Chapter 11

Claudia woke up the next day feeling tired and sore. She must have been tossing and turning over nightmares all night. She looked around to see Bruno wasn't in the bedroom, so she slowly got up, freshened up, and got changed before moving into the sitting room. That's where she found Bruno curled up in a corner of pillows speaking to the rats. 

"I'm just saying that- Oh, good morning," he smiled as she approached, "You tossed and turned a lot last night, so I thought I'd um let you sleep in. Hope that was okay."

She yawned. "Thanks," she said sleepily.

"You wanna take a seat with me? Uh, the rats and I are talking about future telenovela episodes."

Claudia shook her head. "I'm gonna go see if Julieta needs help with breakfast. " She let out another yawn.

Bruno stood up. "Do you mind if I come with you?" He seemed nervous as if her no would hurt a lot.

"Of course, I'm sure Julieta could use more hands."

They were silent as they headed down together. Things were still awkward from the night before. Claudia especially seemed on edge.

"I'm...I'm sorry if yesterday-" he began sadly.

"Oh no, yesterday was wonderful," Claudia started, "I just have a lot on my mind. Heh."

"Like what?" He looked at her in a way that made her want to trust him. Maybe this time would be different, and so-


"Claudia, there you are!" Julieta interrupted,"Could you please help me set the table? I'm almost done with breakfast  but- Oh sorry, was I interrupting something?"

"Oh no, we were just chatting," Claudia gave a pained smile before walking past. "I'll get right to setting the table Julieta. Bruno wants to help too though."

"Oh, he can come with me."

"Actually-" Bruno started.

"I said you can come with me," Julieta said firmly.

"With you. Yep." He followed her into the kitchen. She hastily shut the door behind them.

"Now what is so important?" He began as he turned to see his sister with a big smile on her face.

"Tell me everything, Brunito! I saw you dance with her yesterday. How did that happen? How was it? You two were so cute. It was-"

Bruno blushed. "It was…..good."

"Just good? Come on, give me the details. You looked so happy. I'm so happy for you!"


Meanwhile Claudia was putting silverware out when Alma walked into the room.

"Ah Claudia, just the person I wanted to see."

Claudia turned her attention to the matriarch. "Is there something I can help with?"

"Actually there is. You see yesterday I was talking to the Rojas-" Oh no. "-and they mentioned they were having trouble since you left."

"Oh?" Claudia said weakly.

"Yes. So I told them we'd be happy to spare you a few days a week. That way you can see your family, and they can have assistance. Isn't that wonderful!?"

"Uh, yes. Yes….it is. Excuse me."

As she quickly walked away Bruno and Julieta walked out. They immediately knew something was wrong. Bruno hurried after her while Julieta stayed behind. 

"Mama, what's going on?"


 When Claudia got to the living quarters she immediately collapsed into a pile of pillows. She had thought, well hoped, she had escaped them. The time without them had been wonderful, and she had been getting used to her new environment. But now it was all going to end. She would be going back to that hell.

"Claudia?" She looked up to see Bruno looking at her with concern. "What happened? What did she tell you?"

Claudia looked away. She didn't want to upset him, not after the wonderful night before.

"It''s nothing."

"It has to be something," he said as he sat next to her, "Please. If you tell me, then maybe, well, maybe I can help."

"You can't," she shook her head. "It's already been decided. I appreciate it, but this is something I have to do. Everyone in this family does their part and-"

"What exactly is it that you're going to do?" He interrupted, " Sorry, I didn't mean to- Just what is it?"

She turned and smiled at him.

"It's not a big deal. I just…she said I get to help the Rojas a few days a week."

"What? But why? You said they didn't like you? Why would they-"

"Because they rely on me to do everything!" She sighed "Look, let's just go eat, okay?"

At that, she stood and walked away.


It was her first day "helping" the Rojas. As Claudia walked there she got more and more nervous. Bruno had insisted on escorting her, and with every step he got more worried. She seemed to fidget more and more the closer they got.

"You don't….you don't have to-" he began.

"If you have to go to the village to give prophecies, then I have to do this. After all we're helping aren't we? And helping makes your mother happy so-"

She trailed off as they arrived at the house. Andres Rojas was standing outside and he smiled as he say them coming.

"Ah, there you are Claudia. We are so happy to have you here today. It's been forever," he reached to pat her shoulder but she flinched back, "Come, come let's go inside." 

As Bruno watched her go, he couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding.


As the door slammed close behind her, Andres' smile instantly turned to a frown.

"Well perrita get to it. The floors need scrubbing,  lunch needs cooked, and more importantly," he grabbed her hand in a vice and pulled her close,"I need you to go back to that fancy house of yours and know you still belong to us." He let go,"Now get to it!"

So she did. She thought maybe they'd be kinder to her, but as she scrubbed the floor Valentina walked up.

"Oh you're back perrita," when Claudia didn't look up, she stepped hard on her hand causing the girl to yelp."Look at your betters when they talk to you! God, you're still so useless."

"I'm sorry."Claudia said as she looked up and tried to pull her hand out from underneath Valentina's heel.

"Sorry isn't good enough, now hurry up with the cleaning. I'm starving!" And then Valentina walked away.

Claudia held her hand for a second. She just knew it was going to bruise.


When Claudia turned up after dinner, Bruno's fears were proven true. The poor girl looked exhausted. She sported a bruise on her hand and when he asked about it she simply said she was clumsy and then left saying she was tired. Something was seriously wrong.

"Oh Maria," he said to his rat, "If she would tell me it was them then I could stop this. If she would just admit- they're clearly bad people, we just need definite proof and then….then"

Then what? What could he do? He didn't know, but he knew that when she finally trusted him, he would make sure to put a stop to whatever was happening. He just hoped he could stop it before it broke her.
