Chapter 21

The day Claudia left, Bruno woke up alone. He didn't think anything of it. Claudia usually got up early. He was over the moon about the night before. She loved him, was there anything more amazing? He had wanted to hold her close for so long, and yesterday he had gotten the chance. He hoped that yesterday would be the start of the rest of his life.

As Bruno walked into the living area he immediately noticed something was wrong. The suitcase she had been packing the night before was missing, and his stomach immediately sunk. She couldn't have left. She had promised not to. He noticed a paper on the table and went over to read it. 

Dear Bruno
I'm sorry to do this to you, but I can't accept your love. I would never be able to truly love you. I know I lied to you twice last night, once about leaving you and once about loving you. I know I can never beg your forgiveness, so I must go. Please don't try to look for me.

Sincerely Claudia Madrigal

As he neared the end, he collapsed to his knees and began to cry.


For the next week Bruno was inconsolable. He barely ate or slept. Bags began to form under his eyes. He refused to do any visions. After all, even if he wanted to search for her he knew he should honor her wishes. He would honor her wishes from now on. Even if she had left, he still loved her unconditionally and it hurt him more than any physical wound could. The family was worried about him.

"It's not like Claudia," Julieta said to Pepa. "She wouldn't just up and leave him. So why did she go?"

"I don't know," Pepa shook her head. "I just don't know."

It took two days of Bruno not coming to dinner for Alma to break. She had done what she thought was best for the family, but now the entire family was suffering, especially her Bruno. Claudia had been a part of the family, and she had just cast her out like that. She knew what she had to do, no matter how hard. So one day she called a family meeting and had Pepa drag Bruno down. Her strong facade fell as her entire family sat before her. It was clear something was missing, that someone was missing.

"Mama, what is this about?" Julieta asked.

Alma took a deep breath.

"I have to apologize to you all. I have done something terrible."


"As you know Claudia disappeared a week ago, and I know you all have felt the effects. Bruno, I know her letter broke your heart, but I must admit it was all lies from her."

"She seemed pretty sure to me," Bruno sighed. "It's alright mama. Nothing we could have done-"

"I sent her away," the room seemed to grow deadly silent. 

"What...what do you mean?" Bruno was in shock.

"I thought she was a danger to our family, but she was part of our family. She didn't want to leave you Brunito. She made that very clear, but I still sent her away."

A cloud began to build over Pepa. 

"Mother, how could you? We all thought-"

"I shouldn't have done it," Alma refused to look at her children. She was so ashamed. "I'm telling you now because it might not be too late. She may still be in the village. I'll do whatever I can to help. I owe you that much." She looked up at her children who were all teary eyed.

"I can't believe you would-" Bruno trailed off as he suddenly stood up, "I have to go." With that he rushed from the room.

"What you've done is unforgivable," Pepa's cloud boomed," but we will deal with it later for now we have to find her," and with that Pepa ran off leaving Alma and Julieta.

Julieta just looked so disappointed. "How could you?"

"I thought I was protecting the family," Alma quietly admitted.

"Well you broke up the family. You saw how Bruno reacted. He was devastated. You should've told us earlier." And then Julieta stroud off. 

Alma just stood there for a second. She knew her family would never fully forgive her, but she promised herself she would do everything she could to make it up to them.


For the next few days Bruno remained in his vision cave searching for something that led to Claudia. His sisters brought up meals in between their searching. Alma implored the people in town to help them as well. Just as they were giving up Bruno heard one word, and that was all for him to run out of the room.

His sisters yelled after him as he ran out of the house, but he couldn't slow down. He knew that despite the implications of the word, he had found her. This time he would never let her go, and it was all because of that word.


I'm giving you all 3 days to vote on whether or not Claudia signs the contract. I can also write the least voted on separately.
