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"Hey, Corinne! Look, it's the Scouts!"

"Hold on, Eren! Slow down!"

Corinne found herself being dragged through the crowd of people gathering to see the Scouts Regiment off. Since their last successful mission, they've been getting quite the praise from the people. Corinne and Eren came to a slight clearing, clear enough for them to get a good look at the soldiers that passed by. Mikasa and Armin eventually joined them, and the four of them scanned the Scouts.

Corinne, of course, was looking for someone in particular and she looked around until she spotted them, her eyes lit up and a smile across her face.

"Guys, look! It's my dad!" Corinne exclaimed, tugging at Eren's jacket and pointing at the stoic man that stood out amongst the lines of Scouts. He sat high on his horse, a look of determination on his face. If it was for the mission or to slaughter any Titan that got in his face, it didn't matter. The expression was clear as day.

"I still can't believe your dad is Captain Levi. Do you know how cool that is?!" Eren stated with a bright smile on his face. Corinne rolled her eyes, a sly smile on her face. "The only cool thing about him being my dad is that I don't feel underestimated. People hear I'm his kid and they take me seriously, no matter what I do."

"He is humanity's strongest soldier, after all." Armin stated, as the four continued to watch Levi and the other Scouts leave Trost. "Yeah, he is. And one day, I'll be right alongside him. It's my dream, to fight alongside my dad. To show him that I can handle anything."

"Hey, isn't that your mom?" Mikasa pointed out, Corinne following her gaze to see her mother, Natalia, appearing out of nowhere from the crowd of people. "Yeah, she must be going to see my dad."

"That's really sweet. Your parents must really love each other that much."

"Of course they do, Mikasa. He's the reason my mom is a better person now. Without him..I don't think she would be here. Even me." Corinne stated, looking back to where her parents were. Levi had left the line and met up with Natalia. Corinne watched the two talk for a bit before Levi bent over and kissed the back of her mother's hand. This brought a smile to her face.

This is what it should be like. No death, no pain, no sadness. Just peace and love. But even though it exists, Corinne knows that her parents' love for each other and for her is unconditional. And that's something the Titans could never break. No matter what happens.

Corinne turned back to look at Eren, Armin, and Mikasa. The three had began to talk about something else, but she observed them.

This is what she was fighting for. She was fighting not only for her happiness, but for theirs as well. For humanity's happiness. It's peace. Everything. Who would have ever known that in a matter of hours, that fate would be tested.

Mikasa hadn't gone far, but she going one by one killing off every Titan in her path. Corinne admired Mikasa's persistence, even though this was all out of anger, sadness, and vengeance, but if she kept this up, eventually, it will cost her.

"Corinne! Look!" Corinne heard, looking back to Armin while he nodded his head to Mikasa. Not even a split second after she look back to Mikasa, she saw her ODM gear sputter; indicating the tanks connected to it are empty.

Suddenly, her heart sunk when she saw Mikasa fall midair out of the sky and down below onto the ground, the sound of impacting thuds striking her emotionally every time.

"No, no! Mikasa, hold on!"

"Wait, Corinne!" Armin called after Corinne, but she ignored it, descending to the ground below and into a back alley, running as fast as she could around the area. She couldn't be far, but Corinne knew with no gas in Mikasa's tanks, she was stuck. And with Titans roaming around, she wouldn't survive very long. "I know you're around here. Where are you, Mikasa?"

Corinne ran and ran, her heart pounding with panic and tears began welling up in her eyes. She knew Mikasa was close, but no matter where she looked, she couldn't find her.

"Mikasa!" She called, scrabbling to a stop and panting harshly, her chest immensely burning in pain. However it was all cut short when she heard loud crash from a couple meters away from her. She stood upright, her mind went on high alert as she watched from a distance what was going on. Hoping to see Mikasa, she waited until she saw a Titan fall into a building behind it. She held tightly onto a blades, waiting for something to happen. Whether it was Mikasa or if that Titan got back up, she had to prepare herself.

The moments had Corinne froze in place. Not of fear or anything close to the word. In fact, she was shocked. Bewildered, even.

The Titan didn't fall into the building. It was thrown. By another Titan. Emerging from an alley where the same Titan came from was another one. But this one..it looked different from the normal Titans. It was just like the Colossal and Armored Titan, nobody had ever seen anything like it. It had a human like structure compared to others.

The Titan that had fell tried to get up to its feet, but the other one didn't let it have the chance. It took it's foot and stomped down on the Titan repeatedly until it was crushed into the debris.

"What the..hell is that?" Corinne mumbled, staring at the Titan before her. It looked away from the blood spattered creature below it's foot for a bit before it roared loudly, like a battle cry of victory. Corinne covered her ears at the sudden sound, but a sharp pain had hit her head immediately after.

Images began flashing before her. Pictures of her childhood, of her parents, of herself, even of her friends. More images of Eren than Mikasa and Armin.

Corinne's eyes went wide, realization flooding her as she slowly raised her head to look back at the Titan. It was impossible, there was no way. She wasn't sure what to think from what happened and upon looking at the Titan once again.

"Is that really you..?" She asked herself as she watched the Titan run off down the street, tears erupting her eyes as a relieved smile rose on her face. "Is it really you, Eren..?"
