
"I don't feel nothing at all. And you can't feel nothing small."

Β  Ophelia marched out of the room into a hallway. She had never been in this place before so she had no idea where to go, but she needed to get away from Dream. There was a staircase at the end of the hallway so she went down the stairs into a large room. The room was pretty extravagantly decorated. She would've taken more time to admire it, but Clay was catching up to her.Β 

Β  "Ophelia, please. Can we talk?" he said walking after her. She simply ignored him and walked towards the large doors. Pushing them open, she saw unfamiliar land in front of her. She exited the building and kept walking despite not knowing where she was. There were tears building in her eyes. The weight of knowing she's killed and that everyone who ever loved her is gone was setting in. She broke out in a sprint, running aimlessly until she spotted the tall, black walls. Running toward L'manburg, tears running down her face, she could faintly see Wilbur sitting outside the van by himself. Ophelia got closer and closer, and all she wanted was for the tall, brunette to comfort her. Entering L'manburg, Wilbur stood up at her arrival. He had a relieved look on his face as she ran to him. She crashed into his arms, wanting to be held. He stumbled back a bit at the impact but then immediately embraced her.Β 

Β  "Hey, are you okay? Where have you been?" he asked gently, still holding her close. She didn't respond, instead she just soaked up Wilbur's warmth and cried into his chest. They stood like that for a couple moments. They didn't speak. He rubbed circles on her back, resting his head on hers. "Do you want to sit down?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Ophelia just nodded her head. The brunette let go of her and took a look at her, making eye contact with her icy blue eyes. It was obvious she was in pain. The pair sat down in the same spot as the first night she was there. The tears had stopped streaming down, leaving her eyes red and puffy. The broken girl rested her head on his shoulder, closing any space between the two. "Do you wanna talk about it?" he asked, looking down at her. He was being incredibly sweet about everything, Ophelia just felt like she could tell him anything.Β 

Β  She took a shaky breath in, "I got my memories back." Wilbur was taken aback. "Dream kidnapped me and then locked me in a room." She then realized she would have to come up with a reason why Dream would give her the potion for her memories. It wasn't like she could just tell Wilbur that she was supposed to betray them. "He uh- He thought that I might have a memory that could help him win the war, but he didn't get anything."Β 

Β  "Well if you look on the bright side, now you have your memories." Wilbur tried with a small smile.Β 

Β  "I was better off without them." He felt awful for her, she had to have had an awful past for her to be this broken.Β 

Β  "I don't mean to press, but what memories are so bad?"

Β  She looked up at him, not sure what to say. Would her past scare him off? The two kept eye contact, brown eyes meeting blue, until Ophelia turned her head. She let out a deep sigh, preparing for him to be scared off.Β 

Β  "I lost everyone who ever loved me. When I was seven, my mom died. When I was thirteen, my dad abandoned my brother and I. When I was fifteen, my only friend walked out of my life. When I was sixteen, I took someone's life for the first time. When I was seventeen, I watched someone slit my brother's throat right in front of me." she kept going, unloading all of her baggage. "When I was eighteen, I shot an arrow directly through my father's heart. When I was nineteen, I was tortured so harshly to the point where I was begging them to kill me. I'm a trained killer, that's all I know. At one point I was genuinely happy, but now the only reason I'm alive is to kill." Her voice cracked at the last statement. It hurt her to say but it was the truth. Ophelia looked up at Wilbur, he stared back taking a moment to digest what she said. He didn't say anything, just pulling her closer to him and holding her tightly. "You don't want to run away?" she asked quietly.

Β  "Why would I do that?"

Β  They looked at each other, Ophelia felt her heart lighten. She rested her head on his chest, the two sitting in silence. He played with her hair, while she just laid occupied by her thoughts. "How was she supposed to betray him?" she thought. She was supposed to betray the only person in the world that could comfort her right now for someone who walked out of her life five years ago. There was something about Clay though. When they were younger, Ophelia always compared Clay to a golden retriever. He had an endless amount of energy and seemed to be happy all the time. He chose to see the good in everyone. She wondered if he was still like that, under his mask. He seemed like a completely different person, as if he wasn't the Clay she knew anymore.Β 

Β  Next to them they heard the van door open. The two lifted their heads to see Tommy and Tubbo peaking out of the door. "Ophelia!" Tubbo shouted. The small brunette ran towards the girl and smothered her with a hug. She smiled a bit, accepting the younger boys embrace. He got off her and held out a hand to help her off the ground. She took his hand to stand up and looked to the blonde.Β 

Β  "Hi Tommy." she said with a small smile. He walked out of the van and towards the girl.Β 

Β  Wrapping his arms around her he said, "I guess you aren't so bad. I kind of missed you." She smiled at the younger boy. He let go of her and backed off to stand next to Tubbo. The small brunette elbowed his friend.Β 

Β  "Tommy, you're forgetting something."

Β  The blonde rolled his eyes and turned back to Ophelia, "I'm sorry for pointing a sword at you when you first came to L'manburg." Tubbo broke out in a smile as the older two started giggling. Tommy just rolled eyes and she heard him mutter "Fuck off" under his breath.

Β  "I accept your apology, child."

Β  Tommy's head snapped up in her direction, "What did you just call me?"Β 

Β  "A child, because you are one."

Β  "You foolish woman, I am not a child."Β 

Β  "You look like one."

Β  Tommy was upset, Wilbur and Tubbo were trying their best to hide their laughter.Β 

Β  "I am not a child." He said, there was anger in his tone.

Β  "Child." Was all she replied with

Β  Tommy had it. He started coming towards her. Ophelia bolted away running around the van and Tommy chased after her. Tubbo joined in, chasing after Tommy. Wilbur just watched the three of them with a smile on his face. For once, he wasn't thinking about the war. Instead he thought of his friends and he was happy.Β 


green man messed up >:( i literally thought i had this book all planned out but now i just changed my mind about something and i literally am gonna have a breakdown writing it. anyway, hope you all enjoyed this chapter! i know it wasn't much but we did get some happy ophelia at the end so yay :)
