
"I got a new girlfriend, she feels like he's on top."

"Tommy, Tubbo, who is this?" The tall brunette spoke. He had a very deep voice compared to the two younger boys. Ophelia looked over the tall man's features. He had curly, brown hair that was tucked into a hat just like Tommy and Tubbo wore. He wore a brown uniform also matching Tommy and Tubbo's, however his seemed to be a bit snug probably due to his height. His eyes were dark brown and the bags under them made it obvious the man was tired. Ophelia thought to herself that he was quite handsome.

Β  "This is Ophelia! She saved us from Dream, George, and Sapnap." Tubbo answered, making Tommy shove him in the side.

Β  "What do you mean saved? What did you two do? I told you to stay off their la-" The tall man started angerly but was shortly cut off by Tommy.

Β  "Nothing, nothing, everything is fine Wilbur!" So this was Wilbur, Ophelia put two and two together in her mind. "Ophelia walked into L'manburg and I stopped her with my sword and demanded she told us who she was." Tommy beamed proudly, looking to Wilbur for praise. Wilbur just threw Tommy a look to say, "We'll talk about this later". "It was Tubbo's idea you know, to let her in. I thought that we should just leave her but Tubbo insisted we feed her." Tommy kept going after he saw that Wilbur wasn't amused by the whole situation.

Β  Suddenly shifting his attention to Ophelia, Wilbur said, "Ophelia, was it?" She just nodded her head. "Could you please give me a moment to talk to these two alone?" She could hear the tiny bit of bitterness in his tone. She hoped the boys weren't in trouble for helping her.

Β  "Of course." Ophelia responded, getting up from the table and walking towards the entrance of the van. She stepped outside and sat on the ground wondering what the boys were talking about inside. It was odd, this place seemed familiar, but not at the same time. As she was sitting on the wet ground, she stared up at the sky, appreciating the beauty of the stars. Looking at the sky you really realize how small you are, the stars that are miles and miles away would still shine even if you weren't there. Some people thought it was morbid thinking of how insignificant we are to the stars, but she thought it was beautiful. She lost track of time, just sitting there mesmerized by the shining stars in the sky, not even noticing someone else sitting next to her.Β 

Β  "They really are beautiful, aren't they?" startled by the deep voice coming from her right, Ophelia jumped slightly. To her right she saw Wilbur, he was looking to the sky with an amused look on his face. For a second Ophelia just looked at him, admiring his features. Under the moonlight he looked more alive, the tiredness in his eyes seemed to fade, she only saw what looked like happiness. Ophelia looked back towards the sky and the two sat in comfortable silence, observing the stars in peace. "The boys told me how you got here," Wilbur started, still looking at the sky. "they said you don't remember anything and you just woke up in the forest." Ophelia nodded along, still looking at the sky. Turning to face her, Wilbur looked hesitant in what he was about to say. "I have an offer." Ophelia turned to him surprised.

Β  "What is this offer?" Ophelia asked curiously.

Β  "If you agree to help us fight in this war, you can stay with us as long as you like." Ophelia was shocked, to say the least.

Β  "Thank you, but you haven't even seen me fight! You have no clue whether I have any combat skills. Also, you just met me and now you're offering me into your home!" She started rambling on, baffled by this stranger's offer. "I can't even remember how I got here! How am I supposed to help you win a war when I don't have any of my memories?" Wilbur just looked at her with an amused look on his face. This made her even more confused, why was this amusing?

Β  "You don't have to accept the offer if you don't want to, but we need more soldiers and if you don't have your memories where are you going to go?" He made a fair point. She had no idea where she was going to go. Wilbur watched as she thought about his offer, weighing her options in her head.

Β  Breaking the silence, Ophelia said, "Okay, I'll take you up on that offer. However, I have one stipulation." Wilbur tilted his head curious as to what she was going to say. "You are not making me room with Tommy." The two broke out in laughter, both of them deciding they could get used to this arrangement. Wilbur stood up offering a hand to Ophelia pulling her off the ground. The pair walked into the van seeing Tommy and Tubbo whispering about something at the table. The two fell into silence when they noticed the older pair walk into the van. Wilbur ignored the two teenagers and led Ophelia to the back of the van where there was a small room with a couple makeshift beds.

Β  "Sorry it's not much, it's hard to find luxury during a war." Wilbur apologized for the lack of an actual bed. Ophelia didn't mind, as long as she had somewhere to sleep.Β  She settled on one of the makeshift beds that seemed to just be bales of hay covered by a sheet.

Β  "It's perfect." Ophelia told Wilbur, making him feel a little bit better about their sad living state. Tommy and Tubbo then walked into the room and stared between the older man and woman. It was if the two boys shared a brain, simultaneously doing the same thing. They walked past Wilbur and got onto their makeshift beds that were next to each other. Wilbur and Ophelia just chuckled at the younger pair. Wilbur climbed onto his bed, his legs hanging off the end.Β 

Β  "Goodnight everyone." Wilbur said, fighting off a yawn. Tommy and Tubbo murmured goodnights already starting to fall asleep. Ophelia turned on her side content with her new friends, hoping that she could somehow help them out of this war.


first author's note :) thank you so much to anyone who is reading this! writing stories like this is new to me, so i hope that people will enjoy my writing. please let me know if you notice any mistakes, i try to catch them myself but sometimes i miss them. again ty so much for reading!
