f o u r


chapter 4:

"...blueberry?" san turned back around only to find jihyun gone, nowhere in sight. he looked in the halls and saw jihyun's figure running away and entering the music room. he chuckled. maybe she's just a little shy, he thought. cute.

jihyun on the other hand, was panting as she reached the music room, sliding down against the closed door as she tried to catch her breath. "wow i probably ran more today than i did at all this whole month."

after she's calmed down, she started repeatedly hitting herself in the head. "stupid stupid stupid! way to go, jihyun. san talks to you and you immediately start embarrassing yourself. now what'll he think of you."

she then got up, dusted off her skirt and made her way to grab a guitar. not many knew that she could play well, or even sing for that matter.

but usually when she has a lot on her mind, the only way to relax is by playing the guitar and singing. it was her way of calming down. but she never wanted people to hear. ah who cares, no one ever comes here anyways.

and she proceeded to sing. she closed her eyes and immersed herself in the music, singing as she softly strummed the strings.

the door to the music room opened revealing san who decided to talk to her so they could discuss about their history assignment. he was surprised to find her singing and playing the guitar perfectly even with her eyes closed.

she continued, not realising that someone had entered. wow i never knew she was gifted with musical talents. it's no wonder she always does so well in her music assignments.

two minutes passed and she finally opens her eyes after she's finished singing. "hey." san who was leaning against the wall near her, greeted her. she looks up in shock before she fell back and landed flat on her butt.
