester: Melinda Halliwell

"Runs in the family."

Loser of the year: Lennard Carter

"Poor lennie, didn't they catch him in the bathroom watching porn?" I asked.

"I heard they caught him in there with Mr Grandison." Ming said.

"Dude gross, I did not need that in my head." I said throwing away the list.

Loner of the year: Lennard Carter

"Dude what are you doing! I'm going to glue it to Mr Grandison's class room door and highlight the part about him." Ming replied and I laughed.


"Maybe he'll get the message and quit."


Polly's P.O.V

The 10th grade, the official coolest grade to be in, with only three years of high school left, it's the time when one takes big chances, gets herself established and remembered, not just as the former confused Goth-Emo or sister of two of the most popular former cheerleaders.

I have magic powers for crying out loud and I've already been to two alternate dimensions, in one of which I met The actual Batman, not to mention that snack Superboy.

"Hey Pols, ready in a minute just let me go get something." Matt said after letting me into his house.

He and I became really close, closer than ever, since the 9th grade, I'm the only one who really knows him and we trust each other and so we both decided to make our marks at Trinity High at the same time.

What went down on the DC dimension had a lot to do with it in a really big way.

"Hi uncle Darryl."

"Hey little miss."

"Alright I'm ready." Matt said rushing down the stairs.

He was looking like mankind's original flame, he dyed the tips of his hair blond and cut the sides, the blond set off his eyes and the haircut gave him an edgy popstar look and he got his ears pierced.

"Alright be careful on those things you guys, good luck on your first day." Uncle Darryl said.

"Okay bye."

"Are we ready to ride into Trinity and burned it down miss Pols?" He asked getting onto his neon green and black motorcycle that roared and had beastly presence, it embodied all that he had been yearning to just let out into the world and set everything in his path ablaze, we were both hoping the fire would burn away all the hate.

"Aye aye captain." I said hopping onto to my pink and black metallic stallion.

"Wanna race?" I asked.

"Yeah like I stand a chance against your magically upgraded, artificially intelligent super bike." He said while putting on his helmet.

"Remember to keep that on the dl." I said.

"Alright Domino take me to school." I shouted and sped off.

In the school's parking lot.


"Who was that?" I asked Matt while looking around then I spotted Tafarie behind the tree next to us.

"Hey dude you don't have to hide, you blend in, well except for the mega afro it's kinda two years out of date." I said.

"I'm bringing it back. I have something for you." He said holding up a strange looking silver circular device.

"What is it?"

"Findex, it's a combination of location technology and magic, it will help you find the tethered." He whispered.

"Okay, how does it work exactly?"

"The edges will flash pink on and off when you're close to one of the tethered, the closer you get the faster it blinks until you reach the person then it changes to a bright constant red."

"Cool, did you already give one to Mel and Henry?"

"No, unfortunately we don't have enough right now, so please be careful with it."

"You got it."

"Alright good luck in the classroom jungles." He replied then went behind the tree and orbed out.

"Hey chestnut porcelain, talkin to yourself?" Someone with a familiar voice said from behind me.


"Yes me." He replied smirking.

"The Gods have answered your prayers and brought me to this place." The blue eyed, blond, generic F-boi said and I just smirked and walked passed him.

"They forgot to set you on fire." I said as I passed him.

"Cold." He said.

"Who was that?" Matt asked.

"That guy, I told you about, the one that bumped into me at the mall and had the nerve to think I did it on purpose!" I exclaimed as we walked into the school with all eyes on us.

"You did not mention how cute he was." He whispered.

"I didn't notice." I replied sweeping my hair to the side.

Seeing me in short shorts and  pink boots was shocking enough, so I could only imagine the shock everyone felt seeing Matt in ripped jeans and a leather jacket with diamond nob earrings and blond hair, to go with the fact that we both just hopped off motorcycles.

"Heeey Paula." Someone said and I waved in their direction without looking.

"Yow Pols that was Darren Green! He made the list last year for hottest jock and most popular guy." Matt whispered.

"I know."

"Speaking of the list, we should get a copy." He said.

"Kid step into the future, they shared it in the school's WhatsApp group." I said.

"I'm not in that group."

"Guess that's why they made the hard copies." I said handing him my phone as we came up to my locker.

"Tell me what it says I haven't read it yet." I said opening my locker.

"You're not going to believe who's the most popular guy." Matt replied when Someone came up to us.

I turned to see Cameron fricking Royce, the only guy to remind me of what it was like being 9th grade Polly, who had a monster crush on him, but of course, the guy had perfect raven hair, Ryan Gosling eyes and Ian Somerhalder jawlines with Dom Sherwood lips.

"Hey, Polly." He said giving me that breath stealing gaze, but my breath had a maximum security system and refused to be taken away.

"Sup, Royce." I replied casually and he smiled as if he knew that I was trying to stay cool.

"I like your new look." He said.

"Thanks, it's here to slay." I said shutting my locker about to walk off when he touched my hand and I died a little, why the fudge were his hands so firm, yet soft and gentle?

"Wait." he said turning me, then brushing my hair put of my face.

"I was wondering if I could take you out sometime?"

I paused and side eyed Matt who purposely buried his face in my phone when he saw me.

"I'll think about it." I said.

"That's all I ask, for now... see you butterfly, it's nice to see you out of your cocoon." He said then walked off.

"Who?" I asked Matt.

"Who what?" Matt asked staring off at Cameron, who had a really cute butt and somehow made walking away look sexy.

"Who got the most popular guy for last semester?"

"Cameron Royce." He replied with low emphasis.


~The first day of school, always feels like stepping out of the bathroom after a really cold shower~

Henry Matthews-Mitchell
