n i n e t e e n

a/n: so like i just wanna get some opinions. i f you guys realise, my chapters have gradually gotten longer and i just wanna know if you guys prefer how long it currently is or do you guys prefer it short like how it was at the first few chaps?


chapter 19:

the week went by not too eventful. jihyun found out what her weakest topic in physics was. yeosang, of course, offered more tutoring sessions in exchange for more red velvet cookies since he absolutely loved the ones jihyun had made for him.

jihyun has been spending more time with the boys and she still doesn't miss a day in sending san her memes through airdrop. she does get a little nervous though since the boys would always come to sit with her in the cafe. she was afraid she'd be caught but she always manages to hide her phone screen from them.

finally, friday came by quicker than expected. jihyun was nervously pacing from the edge of her bed to the full body mirror. she was nervous, even if it was just yeosang. but lately, she's been spending the most time with yeosang and maybe that contributed to her being confused of her feelings. san or yeosang?

she stopped pacing around when her bedroom door opened, revealing her older brother all dressed for the dance. "you ready sis? the boys are all here except for jongho. we're going by a limousine." he informed, fully entering her bedroom.

"do you think i look okay? i-i don't wear make up and i feel like this isn't enough. does this dress even look okay on me?" the girl rambled on, fixing her hair in panic.

seonghwa stops her hand from frantically moving all around her head, fixing her hair. "you look great, sis. trust me, yeosang is gonna stop functioning when he sees you this gorgeous. let's go?" he assures his younger sister.

the girl lets out a deep breath before grabbing onto her purse and nodding up to her older brother and clumsily walking over with her heels. she then sheepishly smiled, "you know i don't wear heels, right?"

the older chuckled, nodding before holding out his arm so she could link her arms with his. together, the make their way down the stairs, jihyun struggling to keep her balance.

at the bottom of the stairs, there stood 6 boys, looking dashing as ever in their suits, all of them watching the siblings walk down the stairs. "oh? where's jongho?"

"he went with his date. he said he'll meet up with us at school later." hongjoong explained. "let's goooo!!!" mingi cheered.

seonghwa walked jihyun over to yeosang, slapping his back earning a groan from the younger boy. "take care of this one, she's not used to heels." jihyun then slowly let go of seonghwa's arm and linking it to yeosang's shyly. yeosang could feel his face growing hotter as he blushed, shyly nodding.

the boys teased him the whole time that they were in the limo. jihyun kept quiet the whole time. she too, felt extremely shy. maybe i do like yeosang more now..

she then took a quick glance at san, only to find him staring at her too. the two quickly broke eye contact, feeling awkward about that sudden eye contact.

when they reached the school, it obviously got a lot of attention. the fancy looking limousine that seonghwa had booked for them all sure did attract a lot of attention.

when they all exited the vehicle, students couldn't help but gape in awe.

"oh my god they look so hot!"

"i didn't expect jihyun to come. she looks so pretty!"

"how could they not have dates when they look THAT hot?!"

"is that THE park jihyun and kang yeosang?"

"they're gonna be the power couple of the year, i'm betting that."

"they look so good together!!"

jihyun and yeosang undoubtedly did look like a couple, with their colour coordinated outfits, they looked like the dream couple.

the group slowly made their way to the hall where the dance is held. jihyun never let go of her grip on yeosang's arm. the first reason being that she can't walk well with the heels on and two because she felt insecure with all the attention she's getting all of a sudden.

without her realising, her grip on his arm tightened, causing him to yelp in pain, putting his opposite hand above her hand that's gripping is arm. she widened her eyes in surprise before quickly apologising, loosening her grip. "i-i'm so sorry! i just got so nervous.." she trailed off.

"hey hey, it's okay. i'm here, don't worry. you'll be just fine. breathe in, then slowly breathe out." he tried to calm her down, which surprisingly worked. she followed exactly what he told her to do and it made her feel so much better. "thanks." she smiled at him.

they all entered the hall that was beautifully decorated, a light blue theme, and music playing. they could see some students on the dance floor, some by the side talking to their friends.

"hey, why don't we take some pictures?" yunho suggested to the group, earning nods of agreement from them. "let's let yeosang and jihyun get some couple photos first then we'll get group shots." wooyoung offered and yeosang thanked him in his head.

after jihyun took a few shots with yeosang, then the group joined. they all seemed to be actually enjoying it that even the photographer couldn't help but smile at their joy.

a few shots later, they heard a high pitched scream before a boy ran up to them to join the mini photoshoot. "jongho!" they welcomed him with hugs to which he returned before he scooted beside jihyun.

"i'm gonna stand beside noona for the photos!" he announced before posing for the camera. the rest shook their heads and chuckled, also posing for the camera.
