Chapter 2

Bruno wasn't prepared. How was he supposed to be prepared? He was getting married to a total stranger today. He wasn't quite sure about her to be honest. He and sisters knew next to nothing about her except what the Rojas had said. When his sisters and he had brought that up, his mother brushed it off. 

"She agreed to marry you Brunito. That's what's important. That you won't be alone."

So he had tried to do some digging of his own through visions. Which led to an even stranger realization. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't have a direct vision about her. Whenever he tried he got side visions, little things attached to her but nothing about her. He could see Andres Rojas yelling at someone, but he never saw the face or the response. He assumed it might be her based on the nickname being the same as the one at the dinner. There was no way to know for sure though. Come to think of it, he had never had a vision of her before.

He sighed as he adjusted his light green shirt in the mirror. Maybe it would all make sense when he got to know her. Then again he couldn't see this marriage working out. If the town thought of him as a freak his wife surely did as well. She would marry him, and divorce him just as quickly. So much for not being alone. There was a knock at his door.

"Come in."

The door opened and his sisters peered in. Pepa began to sprinkle and she pulled him into a hug.

"Look at you hermanito! So handsome, so grown up, and about to be married."

"Pepa, you're going to get him soaked." Julieta pulled her sister back and then smiled, " You do look handsome hermano. Are you sure you're ok with this? We can still all try to convince mama to cancel this."

Bruno shook his head. "I have to do this. It'll make her so happy, and maybe Claudia won't be like the rest of the village.

"Chicas, stop distracting your brother and come down here! It's time!"


It had been four days since her punishment and Claudia's back still ached. She had tried to tell them that it was an accident, but the Rojas refused to listen. Five lashes for breaking a few plates. She had tried eating some of Julieta Madrigal's cooking to heal the wounds, but as always it didn't work. So she had to put some ointment on and bandage it herself, which was rather difficult to do. Some luck she had. 

She had been with the Rojas since she was ten. The matron of the orphanage had been desperate for money so when the Rojas offered to buy her with a contract instead of adopting her the woman had agreed. The Rojas seemed fine at first, until the first time she broke a vase. For that Andres Rojas beat her with a belt and sent her to bed with no dinner. After that it only got worse, and she would be punished for the smallest things. She'd been starved, locked in her room, and beat. 

Claudia was so tired of being hurt. She was tired of being used. It was getting to the point where she felt like more of an it than a person. She just wanted something good to happen, just once.

"Perrita! Have you gotten ready yet!? The wedding is in less than an hour!"

Claudia sighed as she looked at the dress she wore. It was white lace with emerald green trim and enhancements. It had been difficult to put on over her bandages, but she had eventually got it on. She brushed her curly black hair into a simple updo. She felt like a sacrifice all dolled up for the slaughter. A small necklace hung around her neck, it was one of the only things she truly owned. It was small and tiny with a small x, on the end. The rest of the clothing she had been given and her few belongings had already been moved into the room of her future husband. 

Her future husband, god she was scared. There was the wedding, the after party and then, well she didn't want to think of what came after the celebration. She was already scared of getting married, but then she also had that to worry about. Valentina said that no matter what happened she must remain obedient. As if she hadn't been obedient her entire life. She had never expected for her special day to go this way. She jumped at the pounding at her door.

"Times up perrita!"

Twenty minutes later she stood at the end of the aisle in a packed church. Andres had a death grip on her as he basically pulled her down the aisle. She could already hear the whispers of the town around her, and her eyes began to water as she reached the altar.

"We are gathered here today…" Claudia blocked him out. Her thoughts were racing. She couldn't breathe. She was never going to be free again, she would always be trapped, but now she was trapped with a man she knew nothing about. What was she going to do?

"Claudia, do you?" She snapped out of it as soon as she realized the room was staring at her.

"I-I do."

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

The room cheered and she slowly looked up to her future husband as he approached her. She flinched back and he hesitated for a second until she did a small nod. He looked just as scared as she did which made her feel better. As he leaned down, maybe he really was seven foot tall or maybe she was just short, he whispered to her.

"Lo siento"

And then softly and very shakily he pressed a soft kiss to the corner of her mouth. The room cheered, but Claudia was paying attention to the man in front of her. That had been her first kiss, and it had been nothing like she expected. Bruno gave her a small smile and held out his hand, and after looking at it for a second she took it.


They ended up sitting together in the place of honor at the party. Both were nervous and confused and for a newly married couple the two were oddly quiet. Until-

"H-hey, how are you holding out?"

Claudia turned to Bruno who gave her a small smile and an awkward little wave.

"I'm- well I'm-" 

Claudia wasn't sure what to say. Did she tell the truth or would it make him mad? She had always been so careful about what she said in front of the Rojas. One wrong word and everything went to hell, but this man was now her husband so-

"I'm a little scared," she admitted, "This is all very new to me."

Bruno let out a nervous chuckle.

"If it makes you feel better so am I. I wasn't expecting to...well be married, ever. That's probably the reason that ...well umm… mama pushed so hard to find me a bride. Lo siento."

"It's not your fault. And anyways anything will be better than life with the Rojas." She said the last part under her breath.

"Why-why would you say that?" 

And he heard her, because of course he did.

"It's nothing, just ignore it please."

She expected to hear a response but instead there was silence from the seat next to her. She looked over and Bruno was staring into nowhere, his eyes shining green. She had heard about his visions but had never seen one. He looked powerful, like someone who held the weight of the world and knew it, and it scared her a bit. Then as soon as it started it was over, and his eyes went back to normal.

"Are you ok?" She whispered as he regained his wits.

"Yea yea, I'm fine. Used to them by now."

"What was it about?" She couldn't help it, she was curious.

"You see Senora Hernandez?"


"She's pregnant, but doesn't know yet."

"That's amazing. You should-" Bruno interrupted.

"I can't. She's still mad at me over her fish. She'd claim I was ruining the surprise or something like that. They always do."

It sounded like his gift was the thing that caused those whispers. He wasn't anything like Claudia had expected, but so far that had been good.

They remained silent as the party winded down. As the minutes ticked down Claudia got more scared. She was terrified by the time the two got up and walked to his door. Valentina had described the night after a wedding as painful and definite. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as Valentina described it. As they entered she was surprised to see a sandy environment with thousands of stairs.

"Do we have to climb all of those or..?"

"Oh ah, no. Here one sec." 

Bruno messed with a brick on the wall until a passage opened. 

"See that up there is to my vision room while this-," she followed him through the short corridor, "-is my room."

It was quaint, sandstone walls and floors with green tapestries, rugs, and ceiling hangings. A short table surrounded by cushions lay at the side of the room and green glass glittered on the sides of the room. There was a side room off the off where she could see a bed and some furniture. It was exotic looking and quite beautiful if she was being honest.

"So I'm gonna let you change in there and I'll just change in here. Then we can meet up and uh sleep, unless you'd rather I slept out here."

Claudia shook her head confused. She swore Valentina said…. Maybe she had lied. Either way she entered the bedroom and closed the door. It took her a bit to get the dress off by herself, but eventually she got changed into a white nightgown. Then there were a few minutes of anxiousness before Bruno knocked.


As he walked in he was stunned. She looked beautiful. Her hair hung down her back in waves and she looked like an angel in white. He didn't deserve this and she didn't deserve him, and now he had to share the same bed as her!? Ay, dios mio. What was he to do? Meanwhile she looked terrified. Why did she look terrified? What about tonight would- oh. Oh no. He turned bright red. She thought that they...oh my.

"So uh, goodnight." Rather than address THAT he just laid down instead. 

"Oh, ah, goodnight."

He heard Claudia let out a sigh of relief and felt the blankets on the other side of the bed slowly move. As he fell asleep he thought maybe she was just as nervous as him. Maybe this would end up alright.
