february 14.

v a l e n t i n e ' s d a y

OLI'S NERVES WERE ALL over the place as she sat on her bed and waited. She hadn't heard from Joshua all day, but had received a text from River earlier this morning, telling her to be ready by four. So, as four came around, Oli couldn't help but sit on the end of her bed and tap her foot anxiously. Alas, half four came, and there was no knock at the door. Instead, a small rock flew at Oli's bedroom window, and another, and as she opened the glass pane, Josh climbed in. Or, tried to. As he went to take his foot off the top rung of the ladder, the leg of his suit got caught on the window frame, and Josh would up dangling upside down from Oli's second floor bedroom window. "God, Josh." She gasped, grabbing his hand and hauling him up into the window. Josh laughed as he stood up, his curls askew from his time dangling upside down.

"THAT WASN'T QUITE THE entrance I was going for." Josh grinned as Oli pulled him in for a kiss. "Well, it was rather magnificent, Joshy." The girl smiled, and that's when Oli really know. She was so fucking in love with Joshua Bassett.

✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:* γ€€γ€€ *:ο½₯゚✧*:ο½₯゚✧


liked by olivia.rodrigo, ardenalboush and 728,727 others
joshuatbassett can i have this dance?

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✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:* γ€€γ€€ *:ο½₯゚✧*:ο½₯゚✧

THE PAIR ARRIVED IN the sunflower field just as the sun was beginning to set over the distant hilltops. Oli gasped as she saw the formation of each beautiful flower, each tilted in unison to face the pink of the setting sun. After pulling her through rows of yellow petals, Josh finally laid out the picnic blanket in a small clearing, allowing Oli to take a seat. "This is incredible, Josh." The girl smiled, watching the colours fade across the sky slowly. Josh watched her eyes, before leaning back on his hands. "Oh, yeah? Well then, I have a question for you." Oli cocked an eyebrow as Josh took her hand in his own. "Olympia Annalise Walsh, be my valentine?" Oli nodded slowly, her cheeks flushed pink like they used to all that time ago when her and Joshua would talk. "There is no one I would rather spend this clichΓ© holiday with than you." And that is how the pair stayed, watching, hands intertwined until the colours in the sky leaked into an inky black, and bright stars appeared across it like splatters of white paint on a dark blue canvas. There was really no place better than that.

✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:* γ€€γ€€ *:ο½₯゚✧*:ο½₯゚✧


liked by ardenalboush, olivia.rodrigo and 837,826 others
oliwalsh boys with curls make my heart go πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

hattie's notes!
and that was curls!
thankyou all so much
for the ride, it was a lot
longer than expected
but i hope you all enjoyed,
stay tuned for the epilogue
and then we're done!
