the party.

OLYMPIA ATTEMPTED TO REMAIN by River's side as much as she could, but her best friend was too much of a social butterfly for Oli to be able to keep up with her. It wasn't until River was surrounded by Emily, Kenzie and Jayden, chatting happily, that Olympia decided to go find where Arden had gotten to. Oli wandered through the hoards of people alone, her hand clutching a red cup which seemed far emptier than it should. It didn't take much to make Oli tipsy, which is why she really needed to find Arden. Nate had already left the party with Theo some time ago, and with River making conversation with everyone present, Oli could certainly use that as her excuse for finding Arden. Definitely not because her best friend of ten years was hanging out with the cast of her new tv show. Definitely not because a certain curly haired, guitar playing boy was in that cast. Not at all.

OLI HAD DEFINITELY HAD too much to drink. When she finally found Arden, the first thing she said was, "Hey, the cute one isn't here." Arden laughed, heaving a frowning Oli's arm over her shoulder. "Guys, this is my best friend, Olympia." "Hi," Olympia slurred at the four dancing faces, whom she recognised vaguely as Larry, Matt, Olivia and Julia. "None of you are my new years kiss." Arden let out a loud laugh, along with the rest of the cast. "Lympie, you've had way too much to drink." "I know, Ardie." Suddenly, someone stepped forwards towards Olympia, with a hand offered up. "Hey, I'm Olivia." "Woah," Oli giggled. "We're Oll squared." Olivia smiled sweetly at the girl. "I think you need some water. I'll take you to get some." "Okay," Oli giggled again, releasing Arden and grasping Olivia's hand, following her to the drinks table at five to midnight.

AFTER A BOTTLE OF WATER, Olympia was feeling much better. She hadn't drink that much, she was very much a lightweight, though she would never admit it. So instead, the girl sipped her water slowly, smiling at Olivia who stood beside her. "Feeling better?" Olivia asked. Oli nodded. "Arden's told me a lot about you. I've been looking forward to meeting you." "All good things I hope." Oli grinned. "I also heard you've been looking forward to meeting Joshua." Olivia laughed with a wink. Olympia shook her head gently with a laugh. "You heard about that?" "From the man himself." "Oh, God." Olympia laughed again, her cheeks stinging red in embarrassment. "Speaking of which, I should probably head to the drinks-" Olympia cut herself off as she looked around and noticed where Olivia had lead her.
"You set this up." Oli said, jaw agape at Olivia, laughing. "I love Joshy. And he deserves a shot with a genuinely nice girl, who I approve of." "I don't even know what to make of this." Oli confessed. "I just wanted a New Years Kiss." Olivia grinned before taking a step back. "Arden doesn't believe that. And neither do I." Liv smiled warmly before
walking off. "Enjoy."

OLI INSTANTLY REGRETTED picking up another red cup to calm her jittering nerves. Because now, her head was pounding. And she wanted nothing more to remember the events that were about to unfold. If they ever did. But time was crawling past, until the countdown began. A good four cups in, Oli stood alone and crestfallen as everyone began counting.

Ten. Nine.

Her hazel eyes became blurred as the music and shouting increased.

Eight. Seven. Six.

In her state, Oli's eyes didn't allow her to see the bouncing of curls approaching her.

Five. Four.

"Hey," said an unfamiliar voice in her ear. "Still up for that New Years Kiss?"

Three. Two. One.

Oli's lips met softly with Joshua's as her hands rested behind his neck. The frame of her glasses dug softly into his skin as Josh's lips moved in sync with hers. When they finally pulled back, Olympia was in a daze. She couldn't tell if it was from the kiss, or the alcohol she had consumed. Nonetheless, she smiled at Joshua, who looked just as flabbergasted as Oli felt.

"Happy New Year to the random guy I only just met."

Oli joked, and Joshua smiled in response.

"Happy New Year to the prettiest girl at this party."
