
"Oh, Ophelia. Heaven help a fool who falls in love."

"Ophelia," a voice started, "Ophelia, wake up." She slowly opened her eyes to see green ones staring right back at her.

"Five more minutes." She sleepily said, closing her eyes again. The boy just laughed at her.

"Ophelia c'mon, you said we could hang out today." He pulled on her arm, dragging her out of bed.

"Ugh fine, let me get ready. I'll meet you outside in five." He left the room and she stood up, looking in the mirror. She had definitely looked better. Slipping on jeans and a t-shirt, she attempted to make herself look more presentable. Brushing her fingers through her hair she went to check on her little brother. He was sound asleep in his bed, she didn't want to wake him. Quietly walking away, she walked into her father's room to see him passed out, some random woman next to him. She rolled her eyes and walked out heading for the door. Exiting the house, she took in the smell of fresh air around her and found Clay sitting next to a tree, waiting for her.

"Ready to go?" He asked her, jumping up from the ground.

"Yep, let's go." The two walked to the market in town, Clay looking for something to buy, Ophelia seeing if she could steal anything off of a merchant. After looking around, they didn't find anything that they needed so they went to their treehouse. He climbed up first, Ophelia next. They sat together making stupid conversation. He would talk about all of the places he was going to go when he grew up and she quietly listened. She talked about saving up and getting her and Austin away from that retched place.

"Ophelia?" A voice called out. It was her brother. She peaked out from the treehouse, seeing her brother coming closer.

"Austin, what's up?" She asked jumping down from the treehouse. When she got closer she could see the tears running down his face. "What's wrong, what happened?" She asked suddenly becoming very concerned. His trembling hand handed her a note written in sloppy handwriting.

Dear Ophelia and Austin,

I'm leaving. There is no point in me staying here, everything reminds me of your mother too much. You two will be able to live on your own. Ophelia you are smart enough to take care of the two of you. I don't know where I'm going, but I know it's far from here.

I wish you two the best of luck, Dad

She could feel the hot tears forming in her eyes. There was no way she could cry in front of her brother, she had to show them they would be strong. She took a deep breath in, turned around and shouted to Clay in the most cheerful voice she could muster, "Hey, I gotta go, Austin needs help with something at the house. See you later!" Wrapping her arm around her brother, they walked home in silence, realizing that they only had each other.

Ophelia sat up straight, she was sweaty. She thought that she had repressed the memory of her father leaving, but obviously she was wrong. Looking around, she realized she was still in the room Dream put her in. Standing up, she walked towards the door, pressing her ear against the door to listen.

"I'm going to check on her, you three gear up." Someone was coming, so she scrambled to get back into the bed and act as if she was sleeping. She heard the door open for a second, a deep sigh, and then the door shut again. Peaking her eye open she looked around, making sure there was no one in the room. She walked back over to the door to listen to what was happening.

"Who's going to watch her and make sure she doesn't escape?"

"Sapnap, there's no way she's escaping."

"You have no idea how smart she is, she could escape if she wanted to." She assumed this was Dream, "I'll have Bad keep keep watch, he said he didn't want to fight so this will occupy him."

What Ophelia gathered from that was, she was going to be alone in this house with someone named Bad. Also, it sounded like they were going to fight and that wouldn't turn out well for L'manburg. She slid down the wall helpless, there was no way she could help. Time passed and she was just sitting on the floor, looking up at the ceiling. After what felt like hours, the door opened next to her and she saw someone she didn't recognize. She decided she could use this to her advantage. Being on their foot level, she grabbed their ankle making them lose their balance and fall to the floor. Quickly, Ophelia grabbed their sword from them and pointed it at them threateningly.

"You must be Bad." She said looking down at the man. He didn't look brave enough to be a soldier, in fact it looked like he had never fought a day in his life. All he did was whimper in response. She slowly realized that he wouldn't be a threat to her so she decided not to hurt him. Lowering the sword slightly she spoke up again, "Listen, I don't want to hurt you. I just need to get my things and get back to L'manburg. So, I have decided that I will just lock you in this room instead of hurting you." He started to open his mouth to protest, but Ophelia just pushed the sword closer to him. "Oh, I'm keeping your sword too, by the way." Walking out of the room, she closed the door and locked it with Bad inside. She needed to find her weapons, the rope had already been removed from her hands after she told Dream she couldn't sleep with her hands tied. He was smart but also an idiot at the same time. Looking in each room as she passed it, she finally found her things. Placing the sword in her holster, she picked up her knives and their holsters, attaching them to her leg. She grabbed her quiver and slung it around her back, picked up her bow and made her way to the exit.

She hastily ran through the familiar path from Dream's house to L'manburg. As she neared L'manburg, all she saw was destruction. Ophelia feared she was too late. Running to the van, she noticed an open trap door in the ground. Quickly running down the stairs, she found herself in a room with the overwhelming smell of blood and sweat. Looking around she saw the wounded bodies of Fundy, Tubbo, Tommy, and Wilbur. She immediately ran to Tommy's side shaking him into consciousness.

"Tommy, Tommy!" He suddenly opened his eyes, and saw Ophelia looking back at him.

"Ophelia." He weakly whispered. She overlooked his wounds seeing a bleeding stab wound in his stomach. Ripping a piece of fabric from his uniform, she wrapped a makeshift tourniquet around his torso where the wound was, applying pressure to it.

"Tommy, what happened here?" She asked looking around the rest of the room and seeing the unconscious bodies of her friends. "Wait, where's Eret?"

"He betrayed us." The blonde's voice was weak. She felt a pang of guilt, of course Dream had a backup plan.

"Are you okay? I need to go check on the others." He weakly nodded his head. Next she hurried her way to Fundy, he didn't seem to have any stab wounds, he must've just been knocked out. Lightly shaking him awake, she asked if he needed anything.

"No, I'm okay." He muttered. "We need to get Wilbur and Tubbo taken care of." The pair worked in silence as he tended to the young brunette's wounds and she tended to Wilbur's. Neither of them had regained consciousness, but as she finished taking care of the tall man in front of her, she gently tried waking him. His eyes slowly opened and took in the view in front of him. Blinking a couple times to make sure what he saw was real, he looked into her blue eyes and said, "You came back."

"Of course I did."


we're nearing the end of the book oh em geeeee. ALSO, 400 reads is so cool! thank you all so much for reading this book, i honestly thought no one would so i really appreciate it :) remember to vote and comment, also you could follow if you want ;))))
