f o r t y - n i n e

a/n: sorry for the late update hhhh its 12 and i just got home from work and i have to work the morning shift tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ anws heres a wild chapter for yall :> stay mad but stay hydrated and most importantly rest well okay <333


chapter 49:

"did you find her?" they asked each other when they gathered again. they had searched around for almost 10 minutes but they still couldn't find the girl. the only one not with them at the moment was wooyoung and they hoped he had already found her.

jihyun had ran off to the rooftop to get away from the them all. she really just wanted to be alone at the moment unfortunately someone just had to follow her up there too.

"trouble in paradise?" jihyun spins around, rolling her eyes when she sees mina. "shut the fuck up, mina. i'm tired, go away," she says weakly. she had just finished crying and she wasn't in the mood for mina's bullshit.

"aw, is jihyun crying? what's wrong? finally realised you're nothing but an object to those boys?" mina mocks her. "can't you just leave me alone for once?" jihyun snaps at the short-haired.

"honey, you've got all that i want and you don't deserve any of it at fucking all. i'm not stopping until i get what i want," mina says menacingly, advancing closer to her. jihyun takes a step back every time mina takes a step towards her, resulting in her being trapped against the rooftop ledge with the short-haired staring her down.

"i don't know what the fuck it is that you want but if you have the slightest idea of how my life is like, i doubt you'd want it," jihyun spits back, trying to sound confident though her heart is beating so fast, not knowing what mina would do to her in their current position.

"you're probably the most privileged person i know, so stop acting like you have it hard. the only problem you'd have to deal with is probably the one you're running away from right now." she mocks again. "isn't that right, honey? the only thing you're good at is running away from your problems, am i right? isn't that why you ran away from home too?"

"fuck off, han mina. get a life," jihyun tries to push the girl away but fails when she stays rooted at her spot, arms extended to fully trap jihyun. mina places her hands on both jihyun's shoulders, smirking at the alarmed looking girl infront of her. "wโ€“what are you doing?"

"oh, honey. can't you see? aren't you smart enough to know what's about to happen?" mina says, faking a smile before it completely disappears, replaced with a glare. "i'm gonna push you off this roof and no one's gonna know what happened. nice knowing you jihyun, not." she laughs maniacally as she attempts to push the long-haired off the roof.

jihyun thrashed around, trying her best to push mina away but the girl was stronger. she was scared. terrified. she almost gave up trying to get out of mina's grip. when she felt her body already halfway off the roof, she shut her eyes tightly, losing all hope of ever getting out of this.

her breath hitched when she felt mina completely let go of her, her body almost falling over the ledge before she felt a pair of hands grab her waist. she immediately fell into the person's embrace before dropping down to the floor, weak.

"ji, are you okay?" a frantic-looking wooyoung asks the girl. she nods weakly, staying put on the ground as wooyoung turns his back on her. "what the fuck were you thinking?!" he screams at mina who was on the floor after he had physically pried her off of jihyun and tossing her aside.

"iโ€“i wasn't, i wasn't tryiโ€“" her pathetic attempt to lie was cut of by an angry wooyoung. "i'm reporting you and i'm gonna get you expelled because what you did," he points a finger at her. "was over the line."

"yโ€“you have no proof!" mina cries out, still on the ground. wooyoung turns to look down at her, raising an eyebrow at her stupid remark. "i'm not as stupid as you are. i managed to snap a picture," he glares at her before turning back to jihyun, helping her get up.

the long-haired girl was nothing but traumatised by the incident. it was a near-death experience and she was probably gonna get nightmares about it for the time being.

she stays quiet as wooyoung assisted her down the stairs slowly. "don't worry, ji. i'll report about it to a teacher at the end of the day, okay?" when she reaches her classroom floor, she is met with her worried looking friends all looking relieved to see her. but the relief was short-lived as they notice wooyoung helping her while she looks like she's about to cry anytime soon.

"ji, where were you? we were so worried! thank goodness you're safe! are you okay?" mingi rambled. they notice the look wooyoung gave her but remained quiet. "do you want to tell them what happened?" wooyoung asked softly, still holding onto her arm.

"nโ€“no, not now. maybe later at the end of the day when you find a teacher." she tells him quietly. "okay." he replies her, giving a small smile. "she's fine, guys. let's just get to class." he attempts to divert their attention, which they hesitantly did seeing how shaken up jihyun looked. but they decided to let it go, respecting jihyun's wish.

throughout the whole day, she didn't talk to san or yeosang at all. in fact, she didn't talk to anyone at all. only wooyoung understood why while san and yeosang just thought that she was only ignoring the two of them.

"hey, ji? do you want to come with me to report about it? the boys are coming along too and maybe you or me could tell them everything." wooyoung approaches her at the end of the day when they're packing their things. yunho had made it clear to san that he didn't have to send jihyun back since they were still on bad terms.

"it's fine. i think i want to go home alone today. i just want to get home quickly and go to sleep." she responds weakly. wooyoung gives her a smile, grabbing onto her teddy keychain to zip up her bag for her. "alright, then. stay safe, ji. see you tomorrow."
