january 21.


liked by marsjones, joshuatbassett and 483,625 others
oliwalsh spent one day with this cutie preparing for almost two months of her 😍

tagged [marsjones]

view all 2,836 commentsΒ 

username1 omg they're working together on geek girl!!

username2 i can't wait to see oli as rinπŸ₯Ί

beelopez is that mango and pineapple?
marsjones yeA
beelopez respect

usenrame3 she's pretty wow 😌

username4 i am HERE for this friendship❀️

jupiterhealy you're telling me you know MARLEY JONES and im only just learning of this!!!???????
ardenalboush you have to introduce us, cast mate rules remember
oliwalsh fineeeee
marsjones omg hi guys

username5 πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅

username6 when does filming for geek girl start?

theofriar is this a new friendship group member? i like that ☺️
oliwalsh theo with all due love and respect stfu

joshuatbassett i can't believe she gets to spend two months with u whilst i don'tπŸ˜ͺ
oliwalsh stop being a baby and come over whilst i'm still here
joshuatbassett on it

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"SO," MARS SAID, SIPPING happily on her smoothie. "How's you and Josh?" "We're great." Oli beamed, any thought of the boy always bringing a smile to her face. Mars let out a small laugh at the sight before leaning forwards. "Go on, then. Tell me the real stuff." Olympia furrowed her eyebrows, causing her Mars to roll her eyes jokingly before continuing. "Tell me how you feel about him. Tell me all your feelings for Mr. Joshua Bassett." "Well," Oli started. "You sure you want to know?" She checked, knowning full well she could ramble on about Josh for hours given the opportunity. Mars nodded.
"Go ahead." Oli let out a sigh before starting. "There is nothing I adore more in this world than Joshua T Bassett. He's like a puppy mixed with a tiny little baby with curls. How is it fair for someone to be so cute yet so fucking hot?" Oli managed all in one breath, erupting a laugh from the redhead beside her. "That's so cute." She grinned. "And I have to agree, he is rather dashing, though not my type." "What is your type?" Oli asked, curious. Mars chuckled, taking a sip from her straw. "Girls." "Me too!" Oli cried joyfully before pausing. "Well, not all the time, boys too. Mainly Joshua." "That's cool." Mars laughed before narrowing her eyes at Oli once again.

"HAVE YOU TOLD HIM YOU LOVE him yet?" The redhead inquired. "Because it's obvious you do." Oli shook her head glumly, dropping her chin to her chest. "How come?" Marley asked, placing a hand on the other girl's arm. "I'm scared." Oli admitted, her brown eyes meeting Mars'. "I'm scared that..." "That he'll go full Ricky Bowen on you." The Brit finished. OlΓ­ nodded again. "Well," Mars said optimistically, throwing her empty cup into the trash. "Look on the bright side. Ricky and Nini were together in the end."
