Chapter Five

Chapter five

Naerys laid Infront of the fire as night grew. She hated the fact that one day she would marry someone she did not know and have to leave her family.Well her twin and Rhaenyra.

She found Helaena lucky that she was to marry there brother and not have to leave Kings landing.

Naerys may have burnt half the town down but she did not mean it. She knew she should have not went behind her mothers back. But she had thought Ophi was trained.She was the oldest dragon in the entire Seven kingdoms she had nit had a rider in ages .After many Targaryens trying to claim her they failed.

When Naerys was born she had not been given a dragon egg. just like her younger brother. Many people said it was a bad oddom till she claimed her Ophi and that is when people claimed her as Queen of dragons .Which she knew she was not,she would never be A Queen. She was not in line.

Naerys heard her chamber door open and she was to tired to sit up and check who it was.

Naerys felt the person sit down at her feet.

"Naerys we must talk" She heard the familler voice of her mother say "I am disappointed in your behaviour last week"

Naerys stayed quite as she watched the fire.

"You have a training session with prince Jacerys tomorrow. Just the two of you"

Naerys immediately knew that something was up. She had never trained with her nephew and hadn't even had a proper conversation with him. She would only train with her brothers and that was rare "Why would i train with Jacerys"

"Rhaenyra offered a proposal"

"What kind of proposal" Naerys asked.

"You are ethier to Marry Jacerys or Aegon"

Naerys sat up and faced her mother "Helaena is to wed Aegon"

"Only if you wed Jacerys"

"I cannot do that,I will not"

"It is not up to you my daughter"

"Why would Rhaenyra do this"

"Because she knows that her sons are not fit to the throne"Alicent tells her daughter "I do hope your training goes well.Naerys you are my youngest daughter and i very much love you"

"And i love you mother"

Alicent embraces her daughter "Then act like my daughter"

Alicent lets go of her daughter and gets up and walks out leaving Naerys to watch the fire once again.

The next morning Naerys was dressed into a dark blue dress. Her mother wanted her in a green dress but Naerys put that idea Down. She would never disrespt her sister especially that she was a few months from giving birth.

Naerys had not talked to her older Nephew at All. The two would see eachother in the same room but never talk to one another. As there mother where at odds and Naerys was always with her brothers .

Naerys soon headed to find sir Criston and when she did they walked aside eachother to go to the courtyard.

"Princess you do not have to train with a bastard if you do not wish to"Criston tells her as they arrive at the court yard.

Naerys looked at her mothers sworn Protecter "You call any of Rhaenyras children that again and I will have your head. I may not like The prince Jacerys but it does not mean you can talk like him like that"

"Of course princess" Criston says and walks towards where Jacerys is waiting with Sir Harwin.

Naerys looked at Jacerys ans then to Sir Harwin. Of course she knew and it was true. Rhaenyras sons where bastards and the child she was with was to. She would never say it as she respected her sister more then anything .She was loyal to her family always.

"Prince Jacerys Sir Harwin"Criston greets them and snaps Naerya out of her thoughts.

"Jacerys" Naerys says with a polite smile.

"Naerys"He smiles back .

This was there first wvee conversation and it was going well so far except the looks sir Criston was giving jacerys and his father.

"Why do you not have the Prince and Princess fight"Harwin suggests.

"The princess is not allowed to fight especially the future king"Criston snaps "If she where to fight,she would be harmed"

Jacerys took this as a insult to not just him but Naerys .He knew ahe could fight he had watched her since he found out he could be wed to her "Am sure the princess can fight"

"Jace do not" Harwin warns him but is cut of by Naerys

"I know i can fight,Jacerys may be future king but i can fight"

Criston rolled his eyes at Naerys "Princess your mother does not want you to be harmed"

Naerys looked at Criston and what came out her mouth next shocked all everyone watching "Or is it because you think that hes a bastard"

"Naerys watch what you say" Criston warns her.

"It is princess to you" Naerys snaps then turns to face Jacerys "I am sorry"

Harwin watches his son as he waits for him to replie to the girl.

"It is not your fault Princess ,i just do hope you dont think the rumours are true" Jacerys answered back.

"No i would never. You are the nect king of The seven kingdoms. I place my trust in you,your mother and whoever you wed"

"And if we marry" Jacerys hints.

Criston ans Harwin look at eachother both with different expressions on there faces.

"Then i shall be the one that is lucky"Naerys smiled "Training might have not gone well but i very much liked talking to you.You are very polite"

"And I you"Jacery smiles back "You are to be my future Queen"

Naerys gives Jace one more smile before walking away.

Criston is fuming as Harwin gives him a smug look "Prince Jacerys you did well today.But the princess is hot headed whatever she said she might not have meant it"

Criston walked away following Naerys.

"Do you think she meant what she said"Jacerys asked Harwin.

"I do,she is the only right one out that lot"

"Today we celebrate my daughter princess Naerys Targaryen od house targaryen and Prince Jacerys Velaryon of house Velaryon betrothal"Visery says to his family.

Rhaenyra smiles at her son and then to her father.And every one begins to eat ans talk.

"Your marrying that cunt"Aegon asks his sister "You do realise he is a-"

"Do not finish that sentence" Naerys warns him "Brother he is the next king"

"Is that why your marrying him.Youve had one conversation with him"

"And it was Quite pleasant. More than this one"

Aegon leans closer To Naerys in his chair "If you where to wed me you would not sleep that night"

Naerys turns to face him and is only a few inches away from him "You would like that would you not"


Naerys then takes her glass of water and pours it on Aegons face and backs away from him.

"Naerys what on earth"Alicent shouts.

"Leave it be.It is merely water"Visery tells his wife. Whilst Lucerys and Jacerys are both laughing and Aemond and Helaena are whispering at with eachother.

"I will have you"Aegon mutters.

"In you dreams"Naerys replies and stands up and walks to an empty seat next to Rhaenyra and sits down.

"Sister" Rhaenyra smiles.

"Shall we eat" Naerys suggests and does not say another word.

"She is to be your wife"Luke laughs.

"Not for a few years" Jace States "And i will know her better"

"She just threw water on her brother infront of our grandfather. The king"

"Yes and it was funny"

"I will laugh when that happens to you"Luke giggles.

An- Double update on this story it is three am and I am tired but I had to write this hope you enjoy
