Chapter 10

Pepa was having the time of her life. It felt like she had been dancing and laughing forever. Anytime she was with Felix was a good time. He made her feel alive. Which is why she was sad when they finally had to take a break from dancing.

"You are an excellent dancer." She said as she fanned herself with her hand while a light wind blew around her, "I could dance all night with you."

"Who says we can't?" He said, smiling at her.

God, she loved his smile. She loved him in general. They had been together for a few years now and Pepa suspected he planned to propose very soon. Especially because he had been dropping hints. The man was as subtle as the church bell.

"Let me go get you a drink mi sol" a rainbow appeared over Pepa as she nodded.

As he walked away, she looked towards her little brother who was standing a little bit away from Claudia. Well that just wouldn't do she decided as she walked over to him.

"So Brunito-"

"Again you're barely older-"

"Not the point. I've seen you dance with Julieta and me. You're pretty good," she pointed out.

"Yea, what...what about it?" Bruno was getting noticeably nervous.

"Why aren't you dancing with her?" She pointed at Claudia who seemed to be watching the dancers wistfully.

"Oh because…well because she would...she probably doesn't. Well we don't know each other well enough so she'll probably say no," Bruno stuttered.

"But you won't know if you don't ask," Pepa got a mischievous grin, "so go ask." At that she shoved her brother over and into Claudia.

"Hey Claudia, Bruno has a question for you," and then she headed back to Felix who was watching the scene amused.

Bruno sometimes hated his sister. She had made it so he had to ask. Claudia had refused the other man and so she'd probably refuse him, so it wasn't even worth it. Who would want to be seen dancing with him? Everyone he had asked in the future besides family had turned him down.

"Umm Bruno" Claudia timidly tapped on his shoulder as he was lost in thought, "she said you had a question. What is it?"

"It's uh well it's stupid," he rubbed the back of his neck. "I was just umm wondering if you'd like to dance. No pressure or anything, I'm sure you wouldn't-"

"I'd love to," she blurted out and then flushed, "I mean, I'm not too good, but it sounds like fun. You'll have to lead though."

Bruno gave her a tiny smile. "That can be arranged."

He led her to the dance floor. Claudia was anxious. She had only danced by herself in the kitchen at the Rojas house. Bruno was very supportive though.

"When I step forward you step back and vice versa"

They practiced that for a few minutes and then they began to go onto the more challenging parts. Claudia's hips began to sway to the beat and she added some more difficult steps.

Surprisingly after that, they both fell into the quick back and forth rhythm easily. It was as fun as she imagined.

"This is amazing!" she said as they went back and forth.

Bruno grinned. "Watch this."

Then all of a sudden he grabbed her hand and spun her. The skirt of her dress flaired and twirled with her. She was so surprised that she laughed. He joined in and soon they were spinning and lsughing all across the dance area. Others watched and whispered about the future seer and his wife but they paid them no mind. They were too focused on the music and one another.

"You are very good at this," she said when she stopped spinning.

"Thanks," he said with a smile, " I've uh practiced with my hermanas. First time I've danced at a festival though."

"Well I think you're doing amazing," she said before he spun her again. She giggled and they got lost in the rhythm.

Eventually the song changed to a slower one.They looked at each other awkwardly until he slowly reached out his hand. Claudia stared at it for a second as she contimplated, and then she slowly took his hand. As they swayed her heartbeat sped up and she swore if she was Pepa she would have a pink cloud over her head.

"I've never done this before. It feels awkward." He whispered to her as they danced.

"I haven't either. We can be awkward together." And they honestly were, but at least they were dancing together.

It felt natural. Like they had done it many times before. It felt awkward, like something they shouldn't be doing. The feelings were conflicting, and yet they continued. It felt like their own little bubble.

As soon as the song was over they split apart. Bruno was in shock. He...they...oh my. And he liked it. He really truly liked it. He looked around for Claudia but she was long gone. Things were awkward between them for the rest of the night, but neither could stop thinking about the dance.


That night Claudia had another nightmare. Though this time it was different. Instead of Andres Roja it was Bruno who raised his hand to her. His eyes glowed green and his face had a permanent scowl she never wanted to see on him.

"You've been lying to us. You know why the magic doesn't work. The Rojas were right, all you are is bad luck. If you stay you'll ruin our family," and then he brought his hand down again and again.

Claudia woke up in a cold sweat. She hadn't woken up Bruno which was good, but as she looked at him she got goosebumps. What would he do when he found out? What would all the Madrigals do when they realized what she could do? She began to quietly cry and she continued until she fell asleep.
