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"Corinne?!" Corinne turned down the alley where the two Titans came from and saw Mikasa climbing up to her feet. "Thank God you're okay! You had me worried."

Mikasa barely got to her feet before Corinne wrapped her arms around her, hugging her tightly and not daring to let go. But eventually she did, exhaling sharply and looking around the area.

"Did you see that Titan?"

"The one fighting back? Yes, I've never seen any Titan do that." Corinne nodded with agreement, looking around at the area. They were dead center in a Titan infested area and they had to leave immediately. "Mikasa, hold on. We're getting out of here."

Mikasa wrapped an arm around Corinne before the two leapt up and reached the rooftop above them. Armin and Connie had reached them both and stopped just a few feet from them before they bombarded them with questions.

"You both are okay! That Titan didn't get to you both?!" Armin asked, gesturing to the Titan now fighting on the other Titans nearby. "No, it just..ignored us."

"Why is that? What's wrong with that Titan? Is it an Abnormal?" Connie continued question upon question before Corinne placed a hand over his mouth. "Connie, shut up and let me answer first before you ask another question, got it?"

With a short but noticeable nod, Corinne moved her hand away before she responded with uncertainty:

"I'm not sure if it's an Abnormal. It's acting like one, but..Abnormals don't usually fight their own. But, if it can fight off other Titans-"

"We can use it to our advantage." Armin finished with a expression of realization. "Exactly."

"Hold on, do you two hear yourselves?! You want to lure a Titan, A TITAN, to fight other Titans. Then, what? It will probably eat us afterwards!" Connie argued. While that could be true, if that was the case, then why didn't it eat Mikasa and Corinne first chance it got? They were right there.

"That Titan would have eaten us by now, but it didn't. We're not it's goal." Mikasa replied, affirming Corinne's thoughts. That Titan was, in fact, different. And not to mention she suddenly had memories of Eren at the same time that Titan roared. It could just be a coincidence. "Well, then what is?"

"That's a good question." Corinne replied, looking back to the Titan, watching it disappear from her sight. If that Titan really is Eren..then how did he get like that? What happened? And the most disturbing one is: is he still in there? Or did he really turn into one of those monsters he swore to kill?

"Corinne..what is it?" Armin asked, seeing a look on her face. She knew it was crazy. It was insane, but the further away Eren gets, they will lose their chance to save the other cadets and headquarters. There was only one other way. "I'm going for that Titan. You guys go on without me."

"What?! No, we're not leaving you here!" Connie shouted, but Corinne shook her head, grabbing at Connie's shoulder. "I know what I'm doing. But I need you to get to headquarters and inform them of what's going on. Knowing them, they'll ask questions."

"I'll stay with you." Mikasa tried to insist, but Corinne, again, shook her head. "No, Mikasa, this is something I have to do alone. Please, just trust me. All of you."

Though they didn't like the fact that Corinne was going on her own, something was telling them that she had a plan in mind if she was insistent. There was a moment of silence before Mikasa spoke up.

"If you know what you have to do, then make it count. And make it back alive."

'Mikasa is right. I have to make this count, or everything we fought for would've been for nothing.' Corinne thought to herself while turning away from the others. 'Dad would kill me if he found out what I was about to do. But this is all for the greater good, right?'

Corinne took off down the street away from headquarters to find Eren. The entire time, she thought about Mikasa's words very carefully.

Make it count. And make it back alive.

Two goals she aimed to achieve. For herself and for the succession of humanity. If she failed either one..

"No, I can't think like that. I have to do this." Corinne told herself, swinging herself upward as a Titan came flying her way. She looked back at it, watching it just lay flat before she turned back around and had seen Eren's Titan rip the head off of another Titan's body.

"Woah.." Corinne came to a stop several buildings down from where Eren was fighting and watched as he heaved, steam rising fiercely from his overheated skin. She didn't want to get her hopes up, but she had a strong feeling that this Titan before her was, in fact, Eren. Whether she was right or not, she kept her distance to be sure if he was still there consciously.

His Titan form then had looked around, as if looking for something or someone. Corinne stood confused, wondering what was going on with him. That was until his head turned quickly and looked her way. Her eyes widened when he spotted her. He must have sensed her presence or something like that. Eren had turned around and began to slowly approach Corinne, her hands shaking slightly, millions of thoughts running through her mind. Many of them being if he was going to kill her and how.

But instead, he stopped just a couple buildings down fron her and just stared at her. Corinne stared right back, debating on what to say or whether he would even understand her. But she had to try. The fate of humanity was at stake. If there was a slim chance he could understand her and help fight the Titans at headquarters, she had to take it.

"Can you..understand me..?" She asked slowly, Eren's facial features changing slightly at this. "Eren..can you understand me?"

Eren stared for a bit longer before he let out a loud huff, the sudden sound making Corinne flinch visibly. She had let out a sigh of relief, having hope that that was a sign he could.

"We need your help. They.." She began, pointing behind her to the castle where Titans were swarming it. "They need your help. Please..help us."

Eren looked between her and headquarters, Corinne watching a gear almost click in his head, and he growled lowly, strolling away from her and take off instantly down the street towards headquarters.

"Yes! Yes, I did it!" Corinne cheered, jumping up and down and laughing wholeheartedly. The impossible became the possible today. If Eren can understand her and he can fight other Titans, then there is an incredible chance that his Titan power can be used to the advantage of the Scouts Regiment. He could even help take back Wall Maria.

"Woah, woah..I'm getting ahead of myself. That's if he doesn't get himself killed.." Corinne mumbled out loud, jumping off the roof and swinging off down the street as well just meters behind Eren's Titan form. She just hopes she makes it to the other cadets in time and that Armin, Mikasa, and Connie made there alive as well.
