

I feel like I have done a oneshot with nightmares before... lol whatever :/Β 

Β [Anyways before I start the story I want to say that I'm incredibly sorry for the lack of new chapters, along with how I didn't get to post the Christmas chapter. Things have not been going so well for me, I have just found out I have a few disorders, and my sister had gotten covid about 2 weeks ago. I also got banned from devices for a while, so I couldn't update. And my mental health is still not very good, but I decided that I should just suck it up and update. Also I don't know if you want it or not, but I might post the Christmas special later once I finish writing it. I know Christmas was about a month ago (well it was for me anyways), but I might still post it for you guys. Anyways, enough about me, and onto the chapter!]Β 

Β Sorry if its bad I haven't written anything in a while-Β 

Β !TW!
Panic Attacks
I tried making a kissing scene help :/
Abusive stuffs
I don't think I'm missing anything else-
Nightmares (obviously)


It was a peaceful night tonight... No dealing with a whining Kokichi, or any murders, and gladly no motives have been presented. Monokuma has been quite mad at how determined we are to not kill... Hopefully he will lose motivation to keep running the killing game. All this thinking was making me even more tired, since I have been staying up later lately to find the mastermind behind this sick game. I yawned and grabbed my cup of coffee, putting to my lips and tilting it, expecting hot coffee to run into my mouth. Instead, I was met with an unpleasant feeling of nothing. I placed down the cup and looked into it, to find it was empty. I sighed, peering at my alarm clock in the corner of the room. The glowing numbers stood out in the darkness, making me able to read the current time. 1am. Have I really stayed up for that long? I yawned once more and brought my hand down into my sleeping boyfriends hair, combing through his soft silky locks. I decided to try and get some sleep, laying back down and bringing my body closer to Kokichi, so we were cuddling. I slowly felt myself fall into a deep sleep, a comfortable silence surrounding me.

It was around 4am in the morning, when I was woken by Kokichi shifting aggressively in his sleep and the sound of sniffling. I quickly sat up and looked over at Kokichi, grabbing him and holding him tighter while I sat in our now messy bed. However, my actions woke up the smaller, making him flinch as he opened his eyes. He gasped and hugged me even tighter, beginning to sob hysterically into my arms as I held him close and gently drew patterns on his back. I could feel him shaking frantically, he must've had a bad dream...


I looked down to the small boy clinging to me and put my fingers under his chin, making him peer up at me. I could see his yellow and purple eyes glistening from tears and the tear marks staining his cheeks.

"What's wrong Koki... Did you have a bad dream?"

He nodded rapidly and closed his eyes as more tears escaped from under his eyelids. I ran my spare hand through his hair, trying to calm him down from his panic attack. I gave him a kiss on his forehead, which seemed to calm him down a little. I started gently rocking him from side to side while we sat in our dark room.

"S-Shu... Can we please turn o-on the lamp...?"


I shuffled over a bit so I could reach the switch for the lamp, quickly turning it on then focusing my attention back to my distressed boyfriend.

"Hey Koki, do you want to talk about it...?"

He turned his head a bit so he could lay the side of his head on my chest to hear my heartbeat as he gulped.

"Can we j-just wait until I c-calm down a b-bit?"

"Of course sweetheart."

I watched his face flood a light pink colour as he groaned with embarrassment, it was so cute! He snuggled into me more, trying to calm his breathing. I smiled slightly and delicately wiped his tears, seeing him sad was something I hate, and made me feel guilty even if it wasn't my fault.


"Yes Koki?"

"Would you ever... leave me?"

I stared into his sad eyes, shocked.

"Kichi, why would you think that?"

Kokichi closed his eyes again, his sobbing increasing as he started shaking once more. I panicked and began tracing patterns on his back once more.

"I-In my d-dream, you started hitting me b-because I lied too much and y-you left m-me after!"

He cried out as he stuttered, desperately clinging to me and mumbling bad things about himself. I grabbed his face tenderly and forced him to look at me.

"Kokichi... Stop saying bad things about yourself! You're beautiful and perfect the way you are, darling. I would never leave you baby... I love you too much."

I saw his cheeks brighten and the corners of his lips twist upwards, forming a cute smile that I could stare at for the rest of my entire life. I stared into his shiny, adorable eyes, before bringing him in for a kiss. Our lips quickly connected, making me mentally smile as Kokichi leaned in closer. I ghosted my fingers over his inner thighs, emitting a gasp from my boyfriend, which gave me entry. I explored the inside of his mouth, making him let out little noises occasionally. He climbed further on top of me, laying us down and connecting our stomachs as we fought for dominance. This felt like heaven, I never wanted us to separate. We continued to kiss passionately as I snaked my arms around his small frame. Kokichi suddenly pulled away to catch his breath and end our make out session. The string of saliva connected to our lips broke as we parted further. I smiled and ruffled Kokichi's hair.

"You're a h-horrible kisser..."

I chuckled as he turned red, giving him a short kiss on the tip of his nose. He puffed out his cheeks and looked away.

"You're stupid... "

He sniffled a bit, still slightly crying from his nightmare. I smiled and handed him a couple tissues, which he soon disposed of after using.

"Hey Kichi, I think its time for bed now, are you going to be alright going back to sleep?"

He hesitantly nodded before reaching for the lamp, turning it off with a small click.

"Sleep well, Koki."

I could see him smile, even if we were in a pitch black room with no lights.

"You too, Shumai."

He snuggled into my chest, bringing his arms around me.

"Hey... Shumai?"

"Yes Kichi?"

There was a short, suspenseful silence. I debated whether or not to say something, however my decision was made clear when Kokichi broke the lingering silence.

"Will you promise to stay by my side forever?"

I grabbed his hand from under the blanket and intertwined our fingers in a warm hold, and rested my chin on top of his head, grinning.

"I promise Kichi. And if you die, I die too."

Word Count: 1006

Yeah sorry for the lack of updates, also this was trash-
Also to those who recently had Christmas, merry Christmas to you! I hope you had a wonderful day! Christmas is my favourite holiday so I was REALLY disappointed in myself when I didn't finish my Christmas chapter in time, once again sorry about that :(

This took me 6 hours to write because I kept getting distracted help-

