


There once was a rat named Gremlin. Gremlin met a fat cat named Succi and they made out on their owner's bed. Succi and Gremlin did the gay. The owner's bed is now white. Succi and Gremlin have 22 kids now. They ate their owners, their bed, and their kids. Succi and Gremlin were still hungry, so they went to another house. The house had a very skinny cat named Kaito. He looked like a stick with diarrhea. He shat on Succi and Gremlin, making them brown. Succi wanted revenge. Succi and Gremlin made Kaito white, and they all rubbed their bodies together. Gremlin and Succi then ate Kaito. The end. I am very very very sorry that you had to witness that- I sincerely apologise- Ok onto the actual story now-


I woke up to the smell of pancakes wafting into the room. I travelled to the kitchen, presuming that Shuichi would be there.


"Oh, good morning Kokichi!"

It was...Kaede!? Why was Kaede here? Where was Shuichi?

"Sorry, you're probably freaking out...Shuichi told me to watch over you while he goes to work since he has an important case today!"

"Why do I need a damn babysitter."

I know exactly why Shuichi told Kaede to watch over me. I was acting all calm and composed so she wouldn't know. But I was panicking deep inside. The truth is, I get extremely sad when Shuichi isn't with me. Sometimes I feel as if I was very depressed.

"Well, he mentioned you got pretty sad when he isn't here with you!"

Kaede chirped as my eyes widened. Damn you Shuichi.

"I...That isn't true!"

I pouted at Kaede, trying to convince her that what Shuichi said wasn't true.

"Shuichi is the liar, not me."

She ruffled my hair as I puffed out my cheeks.

"I can tell you're trying to hide it Kokichi. I'll try not to interfere with anything important."

"Thanks I guess..."

She handed me the plate of fresh pancakes and placed them gently on the table. They looked delicious! I wonder if these taste better than they way Shuichi does them?

I took a bite into the pancake, the delicious sensation filling my mouth. Not better than Shuichi's pancakes, but still amazing.

"Thanks Kaegay!"



I continued eating my pancakes, savouring every bite. Did I mention I absolutely adored pancakes?

"Do you know when Shuichi finishes work...?"

She looked at me, chuckling.

"Is someone feeling sad already?"


She sat down beside me and handed me her phone after opening messages. I read the most recent one from Shuichi.

'Hey Kaede! Sorry to bother but if it's okay, can you look after Kokichi for me while I'm at work? He mentioned that he gets really sad when I'm not home... I'm leaving at 6:00 in the morning and coming back at 2:00 in the afternoon! Tell Kokichi that I love him!'

I peered up at the clock, seeing that it was 8:00. I sighed, knowing that I had to wait 6 more hours for Shuichi to come home. Yet, I smiled, reading the end of the message. He's so sweet. But right now, I was on the verge of crying. I missed him a lot...

"Hey, Kokichi?"

I snapped out of my trance, staring down at my empty plate before peering at Kaede.

"Yes Kaegay?"

She rolled her eyes at me and sighed before speaking.

"I think Shuichi left you something in your room. He told me the other day and I just remembered!"


I stood up and washed my plate before walking to my room, letting a tear fall. How could she only just remember that Shuichi left me something? Wouldn't she have told me right away? I opened the door carefully, peering inside to see something that shocked me.


"Not even a 'good morning' or an 'I missed you'? Do you not even love me anymore? Guess I'll go then..."


I gripped onto his arm as he was about to walk out the door, hearing him giggle. At this point I was crying loudly. I felt him pat my head and carry me over to the bed.

"I was joking Koki ... I would never leave you."

He kissed the top of my head before tapping the tip of my nose. I snuggled into his chest, finding the comforting warmth I had wanted. I heard the door open as Shuichi placed me under the bedsheets before getting under himself. I heard Kaede having a conversation with Shuichi, although I was too comfortable and tired to understand what they were talking about. Shuichi's warmth and arm around my waist, combined with the feeling of his hand gently ruffling my hair made it difficult to keep my eyes open. It was like Shuichi had magical powers that made me feel so relaxed... And I fell asleep.

||POV Change||


"Hey Kokichi- Ok nevermind. "

I looked down at the sleeping liar, wiping his tears and cuddling him closer and then resting myΒ  hand back in his hair, however not moving it anymore. I gave him a quick kiss on his forehead and ruffled his hair before waving goodbye to Kaede. I could feel Kokichi snuggling into my chest as I studied his sleeping features. He looked like an angel when he wasn't awake. His cute, quiet snoring, his pretty eyelashes, his resting face, they were all beautiful. Even how his little hands rest on my chest is adorable.Β 

I decided to stop simping and grab my book from the small table beside our shared bed. I flipped it open to the page I was last on, releasing a long breath before continuing to read, still smiling. I wonder how Kokichi could fall asleep at a time like this... After all, it's only 8:30. Usually he would always be so energetic in the morning. Did Kaede drug his pancakes? No... she would never do something like that unless she had consent. I sighed and placed the book down, eventually falling asleep beside the Supreme Leader.

Word Count: 1021

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