

Might do part 2 idk
Also non-despair AU

Idk if there is anything else-


I'm sooooo happy!!!! Shu-Chan said we could get a pet since we are living together now! I held his hand tighter as we walked down the walkway (or in my case, I was skipping). I watched as the pet store came into view, the sight putting more energy into my skips when I bounced.

I wonder what we are getting! Maybe a cat or a bird... But I think puppies are even cuter! I hope we get one... However I personally don't mind! I think Shu-Chan would prefer a cat though...

"I see you're excited!"

Shuichi giggled as I nodded rapidly, holding his hand even tighter as we got closer to the shop.

"Do you expect me to be sad? This is the best day ever! We're finally living together, AND we get a pet to live with us too!"

There was a comfortable silence that followed, interrupted by the small tingling of a bell as we finally entered the store. I could hear the small barks and other sounds from the caged animals waiting patiently to be brought. I felt kind of guilty that we could only take home one... but oh well! I looked to the left, seeing a puppy and a kitten in two cages next to each other. They were adorable!

"Shu-Chan! Look at the two over there! They're so cute!~"

He smiled and walked over to the creatures while I followed closely behind. I bent down and slowly eased my finger into a small gap in the puppy's cage while Shumai did the same with the cat's. I could hear his soft giggles as the kitten rubbed against his finger, he looked so happy! I feel bad for wanting the puppy more than the cat now, Shumai would probably be so sad... My puppy licked my finger and I chuckled and grinned widely.

"Hey Kichi, did you see the sign here?"


"It says that the puppy and kitten have to be sold together and can't be separated... I wonder why..."

He placed his hand on his chin as his detective instincts kicked in and went into deep thought. I just laughed.

"Does that mean we can buy BOTH of them??!!~"

Shuichi sighed, yet soon smirked as I grew confused.

"Why are you smirking? Did Shu-Chan think something dirty about me!?~"


"Shhh... Don't yell Shu-Chan!~ That's for later!~"

His face turned into a cute shade of red and pink as he hid his face in his hands. The worker at the pet store soon came over to us as I tried to remove Shumai's hands from his face.

"Hello you two! Are you looking for something? I noticed you have been hanging around these animals for a while, so I thought perhaps you might be interested in them?"

Shuichi looked at me, leaning closer into my ear.

"If we buy these you need to *actually* do your chores and be nice to everyone else for a week. That means no lying."


I really wanted a pet, or two in this case... But being nice to everyone... AND NO LYING??!! I was feeling overwhelmed, I had compulsive lying disorder, so it was going to be very hard. I mostly thought about how disappointed Shuichi would be if I messed up. I grabbed onto his shoulder tightly, in a way of saying I was reluctantly agreeing.

"Uhm, yeah. W-We will take these two please if that's ok!"

The worker nodded and picked up the cages with the animals, about to walk off before speaking again.

"I'll be back as quick as I can, just have to check a few things! You two can wait at the counter while I do that! I'll try not to take too long!"

I nodded and smiled and Shuichi started whispering to me.

"I know what I said was a lot to ask, especially with the no lying... But I'll be happy if you tried. I won't get mad or anything, I just want you to try your best."

I shyly nodded, using the hands that were still on his shoulders to drag myself up and wrap my legs around his waist, resting my head against his chest. I tried my hardest not to laugh when he almost tumbled over from surprise.

"Carry me peasant!"

"K-Koki... Don't be so loud. People will stare!"

I pouted and soon smirked.


Shumai sighed and put a hand over my mouth, however obeying and walking to the counter. I could tell he was slightly overwhelmed by the amount of people staring at us so I decided to stop teasing for a while. As soon as we got there the worker came back.

"Alright! These two will cost *insert price cuz lazy*...!"

Shuichi fumbled with my leg, trying to remove it from covering his pocket which his wallet was placed in. I stubbornly huffed and moved my leg. As soon as he reached his hand into his pocket, I put my leg back over it, trapping his hand.

"K-Kokichi! Stop being so s-stubborn and silly!"

"Fine!~ But my beloved owes me a kiss!~"

The worker gasped and stared at us in shock.

"You two are a couple? I thought the smaller one was your daughter! My bad..."

I moved my leg but glared at the worker.

"Hey! Don't call the ultimate supreme leader a kid, OR a girl, otherwise I'll send my 10,000 member organisation to come to your house!~"

"Kokichi please behave..."

Shuichi handed the money to the worker and smiled at her before covering my mouth. I licked his hand, but he STILL didn't move it! The AUDACITY-

"Sorry about him, he won't actually come to your house or anything. He's actually just a harmless cute little softie who acts like a five year old and tries to threaten you..."


I managed to escape his hand.

"Hey! I work hard to be this terrifying! You owe me double kisses for that!"

He shut me up with a quick kiss and picked up the cages after paying.

"Have a great day you two!"

Shuichi said the same and thanked the worker, smiling as he carried me back home.

"You need to walk fasterrrrr!!!!~"

"You're lucky you're this light or I would've left you on the sidewalk and made you decide whether you wanted to walk home or stay there."

"Shush!!~ You wouldn't!~"

"Is that a challenge?~"


He placed down the cages and put me on the ground, about to walk off before I latched onto his leg childishly. Maybe I do act like a five year old...

Word Count: 1108
Sorry for not updating for a while im slow af!-
