Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

Naerys arrived at the outside area of dragon keep area of the driftmark castle and found her brother Aemond walking into the dragon keep but before he could he spotted his sister.

When Aemond spotted his sister his face went I to pure shock. She was covered in blood and he was instantly worried.

"Sister what did you do" Aemond asked her.

"What did I do. What did you do" Naerys snapped.

"I am not the one covered in blood. Sister what happened "

"Someone attacked me while I was out at the dragons"

Anger grew as Aemond heard that his sister was attacked "Who attacked you"

"I do not know"

"We must go to father or mother"

"Please do not make me" Naerys begged "I do not want to face them"

Aemond took hold of his sisters hand "Sister I fear for your safety"

"I am fine. It is you who must fear, you took Vagher"

"She had no rider"

"Brother she was not yours to Claim" Naerys sayed slowly as she was tired.

"We must get you inside sister"

Naerys nodded her head as Aemond wrapped one of his hands around her waist and helped her into the dragon keep where they saw The twins and there nephews waiting for them.

When jacerys spotted Naerys walking in covered in blood he was immediately concerned. He knew she was not on vagher. So he worried even more. Than he looked down at where Aemonds hand was and that was enough.

"Vagher is my mother's dragon" Rhaena snaps.

"Your mother's dead and vagher has a new rider now" Aemond states still holding onto his sister "Naerys and I must go now"

"She was mine to claim not yours or hers" Rhaena says.

"Then you shouldve claimed her. Maybe your cousins can find you pig to ride" Aemond shouts "It would suit you"

Rhaena goes over to push Aemond which causes Aemond to let go of Naerys and shove Rhaena onto the ground and Naerys winces at the pain of her sides. Next thing Naerys knows Jace has ran up to her to make sure she is fine and Rhaenas twin punches Aemond in the face.

"Are you alright. Why are you" Jace says as Naerys cuts him of.

"Please do not worry for me"

Naerys then sees her brother hit Baela "Aemond do not"

Aemond ignores his sister "Come at me again and I'll feed you to my dragon"

Jace bcks away from Naerys and starts to fight Aemond.

Naerys watches this happen and can not do a thing as she is in pain. When Jace ends up on the ground and she sees luke fall to the ground Naerys walks over to her brother and pushes him "Aemond stop this"

"They started it am merely finishing it now move or Sir Criston will send another guard to kill you"

Aemond then shoves Naerys to the ground "Your lucky your alive"

Naerys was in pure shock "What"

Aemond realises what he just said to his sister before he could say sorry Jace gets back up and attacks Aemond. Naerys watches the twins and Jace attack her brother and she does nothing to help him. She just sits on the ground watching the events.

Till Aemond picks up a rock and take holds of Luke "You will die screaming in pain just like your father did and just like Naerys would have. Bastards"

"Let him go Aemond" Naerys demanded sd she trys to stand up but fails. Jace once again Rushes over to her to help her up

"My father is still alive and so is Naerys" Luke cries.

"He doesn't knwo does he, Lord strong" Aemond smiles "And you Naerys True Queen of dragons aren't you"

Jacerys pulls out a dagger and moves Infront of Naerys And the twins.

"Jace" Rhaena screams.

The boys strta fighting again as Jace ends up. On the ground and Naerys stands infront of the twins.

Luke grabs the dagger and slashes it across her brothers eye and that is when Naerys rushes to his side jkt caring about what had been said " Aemond. Aemond you will be alright"


Giards wlks over to Aemond and Naerys a guard looks at Naerys "We know what has happened. We found the body. Nothing will happen to you again princess "

Naerys falls back and let's out a sigh.


Naerys sat beside her brother as everyone gave her looks. By now everyone had heard about the body found by syrax and how the princess was attacked. And they also heard about what took Place in the dragon keep and what had been sad
As Naerya listened and watched Visery shout and her mother slap Aegon. She couldn't but help why sir Criston was aloud free.

She was no dragon queen or ruler of dragons. Everyone had to know that.

Naerys turned around as he heard Rhaenyra enter and shout"Jace, Luke"

Rhaenyra rushed to the side of her children and checked Lule and Jace.

"Who did this" Rhaenyra then asked.

"They attacked me" Aemond spat "And when my sister was checking your dragon she was attacked"

Naerys stayed Quite as she watched her family aruge.

Visery then demanded silence and everyone went Quite.

Jace turned to Rhaenyra and whispered in her ear "He called us bastareds and called Naerys the Queen of dragons"

"Aemond I will have the truth on what happened now and for you Naerys I already know" Visery demanded to his youngest son.

Naerys did not feel sorry for her brother. He helped her but all those vile words he said she would never forget.

"What else is there to hear, your son has been mamed and all you care about is Naerys being attacked. And her son is responsible" Alicent answered for her son.

Rhaenyra scoffed at the comment "It was a Regrettable accident and Naerys could have been killed"

"Accident, the prince lucerys brought a blade to the ambush and my daughter was attacked at your dragon . They want to kill My son and my daughter "

"It was my sons who where attacked and forced to defend themselves and if and I would never harm my sister" Rhaenyra snaps "Vile insults where levied against them"

"What insults" Visery asked and looked around.

"The legitimacy of my sons birth was loudly to Question" Rhaenyra replies.


"He called us bastards " Naerys hears her betrothed say but still couldn't help to only half listen as all she could think about was what Ameond said and what her father said when they where on the ship. Could she be the person to rule dragons. She couldn't be ecah dragon had their own rider. Besides her dragons. Which one was still quite young.

Naerys was pulled out her thoughts as she herd her mother

"I want the eye of Lule Velaryon " Alicent says "Sir Criston now"

"Sir Criston is a cunt" Naerys mumbles loud enough for her mother to hear.

Criston stays Quite as he watches Alicent.

"Alicent this matter. Is finished" Visery tells his wife "if anyone trys to order an attack on my daughter I shall allow her to feed them to her dragons"

Alicent watches as Visery walks away.

The he stops walking "And let it know if anyone Dare questions Rhaenyra targaryens sons birth. There tounge shall be removed"

"Thank you father" Rhaenyra bows her head then turn away.

Alicent then walks over to her husband and takes his dagger.

"Your grace" Criston speaks.

Then everyone started to shouting as Alicent walked over to Rhaenyra ready to attack Luke. Rhaenyra jumps infront of Alicent.

Naerys watches as her Mothera true self ahows

Then Naerys stands up and walks out before anything else happens.


Naerys stood at her window of her shared Chambers with her twin in driftmark getting ready to Leave when she hears s knock.

"Come in" Naerys shouts still staying where she stood.

"Naerys" She hears the voice of Jacerys and she turns around.

"Prince Jacerys" Naerys smiles.

"I came to wish you a safe journey like you did with I"

"Thank you" Naerys speaks "It means alot to Me"

"The next time we see eachother will to wed" Jacerys replies as he walks further into the room.

"In a years time"

"we will not change" Jacerys tells her as she looks at him.

"I fear I already have"

"What does that mean"

"My mother's Knight ordered my death because of A rumour I thought that was not true"

"And do you think it is" Jacerys questions"

"I truly do. I am no princess or Queen of the seven kingdoms. I shall never be"

"When we wed" Jacerys starts to say.

"When we wed I will be Naerys Targaryen rider of the dragon Ophi and ruler of Dragons"

"Than that you shall be"
