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"What are you still doing here?"

Corinne couldn't believe it! Her mother was still alive, yet she was still inside the walls. Why hasn't anyone got her out? Corinne looked to the gate, seeing something large and bulky blocking the gate.

"Hey! Who's stuff is that?! Whoever it belongs to needs to move it right now!" Corinne shouted throughout the crowd, searching the faces of the people in the crowd.

"It belongs to me, you brat! And I'm not moving until it fits through!" She heard through the crowd. Her blood boiled at this and she eventually found the person the voice belonged to and her eyes squinted directly at him.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, you rut! I'm not moving shit unless this thing fits through the gate!" The man replied and Corinne gripped her blades, jumping off the Titan and walking through the crowd, approaching the man with Mikasa right behind her. "No, I don't think you heard me, mister. You're going to move your stuff and let these people, let my PREGNANT mother leave this city."

"And who are you to tell me what to do? You're nothing but a waste of a soldier and a good for nothing! You nearly got everyone killed here bringing that Titan all this way-" The man rambled on, but a blade was brought up close to his neck. Corinne was the one holding it to him and she glared death into this man, her blade inching closer and closer as she spoke.

"Who do I think I am? I think - no, I KNOW, I am the daughter of two Captains of the Scouts Regiment. You're looking at a pregnant one right now and the other is fighting to keep your ass and all these people safe, you pig. Now, you're going to move your wagon. Because if you don't, before my father gets here, you'll have to deal with me. And trust me when I tell you, I'm far nicer than he is." Corinne threatened, the man gulping slightly and looking between her and Natalia, her mother.

The woman glared at him as well, having had enough of his crap, same as everyone else. The man growled before he ordered one of his men to move the wagon away from the gate.

"This ain't over, kid. Best believe, I'll be seeing you again."

"I'll be waiting, pig." Corinne replied back, retracting her blade and turning away from the man, approaching her mother with a relieved smile. "I'm really glad you're here, Mom. I got worried."

"I know, I sensed it. I'm sorry I scared you. I got caught up by some Titans. I had to avoid them to get here." Natalia replied, Corinne sighing deeply and hugging her mother, the woman returning it with a bit of a tighter one before the both of them pulled away. "I'm glad you're doing okay, Corinne. Hey there, Mikasa."

"Captain Natalia.." Mikasa greeted with a salute and a small smile. Natalia shook her head, waving her hand dismissively. "No need for that, Mikasa. You're family."

Mikasa's eyes widened slightly, her arm falling slowly from her chest and to her side. She felt this tug at her heart upon her that. She felt a sense of happiness at this. Corinne noticed Mikasa's shimmered eyes and smiled, patting Mikasa's arm.

"You'll always be family to us, Mikasa. You, Eren, and Armin." Corinne assured, Mikasa smiling down at her. "As much as I love talking with you both, you should get going. Don't want to upset your superiors."

"You think they'd be upset we're talking to a CAPTAIN of the Scouts Regiment?" Corinne questioned with an eyebrow raised. Natalia chuckled, shaking her head. "No, but, you've got work to do."

"Heh..you're right, Mom." Corinne stated, hugging her mother once more. "I love you, Mom. I'll see you when this is over."

"I know. I love you, too, and I'm so proud of you. The both of you." Natalia stated just before she held out her hand to Mikasa. The girl looked to it before she hesitantly grasped Natalia's hand, the woman giving it a comforting squeeze. "Alright, off you go. Don't fall behind."

"We won't, Mom. Come on, Mikasa, let's go find Eren and Armin." Mikasa nodded, the two girls taking off just as a Garrison soldier came up to Natalia's side to guide her out the city.

"I always kew your mother was nice, but I never thought she saw me as family.." Mikasa stated to Corinne as the two flew down the street. Corinne looked to her, a warm smile spreading across her cheeks. "Of course, Mikasa. You, Eren, and Armin have always looked out for me and I think that's what my mom admires and appreciates about you guys."

Saying it out loud made Corinne feel a whole lot better. Maybe she doesn't say it often or maybe they need reassurance of it sometimes, but Corinne has always appreciated her friends for becoming her second family. Growing up in the Underground City, there weren't a whole lot of kids her age that she could be friends with. Or if there were, they never last long. Something horrible would always happen to them.

When she came to the surface six years ago, arriving at the Jaegers' residence, she felt foreign to it. She didn't know what to expect when she walked in. She waited for the expected to happen, but it never did. To this day, she still asks herself what was she expecting. Mikasa and Eren to be cruel and disgraceful kids? For them to stab her in the back? For them to toss her to the wolves first chance they get?

She wasn't for sure. But that didn't matter because here they were. Corinne and her three best friends doing what they all dreamed of doing. Fighting to save humanity. But Corinne hasn't reached her goal yet. She hasn't made it just yet.

Her father was still outside the walls and whether he came back or not, her dreams won't mean anything if she's dead. That was her goal. That was her purpose. To stay alive long enough to fight alongside her father. To challenge any Titan, no matter how strong they are, and the both of them taking the filthy creatures out together.

"I'll get there, Dad. I promise you I will."
