Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Ninteen

Of course she was gone. His wife left once again.
To who knows where Jacerys stood next to his younger brother as the ship sailed closer and closed To Dragonstone. Once again Naerys left him and her son. He hoped she was just at Dragonstone.

She was to be crowned and she still Left him.

"Jace Luke" Rhaenyra smiles at her sons as she looks at both of them.

"Mother" Luke smiles as he backs away from the side of the ship.

"Jace are you arlight"

"She's pregnant and she's just left me once again" Jacerys mutters "I don't know where my wife is"

"She's at Driftmark" Rhaenyra answers "She's beging crowned in the morning"

Jacerys turns around to look at his mother "Why can't she just do that at Dragonstone"

"I do not have those answer Jace, she will be a true Queen tomorrow and she has an army"

"There is no need for an army mother"

"She's being safe my son"

"Am going to check on my son" Jace sighs as he walks of.

"Mother he will forgive her once she's back" Lucerys says "He's just scared something might happen like I am"

"My boy Naerys shall be fine and return home soon"


"Princess welcome to driftmark " A man says as he walks towards her with men "We must to the ceremony quickly"

Naerys looks at them as she stands Infront of her three dragons "Has something happened"

"I cannot say Princess. Your loyal guard Sir Neal showed uo a few hours ago "

"Have Driftmark ready and the crown"

"Yes princess, what shall we do with the dragons"

"Let them stay here" Naerys declares as she walks inside driftmark.

"The king is dead Rhaenys" Alicent says "Aegon shall be crowned"

"And what of Rhaenyra and her sons" Rheanys asks "Do you plan on murdering them all including your daughter and her son"

"If a war happens Naerys and her son won't be touched. Especially as she's carrying a child"

"Do you know here your daughter is right this moment" Rhaenys says.

"At Dragonstone"

"She's at Driftmark"

"Why is my daughter at driftmark"

"She's to be crowned Queen of Dragons, every dragon may have there own rider but they will bow down to her" Rhaenys answers.

"If a war happens am sure her grace will side with Rhaenyra"

"You can leave once Aegon is crowned king" Alicent confirms as she starts to walk out.

"You Must be proud your son is to be king and your both your Daughter a queen"

Alicent turns around "Naerys would never harm us"

Then she walks out leaving Rhaenys locked in her Chambers.

Naerys stands in the throne room at Driftmark pacing back and forward awaiting her guard to arrive.

Sir Neal walked and bowed then for back up "Princess we must hurry up your corrantion"

"Sir Neal I do not get why we must" Naerys answers.

"Viserys Targaryen is dead and Aegon Is to be Crowned king by mid day."

Naerys fell apart inside at this. Her father was gone and Aegon was taking there sisters broth right, her husbands and sons.

"You must not stress your with child"

"Do not tell me to stress I left ny husband again, and Now my brothers taking Kingslanding"

"Princess Rhaenys planning on a attack, she what's you to be there"

Naerys straightens herself up as she a servent walks in with an crown, it was made of pure iron and had a red jewel on the middle.

"Sir Neal crown me here"


"I don't need a town to watch, I have an army if I need them but I must be at Rhaenys side"

Sir Neal takes the crown from the Servent and sends them off. As he walks towards Naerys.

"I amΒ  here today to officially Crown Naerys Targaryen Princess of the seven kingdoms, wife of Jacerys Velaryon Queen of dragons" Neal says as he slowly places the crown upon her head "Long live the dragon"

Naerys smiles as Her loyal guard Bows down "I await your orders my Queen"

"Have Attor ready for me to ride out, he is the largest out of the three and nearly the size of Vagher"

"Your grace What of Ophi"

"I will have her and Kaida surround the hall"

"Of course"


"Rheanys you do not have to do this" Alicent pleaded as she rushed infornt of her children"

Rhaneys stayed quiet as she sat on Meleys boyh awaiting the arrival of Naerys.

"Rhaenys please" Alicent begged again.

Rhaenyas heard a loud growl and looked back at Alicent "Long live the king"

Rhaenys flys out and Alicent let's out a sigh of relief.

"Mother" Aegon spoke as something or someone crashed through the roof of the hall and land on the ground.

Alicent looks up to see her youngest daughter on a large dragon which she knew was Attor her only male. Then she saw the crown upon her head.

"Naerys stop being foolish and go back to your bastard husband" Aemond spoke up "Your with child don't take risks"

"son" Alicent warns Aemond as Attor let's out another loud growl.

"Do not try to run, Kaida and Ophi have your surround" Naerys replies "And if you try to run Attor will burn you all to a crisp"

"Naerys this is not You my child" Alicent speaks up "If Rhaenyra has sent you"

Naerys cuts her mother of by climbing down from Attor and walking across the hall and stopping at the steps "Rhaenyra knows of nothing yet, I am on your side motherΒ  offer them to surrender and offer Jacerys Dragonstone"

Alicent backas away from her children and walks down the steps to her youngest daughter and pulls her into a hug "Thank you"

"Your my mother I would never betray you"

Helaena looks at her twin then to her husband and then her you her brother "A life shall be lost and from that a Mad Queen shall rise" Heleana whispers.

An- few questions

1. Should I leave this at the end of s1 meaning there will be no updates till 2024 lile fall of nymeria

2. Or should I kinda make my own story line up but adding most events from the books
