Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Four


"Sister" Helaena mumbles as she sees her twin walk into her living area where her children sat.

"Am not here to harm you or your children" Naerys assured her twin "Where I she"

"Where is who Naerys"

"Aemond and Otto are dead, Aegon fled, your here surrounded by guards. But our mother there us no sign of her"

"A knife will be plunged into a Targaryen" Helaena muttered for only her to hear.

Naerys sits down next to her sister and takea hold of her hands "Helaena your my sister I would never harm you or mother"

"yet you murdered Aemond. What are you to do with Vhager or your husband"

Naerys hadn't thought of that. She had took his mother's throne his throne. And then took his son. She was his wife. A wife was suppose to stand by their husbands side no matter what. But wht of a husband Jace would never forgive her.

"That is in the future"

"And what of Vhager"

"I do not know, she lies upon the fields with Attor"

"Why did you do this Sister"

"He split first blood. Aegon took Rhaenyras throne"

"Then you did, they call you the mad Queen"

Naerys drops her sisters hands and stands up "Funny is it not I am a mad Queen and Attor is the mad Dragon"

"You burnt the twin down Naerys"

"I will find her Helaena. I would never harm you or your children"

"You've said that"

"Indeed I Have" Naerys replies as she walks of.

Jace was determined to get to the bottom of this and that is why he was on a ship with his family sailing to Kingslanding. Yes they had to be careful no one knew what Naerys could do. Not with Vhager now in her hands and the fact she had army's, she even had Ships.

He didn't know what to expect. Baelon was his son and Naerys was his wife. And she whad sat on the throne for a week. In the past two weel Jace had watched Naerys loose a dragon, her father, their child, Luke but at the same time he watched and heard of how she burnt down Kingslanding how she took her brother eye and left him for dead.

He didn't truly know his wife at all and he was indeed scared. Not of her but if what might happen.

"Jacerys we must be prepared do you hear me"

Jace was snapped out of his thoughts as Baela walked over "I do not need your words"

"Jace I know your feeling down" Baela admits "These past two weeks have been bizarre"

"Indeed they have Cousin"

"Do you think she will hand over the crown"

"I cannot say"

"You don't do you"

"Baela like I have said I do not need you words. Am the only one who should br worrying about what will happen with Naerys"

"And what of your son Jace, he could be in danger right thi moment"

"Naerys would never harm our son, not even over the crown" Jace snaps.

"Why did she even need to take the crown. She was Queen of Dragons and one day Queen at your side was that not enough" Baela hisses "Think about it Jace she appeared back on Dragonstone right after Luke died and then took of a few days later saying she was on our side"

Jace cuts Baela of and he turns around and looks at her "You do realise she is a Queen ethier way and if she ever heard you speak of he like that who knows what she would do"

"Do you do think she will do something. Jacerys she's doesn't know we are on our way, My father is on dragon back with Craxes we have a fighting Chance"

"Are you even listening Baela, I wont hurt my wife and there is no way we have a fighting Chance not against Naerys"

"We have to try"

"My lady there has been a dragon spotted of shores and is getting closer" A man says to Naerys as she walks along the halls of Palace.

"How large is the dragon" Naerys asks still walking.

"We do not know for sure but Quite large"

"Larger or smaller then Attor"

"The dragon does not look like the size of Your dragon my Queen"

"That's all you had to tell me" Naerys snapped "Have more Guards put on Princess Helaenas chambers and Prince Baelon"

"Yes your grace" The guards answers as he rushes of.

Naerys kept walking. She knew who the dragon was and who was on the dragon. At first she thought that Daemon some how claimed Veithmor. He was her great grandfathers dragon. Nearly 100 years old and if they claimed him they would have somewhat a fighting chance. As she kept walking she kept thinking.

Rhaenyra really thought that they could do a surprise attack. What was there plan, to murder her and her dragons. Even if they did that Vhagar was next to Attor and Then Ophi and Kadia would senses she was gone.

Naerys walked out of the castle as she approached the field where Attor and Vhager where.

A week ago when Aemond died Attor flew of and to the feild so if anything happened he could protect The half ruined castle. And then out of everyone's surprise Vhager flew of and followed Attor. Naerys had not tried to claim or even go near her incase something did happen. But today she had to. She had to risk her life, she lost everything for the crown and she was never going to give it up.

She had no birth right to the crown she was the second youngest of her fathers and mother's children. And her youngest brother Daeron had no claim ethier. But when Naerys married Jace she had somewhat a strong claim. She was ruler od dragons and as Queen of the seven kingdoms she ruled over nearly everything.

Naerys Reached Attor as she saw him laying in the feild next to Vhagar. She let out a sigh as she slowly aproched them and Attor sensed his rider and stood up. But Vhager stayed remained as she opened her eyes and saw Naerys.

Naerys gulps as she moves closer and closer. This would prove if she was truly ruler of dragons and if all this was actually for something.

Attor moved closer to Naerys as she smiled softly and Vhager stayed looking at the blonde.

Naerys stops Infront of Attor and Vhager and was ready to do it "Vhager dohaeragon nyke" (Serve me"

Vhager let's out a puff od smoke as Naerys closes her eyes ready forΒ  impact. But instead she hears a small growl making her open her eyes.

Vhager had now bowed her head as Naerys grinned then she turned back to Attor "Istiti jikagon Attor konir mazis syt nuke" (We must go Attor there coming for me)
