Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Twenty Five

"Jace there is something we have to talk about" Naerys states as she watches Jace place there newborn son down.

"Are you feeling well. Tell me your alright" Jace asks as h begins to panic.

"We have to talk about a few things"

"Am listening. I always will be"

"I don't want any more children, not for a while atleast" Naerys speaks quickly "I just"

"Hey hey Naerys we have a son now. That's all that matters to me"

Naerys smiles at Jace as he says this.

"I shall be at your side no matter your choices, I swear this to you Naerys Targaryen"

"And I you"

"No matter your choices Naerys" Jace whispers.

"We're almost there Jacerys" Rhaenyra tells her son as he smiles softly.

"And Daemon"

"He's on Craxes am sure he shall be there at the same time as us"

"A surprise attack is it"

"No one will be harmed I swear that to you"

"Thank you mother"

Naerys was on the back of Attor as she flew to the shores and landed on the beach. She was ready for them.

"Attor you Serve me remember that my boy" Naerys whispers as she Climbed of Attor and stood infront of him as she saw Him.

Naerys knew Daemon and Craxes would be here soon and now that she saw the longed neck dragon she didn't know what to think.

As soon as Daemon saw a large shadow among the clouds he immediately thought that His Necie had claimed Vhager but the Closer he got he saw Attor and Naerys standing infront of him. She was expecting him. But did he know that there were ships on there way.

Daemon Immediately landed Craxes at the start of water as he climbed of her and walked slowly towards Naerys.

"Necie or should I say your grace" Daemon yelled as he Craxes looked at Naerys ready to attack her.

"I would say this is a nice surprise but I knew you were coming" Naerys says back.

"You know you really pulled this off. I never thought on doing this. As soon as you saw Aemond you wanted to take over. Why is that Naerys"

"Don't say his name Daemon, now why the fuck are you here" Naerys snapped as Daemon took a few more steps closer to her "I would be careful Uncle Attor is rather Protective over his mother and if you look a few hundred feet back Vhager is lying in a field"

"Yet she has no rider, how do you know I don't have someone claiming her right now Necie"

Naerys let's out a small chuckle as Attor shows his teeth and moves his head infront of Naerys "Vhager mazeza commands yni uncle" (Vhager takes commands of me uncle"

Daemon looks at Craxes as she backs away at the sudden movement of Attor. Daemon watched as Attor growled and kept his head in front of Naerys. And if this was a different matter Daemon would be so fucking proud of hi Necie. He had never seen a dragon which was this protective and the fact Attor was only half the ge of Naerys and nearly the size of Vhager made him want to be more proud of her. But he was at Rhaenyra's side his wife's. Not Naerys

"Ao really issi ribazmoqitta" (You really are mad) Daemon answers in high Valyrain.

"Eman qurotan se run ema jeldan par se tubis nuha kepa iksim crowned Sir kessa kostan sagon ribazmoqitta" (I have took the thing you have wanted since the day my ftaher was crowned so yes I may be mad)

"Naerys just hand over Kingslanding"

"Over my dead body Daemon" Naerys yells back as she climbs onto Attor "Tell Rhaenyra if she is on her way here i will murder every last one of you"

"Even Jacerys"

Naerys ignores her uncle as he asks that and Attor flys up and over the seas as she spots a ship. Attor swoops down near the ship causing it to nearly tip over.

"Jace watch" Baela shouts as a large dragon swoops down nearly tipping the ship over.

Jace falls over as the ship Nearly tips and then he immediately gets up as fast as he can as he recognises the dragon "Naerys whatever your up to don't do it"

Naerys circles the ship as it comes closer to land "Attor do you think you can get me down"

Attor hears Naerys and flys closer to the ship and nearly touches the water. Naerys takes this as a chance to stand up and slowly walk on Attor wing and jump onto the ship.

Rhaenyra by now was standing beside The twins and Jace as Naerys stood Infront of them.

"Turn around and don't come back" Naerys demands not looking at Jacerys at all "Sister I don't want anymore blood to be spilt"

"What have you done with Aegon and Haelena" Rhaenyra asks as she walks Infront of the twins "There children, your mother what of them, and Baelon"

"Baelon My Sister and her children are heavily guarded" Naerys States "Aegon I have no clue where he went, the last words I heard from him was him saying he would Make Me his wife"

"Your already married Naerys" Jace speaks up out if jealousy. Even in this event he doesn't want Aegons or any one else's hands on his wife.

Naerys once again ignores Her husband "Rhaenyra you can keep Dragonstone and shall keep your title as princess, and I have already claimed Lady Rhaena as Heir to Driftmark"

"Your offering me the same thing Otto Hightower did. Naerys you will rule one day at the side of Jace and your a Queen already" Rhaenyra adds "I don't want a war"

"I sit the iron throne, not Aegon nor you" Naerys snaps "I lost my unborn child and beat friend in the same day then my dragon and father"

"Naeeya please I don't want another war sister"

"I do if it means I get to stay in the iron throne. Am willing to do anything"

Jacerys takes a chance to walk over to his wife and stops as they are a few inches apart "This is not You Naera"

"It is indeed Jacerys, I have lost to much to give the crown up" Naerys says as she holds her tears back "I murdered my own brother and grandfather the crown is mine"

"Please Naerys stand by my side again remember thr promise we made to eachother" Jace pleaded "I shall be at your side no matter your choices, I swear this to you Naerys Targaryen"

"Am no Targaryen am no Velaryon. I am the mad Queen that's what people have been saying. I have had this crown for a week am not giving it up"

"Then allow me to rule at your side my love"

"Jace" Baela warns as he ignores her.

"You and our son is all that matter to me. So am begging you for the sake of me and Baelon"

Jacerys then embraces Naerys

"Am sorry I can't" Naerys whispers into his ear as she feels a pain in her stomach "Jace"

"I had to, please remember I love you always" Jace says as tears fall from his eyes as his wife tightens her grib on his arm.

Rhaenyra watches as Jace plunges the dagger into Naerys without her knowing and she nearly breaks down. As he watchs her sister fall to the ground as Jace falls down beside her.

"I had to you went made Narea"

"A-and Y-yet B-baelon shall b-be king" Naerys States "I d-do love you Jace"

And with that Naerys closes her eyes.

Attor senses a something has happened and flys up and lands on the ship making it once again nearly fall into The sea. Attor then sees his mother's lifeless body
. Jacerys knows he has to bck away or his life could be at risk but he can't. He had just killed his wife, his Soulmate the mother of his child. And to what costs. He knows how lucky he is it is only Attor that is there. But what he doesn't know is Attor was Naerys favourite and he was as mad as she was.

Attor nudges his he'd agasint Naerys like he and he use to Do when they where younger. But Naerys did nothing return.

Attor then let his teeth out a as he looked at the person he knew his mother trusted most and he growled as Jace stood up and backed away and to hsi mother.

Attor Once again trys to get a response out of Naerys and once again fails. Attor then knows what he must do. He flys up and uses his claws to pick Naerys lifeless body up as Jace Rhaenyra and the twins watch Attor fly in the opposite direction.

"Jacerys" Rhaena finally speaks as she Watches more tears fill his eyes.

"We must get to Kingslanding and claim the crown back"

"Son the crown does Not belong to us" Rhaenyra mutters as she replayed her sisters last words "Baelon shall be king and we have to protect him and Helaena at all costs. Alicent and Aegon are still out there"

"Father" Baelon smiles as he rushes to him and embraces him "Mama said you would come. So where is she"

"Baelon she's not coming back" Jace explains "She's gone"

"Again, but kadia and Ophi they are still here. Where is Attoe"

"Attor took Naerys to peace"
