Chapter 6

A week later and things were going good. Claudia and Bruno had been working on the new episodes of the rat's telenovela. So far Juan Carlos had finally realized Maria was his (dun dun duh) sister. Meanwhile she had been hanging out with the girls more too. They teased a lot, but it was nice to make friends for once. If Claudia was to have sister in laws she was happy it was these two. However, today was different than usual, and all because of what Alma said at breakfast.

"Brunito, you need to go to town occasionally. You have a magic gift for a reason. You need to share your visions with the town."

"Mama, I….you know the town doesn't like my visions. Maybe I could just-"

"No arguing, you're going to town. That's final. Maybe Claudia can come with you."

And that's how they found themselves walking behind the other Madrigals on the way to the village. Claudia could see how Bruno got nervous and more anxious the closer they got. Based on the stories people told about him, she guessed he had a good reason. Eventually they arrived and then all hell broke loose.

"Umm Senor Dias, I hate to tell you this-" Bruno began nervously.

"Then keep your mouth closed! If I wanted one of your fortunes I'd ask for one, but I don't."

The rest of the interactions went the same, unless one of the other Madrigals was close by. Then they were extremely nice. It was like a switch had turned. Claudia observed at a distance.  She had always been uncomfortable in the village.

"Padre Muñoz, I have a prediction."

"Yes Bruno my son."

"I hate to tell you this, but you're gonna lose your hair in like twenty years."

The Padre looked shocked and then sad.

"Uh...thank you." He eventually said.

Bruno nodded and then awkwardly walked away.

Wherever he went whispers followed him.

"Mama isn't that the man who can see the future?"

"Yes honey, but don't point at him. He may make your future worse."

Everytime he heard one of them, Claudia noticed that Bruno got more and more upset. It took a woman screaming at him about her fortune for him to run off into an alley. Pepa began to berate the woman as a storm brewed, while Claudia ran after Bruno. She was worried. She knew the village feared him but she never imagined that they could be so cruel to them.

Bruno was inconsolable. He knew that nightmare had been right, and this proved it. No matter how hard he tried. They would always despise him, and soon enough so would his family. He just knew it.

When she finally caught up she found him cornered by a few villagers in their twenties. Claudia recognized a few of them as guys who had tormented her in the few times she had gone to the village. They were one of the reasons she hadn't gone, the other reason being the Rojas' obsession with keeping her out of the public eye.

"Well well well, what do we have here? Hey boys, looks like we got the ugly little malparido."

"Look guys can we please skip this today?" Bruno said as he tried to walk away. He looked scared and it pulled on Claudia's heartstrings. One of the boys pushed him back rather roughly.

"You told my sister that her baby was gonna die! You're gonna pay!"

"I was trying to warn her. I just read the future I don't-" Bruno got more anxious.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear your meirda. You keep giving people these awful visions and honestly we're all done with you. You're just a little useless malparido. Your gift is worthless and so are you. So we have to show you how much of an ass you are."

One of the guys raised his hand and that's when Claudia pushed past and stood in front of Bruno. She knew this group and she was nervous, but there was no way they were hurting Bruno any more then he was already hurting.

"Piss off Julio! He just tells the future to warn people. You're being a tonto del culo. Lay off!"

The leader of the boys, Julio chuckled as he looked down at her. Her foot began to tap, but she stood strong blocking Bruno.

"Oh look who it is, the little perra."

He stepped forward and ran his hand through her hair and pulled. It hurt, but it wasn't anything she wasn't used to. Valentina Rojas had done worse.

"I thought I told you to stay out of the fucking village."

"Well you know me," Claudia said pulling back, "I never seem to do anything right."

"That's for sure. In fact I remember the Rojas calling you what? Oh yea, bad luck. No one wants you or your husband here, so you should just leave."

"Like all of your novias leave Julio? Oh sorry, touchy subject."

"Listen here you stupid little perra-" He raised his hand and brought it down. She flinched back and Bruno tried to catch it but it hit Claudia in the face. Bruno quickly got in front of her. He was terrified, but he couldn't let them hurt her.

"Leave her...leave her alone. It's me you're after. She's done nothing wrong. You should be ashamed for hurting an innocent girl"

"Ha, and what are you gonna do about it? See my future? You're a fucking joke. You should lock yourself in that room of yours and never come out again," and with that he shoved Bruno to the ground. He felt useless, maybe Julio was right. He should stay away. He wasn't even strong enough-


Julio placed his hand on his cheek as Claudia stood there enraged.

"All he does is try to help you assholes and this is how you repay him. You've gone too far Julio."

Julio looked furious. Claudia tried to back up, suddenly losing her confidence, but he grabbed the front of her dress. She fought his grip, but she was too weak to get away.

"You shouldn't have done that, perra!"



Pepa had found them and she was furious. A storm formed above them and the wind howled.

Julio turned white and quickly dropped Claudia to her relief. "Pepa we were just- OW!"

A bolt of lightning hit him.

"Get out of here and if I ever see you around either of them it will be so much worse. You stupid piece of meirda. I will be telling your mother what you've been doing. Now GO AWAY."

Another lightning strike and the boys scattered. As soon as they were gone the lightning stopped and the rain began.

"Brunito are you ok?" Pepa helped her brother off the ground,"Oh your palms are all scratched up. Claudia, your face is bright red. Did they- I will kill them. That's all there is to it. I will destroy them."

"I'm fine Pepa. Claudia got the brunt of the incident. She swooped in to protect me."

Pepa turned to Claudia.

"Is this true?"

"Well I guess, but I wouldn't say swooped. I was scared as hell." Claudia admitted, a bit embarrassed.

Pepa took Claudia's hands in her own.

"Then thank you," then she grabbed Bruno, "Now let's get you two to Julieta. She'll fix you right up.


Bruno's injury immediately disappeared after eating, but Claudia's-

"I don't know how this keeps happening," Julieta said, "it's like it specifically doesn't work for you."

"Neither does mine," Bruno said as he stared intrigued at Claudia. First his and then Julieta's magic. It was like magic just refused to work on her.

"Heh, weird." Claudia looked anywhere but at them. She knew she had to avoid giving them the real reason at any cost.

They would have questioned her more, but Alma came to take them home.

On the walk back Bruno lagged behind. He felt like he had been unhelpful the whole exchange. What kind of man couldn't protect his wife? He couldn't do anything right. His self deprecating thoughts continued until Claudia stopped Bruno. She seemed shy before giving him a small smile and a quick hug.

"Thanks. I know you didn't get there in time to catch his hand, but I appreciate you trying to protect me. It meant a lot. It's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me."

Bruno froze as she walked away. Maybe...maybe he had done something right. Though he was also a bit confused. If that was the nicest thing, how had people treated her before? As he was told to catch up, he decided it was a question for another day
