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"Sasha, look out!"

The warning came just as the Titan they attempted to blind was still able to see and it was staring directly at Sasha. The girl whimpered, backing away from the Titan as it inched closer and closer to her.

"I got it!" Corinne heard, looking up and seeing Mikasa approach it from behind, her blades raised high and ready to strike. Just as the Titan reached out to grab Sasha, Mikasa swung her swords, slicing clean through the nape and push off from the Titan, landing just a few feet from it.

"Nice work, Mikasa."

"Thanks.." Mikasa replied back to Corinne, soon after hearing the sudden wails from Sasha. "Thank you so much, Mikasa and Corinne! You saved my life! Thank you, thank you!"

"Don't mention it. As long as you're okay, that's all that matters." Corinne replied, approaching Sasha and helping her to her feet. That was a close one. Luckily, they won the fight, but if everyone didn't do what was necessary, a lot of lives could have been lost do this. But now, Corinne watched as everyone cheered their victories and began resupplying themselves on gas and blades.

Corinne had let Sasha go to allow her to pull herself together. She couldn't blame her. She'd be the same way if this was her first real experience. But this wasn't the first time, and for now, it certainly won't be her last.

Despite all the chatter amongst the cadets, all the talking suddenly went silent. Corinne looked at them, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and worry. She sees all their lips moving, but no words were coming out.

Then, as if the person was right beside her, she heard a faint whisper, but it was clear to her who it was and what they were saying.


Her body suddenly went cold, a shiver running down her spine and her body frozen in place. That..was impossible. How could she heard her dad? She's hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away from him. Whatever it was, it didn't stop her from replying back, hoping it was just a trick of the wind or something.


There was no reply after that. She scrunched her face up, suddenly feeling skeptical. What was that all about? It was probably just her imagination, but her imagination wouldn't come up with her name being called and as crystal clear as can be.

"Dad..is that you?"

"What about your dad?" She heard, jumping slightly and looking back quickly, seeing Armin behind her with concern written on his face. "A-Armin.."

"Are you okay? You mentioned your dad just now.." Armin asked, Corinne shaking her head, a throbbing sensation suddenly forming in her head and she soothingly rubbed her temples. "Um..yeah. I'm okay, I just.."

How could she explain it? Armin would probably think she was insane. Bad enough himself, Eren, and Mikasa found it strange that her mom knew something was always wrong without even being there, but this..was a whole other level. Corinne found it difficult to form the words, so she sighed in defeat, kicking lightly at the ground.

"I'm..worried about my dad." She slightly lied while stuffing her hands into her pockets. "I know he can handle himself, and he's been away longer than this, but..I don't know..with the Colossal Titan showing up now and he's outside the walls.."

"You're worried he may have gotten caught up in a mess with the Armored Titan?" Armin questioned, Corinne nodding. While that's part of the truth, the encounter she had before worried her. She didn't know what this meant, so for now, she chose to keep that part to herself.

"Don't worry, Corinne. He's humanity's strongest soldier. He's made it this far, there's no way something bad will happen to him now." Armin assured. Corinne felt his assurance, but part of her was wondering..he seemed just as confused as she was from the tone in his voice. Did he not know he was doing it? Or maybe..she was doing it? This didn't seem like a bad thing, but she was still curious about it.

"Guys! Come here! You have to check this out!" Both Corinne and Armin heard Marco shout, the two looking at each other. What could that be all about? Corinne was the first take off towards the exit, Armin following closely behind and both emerged from the castle. Outside, they spotted heavy steam stemming up from their right side and raced over to it.

Corinne could only hope it was Eren and was relieved when she came around the corner and saw that it was indeed him, but his Titan body was sprawled on the ground and the steam was coming directly from the nape. Mikasa was already at his side, crying in relief that Eren was alive.

"What..Corinne, is that..?" Armin mumbled softly, Corinne nodding, her breathing faltering in disbelief at the fact as well. "That's him, Armin. That's Eren."

"You knew?"

"I had a feeling..I wasn't sure." Corinne corrected while walking towards Eren's Titan. The other cadets had arrived a little after Corinne and Armin got closer, all staring in disbelief or shock at the scene before them. Tears started falling down her face as she looked up to Eren and Mikasa. The feeling of Eren being alive was nothing compared to see him in the flesh.

Though she was happy to see Eren was alive, the burning question still remained fresh to her as she looked back at Armin.

"How did he turn into a Titan?"
