
"I can't feel no remorse, and you don't feel nothing back."

Β  Β Β  "Who the hell are you?" A sword pressed to her neck as Ophelia heard the words come from her right. She slowly turned her head, being careful to not cut herself with the sword being forcefully pressed against her neck. In front of her she saw that the boy holding the sword was one of the younger boys that was being chased. He had blonde hair and was quite tall. Behind him was the other young boy, he had brown hair and was a bit shorter than the blonde boy. Ophelia dropped her bow on the ground as an attempt to show that she was not a threat. After not receiving an answer the blonde pushed the sword harder into her skin.

Β  Β  Β  "I'm Ophelia, please I promise I'm not a threat. I'm starving, thirsty, and I don't know how I got here." This seemed to be a good enough answer for the brunette, he walked up to the blonde and whispered something in his ear that Ophelia couldn't hear. After glancing back at the brunette and giving him an apprehensive look the blonde removed the sword from her neck.

Β  Β Β  "Tubbo says that we should give you food and water, first I would like you to take the mask off your face." The blonde said to her. She really did not want to take the mask off in case these boys ended up wanting to harm her or use her identity for something. However, at the wish of the blonde she took the black mask that was covering half of her face off. She looked to the two boys to try and gauge their reactions, the blonde seemed satisfied that she actually listened and the brunette seemed happy that she trusted them. "I suppose we will feed you now." Tommy said to her as he started walking away.

Β  Β  "Hi, I'm Tubbo! That's Tommy, he's just a little stressed out. Wilbur puts a lot of pressure on him and he doesn't know how to handle it sometimes. Follow me, I'll get you some food and water." The brunette introduced himself and started rambling on as he led Ophelia towards the van.

Β Β  "What is this place called?" Ophelia asked.

Β Β  "L'manburg, it's the nation that Wilbur and Tommy started!" Tubbo replied with a proud smile. Tubbo opened the door to the van and allowed her to enter before him.Β 

Β  Ophelia looked around and noticed that the van wasn't very spacious. There was a big table in the middle and the counters looked like they had just been hastily cleaned off, as if someone was trying to hide something. Tubbo directed her to the table and told her to sit and he would be right back. While sitting down at the table in silence Ophelia wondered how she got to where she is now. She can't remember how she got to that forest or why she was there. It was as if she was just dropped off there and had her memories taken from her. "Here's some bread and water," Tubbo came back handing Ophelia a cup of water and two pieces of bread, "sorry it's not much, we're kind of low on food right now." Ophelia just nodded signaling that it was okay and she was thankful. "So, how did you get here?"

Β  After taking a long sip of water Ophelia simply responded with "I don't know." Tubbo gave her a confused look, hoping she would continue. "I woke up in the forest over there and I'm not sure how I got there." Ophelia continued, "I heard voices so I went towards the opening in the forest and saw you and Tommy running from three other boys." Ophelia took a break and ate a slice of bread Tubbo had given her. Tubbo sat there patiently waiting for her to continue her story. Instead Ophelia offered him a question, "Why were those boys chasing you?"

Β  "Well, we're sort of at war right now." Tubbo replied simply.

Β  "You're at war? Aren't you like a child?" Ophelia questioned.

Β  "Yes, we're at war. No, I am not a child, I am a teenager. Do call Tommy a child though he loves it when people call him a child." Tubbo said with a mischievous smile.

Β  "Who are you at war with? Was it those boys who were chasing you?"

Β  "Yeah, Tommy and I thought we would be able to sneak onto their land and set some stuff on fire, but they caught us and chased us all the way here."

Β  "Why are you at war with them?" Ophelia asked, suddenly filled with questions.

Β  "To simply put it, all of this land belongs to a man named Dream. When Wilbur decided he wanted to start his own nation on Dream's land, Dream wasn't happy. So now, we, L'manburg, are at war with Dream and his army."

Β  "Why does Dream think he can control all of you?"

Β  "Dream is quite scary, he is not scared of a little blood shed." Ophelia shivered a bit at his response. To think that this poor boy is so young and already having to experience war. Tommy quietly walked into the room, probably trying to eavesdrop but failing. She could tell that Tommy did not trust her, he had every right not to trust her. The blonde walked to the table, realizing he had been seen and sat next to Tubbo.Β 

Β  "What are the names of the people who were chasing you?" Ophelia asked, breaking the silence.

Β  "Dream, George, and Sapnap." Tubbo replied.

Β  "Which one is the one who wears glasses?" Ophelia asked warily.

Β  "That would be George." Tubbo answered. Ophelia let out a sigh of relief that she hadn't shot the owner of all the land in the leg. "Why do you ask?"

Clearing her throat Ophelia simply replied "I shot him in the leg."

Β  "You did what?!" Tommy who had been sitting in silence asked, very surprised by her response.

Β  "The three boys were chasing you guys and I wanted you guys to be able to get away, so I shot him in the leg to distract them from you two." Ophelia looked at the two boys waiting for their reaction. Tubbo seemed to be very happy with her answer, so happy in fact that he came around to her side of the table and gave her a big hug. Tommy on the other hand, didn't seem overly excited. In fact, it seemed like Tommy was upset by her answer.

Β  "Tommy, what's wrong? She basically saved our lives." Tubbo asked, sitting down next to Ophelia.

Β  "Now they think we have someone else on our side Tubbo. It couldn't have been Wilbur, Eret or Fundy that shot that arrow, so now they will think we have a new ally."

Β  "If I'm being honest, I really don't think Dream will look that deeply into it." Tubbo replied.

Β  Tommy looked at Tubbo like that was the dumbest thing he had ever heard. "Tubbo, you are so stupid. Of course Dream will look that deeply into it. It's Dream." Ophelia just sat there quietly as she watched the two boys argue.

Β  "So what if he thinks we have a new ally anyway? A new ally means we have an advantage over Dream." Tubbo said to Tommy.

Β  "We need to talk to Wilbur about this." Tommy said, completely ignoring what his friend had just said. After only being with the younger boys for a little bit, they had mentioned this Wilbur person quite a bit.

Β  "Who is this Wilbur guy?" Ophelia asked breaking her silence.

Β  At that moment, a very tall man with brown curly hair walked through the door. "Tommy, Tubbo, who is this?"


ew ew ew reading through this is so awful why is my writing so bad goodbyeΒ 
