f i f t y - t w o

a/n: guys yall have no idea how much i cried internally because i really wanted to update but i had no wifi ugggggggghhhh but anws here i am w my shitty writing once again. ps yes idk how this went from airdropping memes to this but like...enjoy ig HAHAHAH


chapter 52:

"wake up, bitch!" jihyun's eyes flutter open before it shuts back when she feels cold water being splashed onto her. she shivers at the freezing temperature of the water before looking up at the figure looming over her weak, pathetic self. her head throbbed for whatever reason she didn't know.

jihyun sits up before the figure kicks her on the shoulder, causing her to fall back, lying on the ground once again. she tries to move but fails when she sees that her hands were cuffed, connected to a chain that was attached onto the wall.

she looks around, noticing that she's inside an abandoned building or some sort. "so, jihyun. didn't think i was capable of anything, huh? you thought i was only all words, didn't you? well, guess what, bitch? i'm about to show you how fucking wrong you are," the short-haired snarls, two other girls appearing from the darkness, standing beside her as they glared down at the chained girl, pathetically staying put on the ground.

the laugh before proceeding to beat her up, abusing her to the point they even questioned if she was still conscious considering how unresponsive the girl is.

"okay, girls, i think that's enough. let's go to school and leave her to rot in here for now," mina cackles, throwing the bloody bat she was holding, to the corner of the dark room. the two girls laugh, following mina out of the room before slamming the door shut, leaving a bloody, beaten up jihyun on the ground like they have for the past three days they've captured her.


"where the fuck is she?!" the short-haired girl jumps up in surprise when her locker shuts loudly. she turns around to meet san's eyes. "i have no idea what you're talking about." the girl replies shortly, trying to walk away before san grabs onto her wrist tightly.

the girl winced in pain, slapping san's hand a few times in attempt to make him let go but he doesn't. instead, he tightens his grip. "you know what the fuck i'm talking about. you're the one behind all this so if you don't tell me where she is right now, i'm going to snap your neck," he threatens her and for once, mina was actually scared.

but then again she's the one with the upper hand; she knows where jihyun is. a smirk overtakes her features before she harshly takes san's hand off of her wrist, taking advantage of her acrylic nails to scratch him, the boy immediately letting go when he felt the sudden pain.

"snap it then," she taunts, point at her neck. "do anything to me and i'll make sure jihyun stops breathing the next time you see her." she says darkly, narrowing her eyes at the boy. "and if you dare report me to anyone, she'll be dead before they even find her." she spits.

she takes note of his silence, immediately walking away when he doesn't respond. the boy turns around, glaring holes into mina's back as he watches her walk away, as if she had done nothing at all. "i'll fucking get you, han mina."

and so for the rest of the day, he couldn't focus, only planning on what he could do and the smartest and most basic thing he thought of was to follow mina after school.

though the two weren't in the same class, the girl would have to pass by his class to exit school so he decided that he should stay in class and wait for her to walk by then following her.

when he sees the girl passing by his class, he immediately stood up, leaving the classroom to follow her without her knowing. he notices that she's with her two other friends, or as he calls them, her 'minions'.

as he walks out the school, following them closely, he takes out his hoodie to put on so they don't immediately recognise him. he wonders if they're really going to the place they kept his best friend since they don't seem to be taking any kind of transportation. it's been almost ten minutes now and he only now realises that he's entered a pretty deserted zone, somewhere that looks abandoned and unoccupied.

he hides behind pillars and trash cans whenever he thinks that they're about to look back. when they enter a specific building, which seems to be an abandoned warehouse, he stays outside. he doesn't want this to be what he's thinking of but he's sure that it is. jihyun is in there.

it doesn't take long for the three girls to come back out, laughing. "shouldn't we at least feed her? she looks dead," one of the other two girls, haru, laughs. the other girl, gyuri, scoffs, rolling her eyes at what haru said. "she might as well just be dead." mina slaps gyuri on the shoulders. "gyuri! that's not a nice thing to wish upon someone," she says, before laughing out loud. "who am i kidding, i want her dead more than anyone." mina says darkly, the three girls walking past san who was hiding in the dark.

san frowns at this, waiting for about a minute so they don't see him when he comes out. and when he does, he sprints to the door, attempting to open it but failing when it doesn't budge. "fuck," he mutters, throwing his whole weight onto the door, trying to break it down.

he then realises his efforts are only going to go to waste because he finally notices a padlock locking the door. he resorts to banging the door loudly, shouting jihyun's name numerous times. "ji! jihyun! are you in there?!" he screams, banging the door.

he stops banging for a bit, putting an ear to the door to see if he can hear anything. his heart almost shatters when he hears a faint call for his name from the other side. "sโ€“san.." he hears jihyun's voice again before it completely goes quiet once more.

"ji, no! stay with me! don't worry, i'll get help!" he yells frantically, keeping his ears on the door. his hands shake when he holds his phone and his voice trembles when he speaks to wooyoung on the other end of the line.

"woo, help. i've sent you an address, i found jihyun. please come quick, bring something that can break down a door or something, i don't know! just come quick." he's scared, terrified because jihyun has stopped responding to him and he's worried she might have gone unconscious.
