t w e n t y t w o

september 5th, 1989

"can't we just stay in bed all day?" nikki groaned is his morning voice that i found utterly sexy. "sorry hun, but we have to get home." i patted his bare chest and rolled out of the soft bed stark naked to go take a shower.

today we were going back home to california. we are going to release the album later tonight and have a huge party at vince's. the album had been tweaked, redone, and perfected over so many times we are all so tired from it. i have a feeling this album is going to sky rocket, especially nikki.

Β  Β  Β Β  since we are all sober, we've never worked this hard before. it all use to be a joke and we never really gave a shit what we put out there because we never cared what people think. but now it's different that we can actually focus instead of being drunk off our asses coming up with material.

once i was done in the shower, i was wrapped up in a warm bath robe with a towel around my hair. nikki was still in the exact same place on the bed, smoking a cigarette. "do you think you'll ever get up?" i rolled my eyes and tossed him his clothes while he just gave me a glare. "no i don't think so." i shook my head and got ready in the bathroom. after an hour of pampering, i finished up with my lipstick.

while i was putting on the red matte color, nikki came up behind me finally dressed. he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the side of my head. "liv, do you think when we get back you'll move in with me?" i stared at him in the mirror in shock for a little bit before turning around in his arms.

"are you serious?" i smiled up at him a little in disbelief. he tucked my teased hair behind my ear and gave me a peck, the fresh lipstick rubbing off on his soft lips. "never been more serious." he smirked and i wiped my thumb over his bottom lip to remove the red tint.

"of course i will. what made you think so?" i ran my hands over his hard chest and looked up at him with a smirk as well. "well i can't live in my old house anymore, so i'll buy a new one anyway. we can pick one out together." the thought of me living with nikki was a dream. i never thought in a million years that we actually could settle down and be in a serious relationship.

"well when we get back we'll have to pack all your things." he kinda frowned at my suggestion and just shook his head. "fuck that, i'm not going back in that house. i'll just buy all new stuff." he shrugged and i nodded in agreement. i knew how hard it would be to go back in his house after all that's happened there. it's tainted with so many things we all want to forget. to leave it all behind.

"sounds good to me." i gave him on last peck and turned to put all my makeup bags in my suitcase. "cmon rockstar, we have a plane to catch."


Β  Β  Β  Β Β  we finally got back home after almost a year of being away. it's been a while, and i miss my hometown. since nikki didn't want to go back home, i insisted he could live with me until we both find a house we like. we said our goodbyes to the boys, that we will see them later tonight. when we arrived to my house, we grabbed all our suitcases from the cab and made our way into the house.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β  "anyone home?" i yelled into the echoing foyer and in came running spike, following was beverly. "spikey!" i dropped my luggage and picked him up in my arms and kissed him all over while i saved an arm to give beverly a hug. "long time no see." i gave her a kiss on the cheek and set spike down, while nikki then picked him up and started to rub his belly.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  "i missed you guys so much. how was vancouver?" i moved my suitcases to the entrance by the living room and turned to bev while grabbing the sides of her arms. "great actually we're releasing the album tomorrow." she squealed in excitement and i held up a finger to her.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  "and we have more news." i turned to look at nikki as he smiled and put a hand on my shoulder. "go on already." bev waved her hand as she was motioning for me to spit it out. "we're dating!" bev started to squeal again and gave us a group hug. "my favorites finally got together!" she was jumping up and down which made us both laugh.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β  "and that's not all. we're gonna move in together soon, and i want to give you the house." she stood there in disbelief but hugged me again anyway. "you're giving me this house?" i laughed again and headed to the kitchen. i stopped in front of the island and turned to bev, who now has spike in her arms.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  "of course i am. you're my best friend and i want to make it up to you for putting up with me being in a band and all. it's hard because we don't see eachother much anymore." tears were welling in both of our eyes and she put the dog down to turn to nikki as well. "thank you guys so much, but i don't know if i can live in something like this." she shook her head, and i stepped closer to her to make her look at me.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  "don't worry about it bev, i'll cover everything as long as you're living here." she engulfed me in a hug one last time and gave me a bone-crushing squeeze. "thank you so much. you're the best liv." we pulled away and i dragged in all of our luggage to be ready to take upstairs.

Β  Β  Β  Β Β  "you're welcome. now i would stand here and talk all day, but we all have to get ready for a release party tonight." i winked and we all made our way to the stairs to get unpacking.

~ wow i've been gone forever this is sad.
