
"I don't feel no remorse and you can't see past my blinders."

Β  "OPHELIA! OPHELIA HELP!" Ophelia was in a dark room, her eyes started adjusting to the darkness. "OPHELIA! OPHELIA PLEASE!" The screaming was getting louder, but where was it coming from? She stood up and walked forward hoping to find a door. She felt around in the darkness finding a door handle and opening the door. "OPHELIA, I'M IN HERE HELP!" The screams were filled with pleading, Ophelia needed to find the person screaming. The voice sounded similar but she couldn't place where she recognized it from. She walked forward into the darkness heading to the left where she thought she heard the voice from. "PLEASE HELP ME!" That was urgent, she was hoping she could find the person in time. Quickening her pace she started running towards where she believed the screams were coming from. "LIA HELP!" She froze. That name. No one calls her Lia. No one except her brother.

"Oh my god." Ophelia sprinted trying to find a way towards the voice. She found herself in a hallway. She could make out a door at the end of the hallway. She recklessly ran her way to the door opening it to see her brother being held by a man who was putting a knife to her brother's neck. "Austin" Ophelia muttered seeing her brother in this state. He was helpless waiting to see if his sister could save him. The room was dimly lit so she couldn't make out the face of the man. "Please. Don't hurt him. He's innocent. Take me instead." She tried pleading with the man. She heard the whimpers coming from her baby brother as the man pressed the knife harder into his neck. "PLEASE! He hasn't done anything, you can hurt me but spare him." At the point she was crying and begging with the man to let her brother go. She watched as the man swiftly moved the knife across Austin's neck, slitting his throat. Ophelia felt her heart shatter, she tried to scream but no sound came out. She ran to her brother's body sobbing into it, wishing he would come back. The mysterious man just walked past her out of the room. She had no desire in stopping him, she was too swept up in her misery. She felt empty.

"Ophelia! Ophelia! Are you okay?" She was being shaken awake by Wilbur. He had worry etched all over his face. His eyes were darting all over her face looking for any signs of harm.

"My brother. He's gone." Ophelia muttered, more of just talking to herself. Wilbur looked at her with a sad expression. She felt the tears running down her face, but she didn't do anything about them. If that was what remembering things would be like, she didn't want her memories back.

"Tommy and Tubbo went to get you fresh water." Wilbur said snapping her out of her daze. "You were screaming and crying. It sounded like you were pleading with someone." He explained cautiously. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Ophelia wasn't sure if she did, the nightmare felt extremely personal but for some reason she felt she could trust Wilbur. Maybe it would help to talk to him about it. She sat up on the hay bale and made room for him to sit next to her.

"I, um, had a nightmare about my brother." she started. "My brother died a couple years ago. I was supposed to save him." Ophelia whispered voice cracking. Wilbur sat and listened quietly, a grim look on his face. "He- Someone kidnapped him to have leverage on me." She could feel a lump forming in her throat. Wilbur held her hand rubbing circles on the back of it. This gesture somewhat calmed her. "They waited until I was close to finding my brother, and then they slit his throat in front of me." She barely managed to get out, before she choked on a sob. Wilbur took her into his arms and let her cry into his chest. He rested his head on top of hers and rubbed circles on her back. They sat like that for a while, Ophelia crying into Wilbur's chest and him comforting her to the best of his abilities.

"It'll be okay.", "You're okay.", "Let it out." Wilbur whispered all these things to Ophelia while he held her close. He didn't know why but Wilbur felt a gravitation towards her, as if the two of them were destined to meet. He wasn't sure if he believed in soulmates, but he did believe that some people are made to be in each other's lives. He sat there holding her, just thinking about how he already felt the need to look after and care for her, even though he had only met her a couple hours prior. He felt awful for her and for her losing her brother, but he also felt anger towards the man who did it. Wilbur with his head full and Ophelia feeling empty, the pair sat in silence not sure what words to say.

The soft sound of foot steps could be heard and the two teenagers walked into the room with a bottle of water. Wilbur lightly tapped on Ophelia's shoulder and she looked up, tear stained cheeks and swollen eyes. Wilbur was devastated at the amount of pain she was in. "Hey, the boys brought you back water." Wilbur quietly said to Ophelia. Ophelia looked in the direction of the younger boys and by their reaction she assumed she didn't look too good. She didn't care though, she was in too much pain to care. She didn't want to remember.

"We also brought you something that we thought would make you feel better." Tubbo started with a small smile. From behind him he pulled out a cake and Ophelia gave the brunette boy a small smile. "It was Tommy's idea by the way, the cake." Tommy looked like he wanted to argue but Tubbo punched the blonde in the side making him wince.

"Yeah, you looked pretty upset so I thought a cake might cheer you up." Tommy mumbled rubbing his side where Tubbo punched him. Ophelia could see a small smile on Tubbo's lips.

"Thank you boys, I appreciate it." Ophelia thanked the teenagers. The young brunette left the cake and water next to her on the bed. Then the boys left the small bedroom to go into the main room of the van. When they exited Wilbur and Ophelia immediately heard the boys start to argue. Wilbur shook his head with a smile and Ophelia giggled a bit at the two younger boys. The older pair sat on the hay bales for a minute quietly, when Wilbur broke the silence.

"So, how about that cake?"


oOoOoO backstory, sorry for this chapter being pretty grim in the beginning. i wanted to add to ophelia and wilbur's relationship, but i also didn't want to take away from the sadness of her brother. i already have this book like all planned out in my head so if updates come quickly that's why! (i also have a trashed sleep schedule so) i literally already have an idea for a sequel but lemme finish this first and maybe get some reads :) tysm for reading lovelies <3
