Chapter 14

Claudia was exhausted. The Rojas had been working her to the bone. Every day without fail, Bruno walked her over and the Rojas were kind to her, until he was out of sight. Then they went back to normal. Andres Rojas had been especially creepy towards her recently, and it was beginning to worry her. 

Just that day he had told her. "It's a shame you have a husband. You're such a pretty thing. I don't know why I hadn't noticed it before."

She got goosebumps down her spine just thinking about it. She just wanted to go home and relax. So when Bruno asked her to come with him that night, and insisted it be a surprise, she almost said no. He looked so excited though, and the last time they spent time together she had ruined it. So she said yes. 

Bruno had insisted she wear comfy clothing, so Claudia had changed into a comfy shirt and trousers she had worn to clean at the Rojas in the past.  Soon after, she found herself walking through the trees and up a hill into a small clearing as the sun went down. Bruno had packed a blanket and he lay it down on the little hill. 

"It'll be much more comfortable," he told her with a smile, "After all stargazing does involve laying on the ground."

They both sat on the blanket and watched the sunset. 

"This is kind of my little secret," Bruno admitted, "the girls don't know about it and I'd appreciate it if it stayed that way. It feels like my own little paradise, and well…" he flushed, "I thought maybe I'd show it to you, because...well…" he trailed off.

"It's beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with me," she said as she watched the sun finally go down and the stars start to come out.

Bruno was ecstatic that she liked it. He had thought his little mouse needed a break, and so he had decided that day to share it with her. There were so many things he wanted to share with her. It sort of scared him. He wasn't used to what he was beginning to feel for her, but he knew he couldn't stop it. As they both laid back, he looked over at her as she marveled at the stars. She looked beautiful in the starlight.

"Do you know any of the constellations? I remember the matron of the orphanage told me about the one right there," she pointed to three stars in a row, "it's called Orion's belt. It's part of a larger constellation, but I always thought it was funny how this one row of stars was described as a belt. It's such a weird thing to add. But my favorite would be Andromeda."

"Why's that?" Bruno asked.

"She was chained to a rock to be sacrificed to a monster, and all because her mother made a narcissistic mistake and then was so happy to give up her daughter."

"But if it's sad, why do you like it?"

"Because Andromeda was saved from the terrible monster by Perseus. I guess I kinda like the idea of being saved."

Bruno realized what she meant, but she wouldn't let anyone get close enough to save her. Maybe one day that would change. 

"Personally I like to make them up as I go. See that one is Juan Carlos."

"Isn't that one of your mice?" She teased.

"'s uh a different Juan Carlos." Bruno was a terrible liar. He continued to point out different constellations that he had thought of, and eventually Claudia joined him and added some new ones. As he continued to talk she found herself growing tired. As she fell asleep, her last sight was that of the stars.


It took Bruno a little bit to realize that Claudia had stopped responding. When he turned to look at her, he saw her laying with her eyes closed.

"Claudia?" He tapped her and she rolled and latched onto his arm in her sleep. He chuckled and just let her cuddle up beside him. She was stunning while sleeping. Her face left her looking vulnerable and so very innocent. 

"You are beautiful, little mouse," he softly whispered as he smiled at her. In response she shivered, so he took off his ruana with his other hand. He carefully laid it over her and then just lay there watching the stars. He had never felt like everything was more perfect.

Meanwhile Claudia dreamed of flying among the stars, and along with her was the man who had shown then to her.


Claudia awoke slowly. She felt something warm next to her and snuggled into it. Whatever it was chuckled and she opened her eyes. Bruno watched her with an amused smile as she slowly turned bright red realizing what she had cuddled up to. As she sat up, she felt something fall off her. 

"You looked cold," Bruno explained as she handed him his ruana and he slid it back on.

"Thanks," she said, still embarrassed, " sorry know."

"Don't be. I was glad to keep you warm." Then realizing how that sounded, he looked away, "anyways we should start heading back."

Bruno stood and held out a hand, and Claudia took it. He pulled her up and smiled at her before folding and picking up on the blanket. They began to head back.

"I really enjoyed tonight," Claudia admitted,"It was sweet of you to show me your secret place."

Bruno rubbed his neck. " know I thought you could use it."

"I really did need it," and slowly and casually she took his hand after giving him a sec to pull away. They smiled at each other and then continued to walk home, hand in hand.
