n i n e


chapter 9:

"one regular matcha green tea latte, please." san handed the cashier the exact amount before sitting at his usual table. he took out his phone to check any new messages as he waited for his drink to be done.


jiji would like to share a photo.

Accept | Decline

he accepted it almost immediately, laughing at today's meme that he got. it had been a few days now and he had been receiving memes through his AirDrop from the same person every morning in that cafe.

when his buzzer buzzed, he got up to get his drink and went back to his table. the cafe door opened, making little bell noises as wooyoung, mingi and yeosang came in and sat down at the table san was at. wooyoung then got up to go order their drinks.

"how's your history assignment going, yeosang?" san questioned, taking a sip of his drink. "great, actually. we're almost done with it." yeosang replied, putting his head down the table. he had stayed up all night doing the history assignment as he was determined to get it done quickly.

having only closed his eyes for a few minutes, he groaned when mingi called him and repeatedly tapped his shoulder. "what is it, mingi?" he said, still having his head still on the table making his voice sound a bit muffled.

"isn't that jihyun over there?" with that, he immediately bolted up, his gaze following where mingi was pointing. "it is." his frown was replaced with a smile. "she looks so cute today."

mingi rolled his eyes, taking his drink from wooyoung who just came back. "what's up with heart eyes boy?" he asked, taking a seat next to san. "jihyun's over there in the corner and he won't stop staring."

"you know yeosang, i don't think you need that coffee to stay awake in school today. we can just mention jihyun and you'll probably be up right away." san said earning laughters from everyone on that table, even yeosang himself.

"that might just be it." he sighed contentedly, resting his head on his hands as he continued staring at jihyun.
