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Kokichi POV

I held the panta under my arm as I started walking back to my dorm. The cafeteria was busy with all the 14 other students running around. Wait 14?! I must've miscounted. I counted again and again, not including myself. At the end I always got 14 others. I examined the cafeteria, wondering who was missing. Ah! Mr. Detective wasn't here. But why? I decided to walk to Shuichi's dorm instead, in hopes of finding him. I knocked on his door. I must admit, I was kinda scared that he was going to be dead-

"Emo Boy! Are you in there!?" I asked, yelling through the door.

"A-Ah! Just a s-second-" I heard a panicked screech from Shuichi. The door quickly opened revealing a nervous detective.

"Sorry Oma- D-Did you need s-something?" he interrogated me curiously. It was as clear as day to see something was out of place. Impatiently, I barged into his dorm. I wondered the room to see nothing suspicious. He repeatedly asked why I was searching his room and if something was wrong. He worries too much- I chuckled at him and moved my hand up to his head and jokingly flicked the detectives's hat onto the floor, the unbearing silence occurred, as I heard the hat hit the tiles. He slightly gasped at me as I witnessed what I assume he has been so worried about. Two silky, fluffy cat ears were perfectly perched upon his head, which flattened, which meant he was clearly sad. He rapidly shifted to face the opposite direction from me. I could see tears pricking at his eyes as he clenched his fists despairingly, his knuckles turning white and his muscles tensed.

"Shu...." I despised seeing him sad. I slowly and cautiously walked over to my beloved and I gently outlined circles on his back as he turned around and softly cried into into my small chest. His sobs soon deceased as his gleaming yellow eyes peered up at me. His face was covered in tear stains and his back was bent over slightly, in a poor posture. I dragged him over to the bed and placed him onto the comfortable blankets as I rewarded him head pats, hoping to make him feel better about the situation. My plan succeeded.

"So... Ho did my beloved detective get stuck in this mess?" I curiously asked him, praying that he wouldn't get too emotional once more. He let out a tiny sniffle before truthfully answering my lingering question.

"I accidently rushed in front of Himiko when she was performing her spells to Tenko, Angie, Korekiyo and Ryoma."Β  he quietly whispered, silently calming himself down. I grinned and marched over to the door, my hand holding a steady grip on the doorknob.

"W-Wait! P-Please stay!" I overheard Shuichi's desperate begs for me to stay with him. I chuckled silently in my head, he was so worried over such little problems.

"I'm just going to the cafeteria to get you breakfast, silly Kitty!" I laughed, watching him flush red from the nickname before forcefully twisting the metal doorknob and being greeted with the familiar surrounding of the killing game. I closed the door behind me before strolling to the cafeteria. Wait where did I leave my panta- I mentally faced palmed as I arrived and collected breakfast for Shuichi and began my journey back to his dorm, irritating the Toaster on my way there. Once again, I opened and closed the door to be spotted by Shuichi, who was casually laying on his bed, huddled in delicate silk blankets, oblivious to the fact that his teal, furry tail was poking out from under the mass of blankets. I gently repositioned and stretched one of them to cover his long tail, as I neatly placed his breakfast in front of him.

"There! You can thank me later!" I slyly winked at him as I placed myself next to him on the bed and stole all of his blankets. He pouted and stole the blankets from me again.

"My blankets..." he hissed at me. I glimpsed at his face. He had furrowed eyebrows and a frown. I chuckled at his behaviour and snuggled next to the now blushing emo boy. I started playing with his tail as it attempted to sway left to right, but still clasped in my small fingers as I started to stroke it.

"Kokichi...."Β  he sighed, resting his big hand on my small head. I laughed as he began purring from me petting him. He carefully placed his now clean plate on the bedside table and snuggled up closer to me. I wished for this moment to never end. I admired his teal coloured hair and his eyes that perfectly reflected from the sun. He was precious.. But, more importantly he was mine. And I was his.

Word Count: 817

It's currently 1:52am right now... Uhhhhh. Chile anyways-
Bye ( Ν‘Β° ΝœΚ– Ν‘Β°)

