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"Kokichi! Can you please change into some nice clothes?" Shuichi shouted from the front door. It was a Tuesday afternoon, and Kokichi was almost completely confident that he knew what was going on. A few seconds later, the small grape heard the jingling of keys coming from outside. This confirmed Kokichi's theory. They were going shopping. The leader hated shopping like he hated any flavour of Panta that wasn't grape. But still, he knew he couldn't stay home, since Shuichi would force him into the car, basically kidnapping him. So, he got dressed and went outside to meet up with Shuichi.

"You took a while darling. I've been waiting for you for 10 minutes." Shuichi spoke in visible confusion. The reason Kokichi had taken so long was because he was slouching around, silently complaining that he didn't want to go shopping.

"Let's just get this over and done with." Kokichi grumbled in annoyance. Shuichi quietly chuckled and got into the car, Kokichi doing the same. They soon started to drive to the shopping center, Kokichi asking Shuichi if he would still give him Panta after their trip, which resulted in a yes from the taller. When they arrived, Shuichi immediately grabbed a shopping trolley and gestured for Kokichi to hop in. Once Shuichi pulls out the shopping list, he directs both of them through each aisle.

"Shu! Shu! Look! Grape flavoured lollipops! Can I have one? Please? Please?" Kokichi chirped as he begged Shuichi for the grape-flavoured sweets. Shuichi sighed and gave in telling him he could have two of them. The smaller snatched the two lollipops of the shelf and the pair continued their journey through the shopping center.

"Shu! Look at that candy! It looks amazing! Can I have some?" Kokichi begged as Shuichi sighed to himself. He never should have chosen to walk through the candy aisle.

"It's either the two lollipops you chose, or the candy you want now." Shuichi had given the purple-haired boy the hardest decision in his life. After a while of thinking Kokichi had decided to keep the grape-flavoured lollipops. Shuichi rushed to grab the items as it was clear Kokichi didn't want to waste a lot of time here. He looked down at his huge shopping list, and sighed. He was going to need help if he wanted to get this done quickly.

"Kokichi...Can you please go and get some bread for me? Its in the next aisle." He asked Kokichi as the purple-haired boy hopped out of the trolley and dashed off into the next aisle. Shuichi soon gathers up everything else he needed, but had a tinge of worry. What was taking Kokichi so long? He turned to go into the bread aisle. From afar, he could spot Kokichi trying to reach the bread on the top shelf. He scooted the trolley over to his lover.

"Need some help there sweetheart?" Shuichi questioned teasingly, chuckling at Kokichi's efforts to try and grab the bread. Kokichi felt offended, yet didn't show it as he put on an act and started fake crying and pouting.

"Be quiet...I know it's an act..." Shuichi murmured as Kokichi calmed down. Shuichi grabbed the bread of the shelf and headed to the check-out with Kokichi. They put all the groceries into the car and drove home, the only thing to be heard was the MCR playing on the radio. I wonder who chose the songs.

"Panta. Now." Kokichi deadpanned as they had finished putting the groceries inside. Shuichi sighed and took a Panta out of the fridge and gave it to his lover. Kokichi immediately ran into his room and began to drink it, and then started to eat his lollipops once he finished the bottle. He littered his rubbish along the floor of the room and grabbed his phone, playing video games until Shuichi walked in, his eyes widened as he stared at the trash on the floor, facepalming.

"Clean this up...Now."

Word Count: 669

Heyo! I am feeling quite motivated-
I might make more of those soon! Bye!
