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Nobody saw it coming. Nobody. Not even Corinne, and she knows when something isn't right, even for the young tender age of 11. She knew of the dangers lying just beyond Wall Maria. The creatures bred from Hell and their merciless treatment of the world. Everyone knew of this Hell just beyond the wall. Corinne never thought the day would come when she would have to witness these things firsthand.

But sadly, that day came the same day her parents were suppose to come back. They were apart of the scouting legion that travelled outside the walls to explore beyond. Though she knew her parents could handle themselves, with her father being extremely strong for his lean and smaller stature than normal men and her mother being a very high alert and reflexive person, this was their first expedition.

Corinne and her parents are from the Underground City, a place where not even the Titans could reach. A place where the thought of Titans wasn't even thought of. That's how secluded the city was. Both Corinne and her parents came to the surface seeking a better future and a better life for themselves. Well, for Corinne, at least.

In order to maintain Corinne's citizenship on the surface, her parents had to join the Scouts. There wasn't a second option, except to go back to the Underground City.

Though it was a horrible place for any child to live in, Corinne, in this very moment, wished she was back there. She wished she wasn't here, at this time, in this marketplace, with her best friends, staring at the hand print etched into the wall above. And just covering it was a large red hand, steam flowing heavily from it.

There was no mistaking it. There was no denying it. This wasn't fake. No, this was real.

"No way.." She heard from the side of her. She knew it one of her best friends, Armin. She knew because he was right beside her. He was always right beside her wherever they went. "This can't be happening. That wall is 50 meters high.."

That's what scared the kids the most. That wall was tall enough to keep the larger titans outside, but this one..it was taller than the 50 meters the wall stopped at. It's head could peek right over the edge, staring the humans down with a menacing stare. Corinne couldn't help but stare back, it was hard to look away knowing that all of this was real.

But the next moment came like lightning. A large hole had emerged from the wall, the boulder striking a church and any remaining debris struck people as it came crashing down on Shiganshina. It took Corinne a while before she realized what happened. Everything around her had went silent for a while. All she did was stare at the Titan on the wall, it's eyes still piercing everyone down.

Then suddenly, it wasn't looking at everyone else. It's dark eyes began staring directly at her. She wasn't sure what for, but her body had went cold and sweat began running down her forehead and arms.

The rough handling of her arm had broke her out of her trance and she took her attention away from the Titan to see that Armin was the one pulling her arm.

"Corinne, come on! We have to get out of here!" He exclaimed, practically dragging her away with everyone else. "But what about Eren and Mikasa?!"

"Where are they?!" Armin asked, both kids looking around, not spotting any of their friends in the tsunami of people coming at them. It was like they vanished into thin air. "Wherever they are, I hope they make it out of this okay!"

"Me too! Let's go!" Corinne grabbed Armin's hand and the two kids took off down the street with the Titans swarming into the city just miles away.

Nobody knows what happened after that since Armin and Corinne got separated due to the large crowd basically trampling over them to escape and Eren and Mikasa ran off to find Eren's mother. But one thing's for sure, Corinne walked out of Shiganshina's tragic downfall with a wound. One not physically on her body, but if you look close enough, you could see it in her grey and silver orbs. She's not the same girl her best friends knew, and she probably never will be.
